sie/ihr, she/her
Deutsch, English, 日本語まだまだ^^;
- Comment on Mythbusters 8 months ago:
I WANT to believe this but I’ve seen too many elephant videos that turned out to be just elephants trained to do a quirky thing for tourists and there’s someone off camera subtly directing them.
- Comment on The heart we can't neglect indeed 8 months ago:
his own charity (this is wealth preservation tactic used by ultra rich).
I’ve never understood how this is supposed to work. If his money goes into the charity, it’s not his anymore. Seriously, someone please explain?
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 9 months ago:
“This is annoying. Fuck those lefties for forcing me to have to deal with this, fOr ThE eNvIrOnMeNt.”
- Comment on Neurodivergents of Lemmy. Do you think of yourself as (A) Cursed by fate, permanently damaged and suffering OR (B) Gifted by fate with a nonstandard package of strengths and weaknesses? 11 months ago:
None of the above? I have certain traits that society thinks are weird. That’s about it. I’m neither cursed nor gifted, I just very much don’t fit the definition of “normal”.
- Comment on How does delisting a game make/save money? 11 months ago:
The delist is presented as a big operating “loss” to tax authorities.
I have absolutely no fucking idea how taxes work. But this sounds to me like I have insurance on my hand and I sit down one evening with a knife and cut off my hand and then go to my insurance company, showing them my bloody stump: “gib money!”
- Comment on Whatever I use 10 1 year ago:
Mine doesn’t get it either and, uh… it’s soooooo easy and obvious that I don’t know how to explain. Yeah.
- Comment on Fan 1 year ago:
The absolute mostest of pits.
- Comment on Flux capacitor problems 1 year ago:
And relative to the street you were too fast. There.
- Comment on A gallon of milk is HOW MUCH? 1 year ago:
Discounter vs super market.
- Comment on Time for tacos 1 year ago:
That is half an animal’s worth of meat wasted for a dumb joke. Do tell me it had gone bad and was about to be thrown out anyway at least.
- Comment on x last night 1 year ago:
Not for the purpose of giving it to the people.
- Comment on "Star Trek Strange New Worlds Season 2 - Subspace Rhapsody (Original Series Soundtrack) Star Trek Strange New Worlds Season 2 - Subspace Rhapsody (Original Series Soundtrack) by Various Artists 1 year ago:
Get thee behind me, Satan, I shall be strong and resist and wait for the episode.
- Comment on Youtube frontpage in 2023 1 year ago:
horseback was believed to be capable of rupturing the hymen
It can do that but that’s only of any interest if you think a piece of skin is important.
- Comment on Youtube frontpage in 2023 1 year ago:
Wait, sorry, I’m trying to understand. It’s “based on a verse from Muhammad” but it’s not in the Quran? Where is the verse then? And why does not being in the Quran invalidate it if it’s by Muhammad?
- Comment on J. Robert Oppenheimer’s Grandson Says He “Definitely Would Have Removed” One Scene in Christopher Nolan’s Film 1 year ago:
Thank you for saving everyone a click.
- Comment on My dog and I got jumped by raccoons this morning. Now I have to pay at least $1500 to make sure I don't get rabies 1 year ago:
Pardon? “Why” what?
- Comment on Why do some independent creators/small projects still have crypto donation links? 1 year ago:
Yeah, I should probably qualify and say “one of the bigger, more stable currencies”. From what I know about this stuff, which isn’t very much admittedly, those seem worthwhile if you don’t plan to keep them anyway. I don’t care about volatility if I’m not hodling, do I?
- Comment on My dog and I got jumped by raccoons this morning. Now I have to pay at least $1500 to make sure I don't get rabies 1 year ago:
It ain’t your job to keep yourself healthy, it’s the job of the government to keep their citizens healthy.
I live in socialist paradise and I still think that’s a weird, weird thing to say.
- Comment on Why do some independent creators/small projects still have crypto donation links? 1 year ago:
I have absolutely no interest in owning cryptocurrency but if anybody wanted to donate some ETH or BTC or USDC or XKCD or MPH or whatever to me, I’d take it, sure (and then exchange for real world money, obviously). Why would you reject free money? Especially if you’re a smaller project that doesn’t get too many donations anyway.
- Comment on Strange New Worlds 2x08 was one of the best Star Trek episodes ever 1 year ago:
Notreadingthatnotreadingthatnotreadingthat because I haven’t seen it yet (woe is me). I’m just here to express my amusement about how lately every week we seem to get “the best Star Trek ever” ;D
- Comment on Why don't more poor people join mutual aid groups instead of using charities? 1 year ago:
I’d assume
That’s the thing, your view of humanity is rather idealistic. Most people are too cynical to assume that other people will help them out of the goodness of their heart. Not to mention that there are loads of people who indeed WOULDN’T help simply because someone else needs help.
Also people with disabilities aren’t helpless and can still be useful to a community
Obviously. But “making it public knowledge what requests each individual member has contributed” will inevitably lead to scrutiny of people who don’t contribute as much as others. That’s where you’d need to decide whether this person (who seems to be receiving more than they’re giving) actually cannot do more than they’re doing or whether they’re abusing the system.
- Comment on Why don't more poor people join mutual aid groups instead of using charities? 1 year ago:
So how do you determine if someone has contributed enough to receive something in return? What about people who cannot meet that demand, because of sickness and/or disability or other reasons?
- Comment on For the love of god make this happen 1 year ago:
That’s why i indicated where the description starts and ends.
- Comment on For the love of god make this happen 1 year ago:
Yes, but why? I’m trying to understand, why would people with visual impairments need the context made explicit? How does this improve accessibility?
- Comment on For the love of god make this happen 1 year ago:
Oh, that’s new. The context isn’t in the image, people without visual impairments have to infer it as well, is there a reason why I should include it in an image description?
- Comment on For the love of god make this happen 1 year ago:
I know, this is for accessibility.
- Comment on For the love of god make this happen 1 year ago:
[image description]
Toot by Marco Arment, Toot reads:
Can we please pronounce it “ten”
[end image description]
yes. done.
- Comment on ‘Barbie’ vs ‘Oppenheimer’: Which Movie Got Better Reviews 1 year ago:
“Hmm, Oppenheimer or Barbie… Let’s check the reviews… Okay, I see. Oppenheimer it is, kids!”