- Comment on Man who lost bitcoin fortune in Welsh tip explores purchase of entire landfill 2 weeks ago:
I can’t imagine the data would even be readable after all this time. Hard Drives ain’t built to survive being in a tip for a decade, so the odds that water, corrosive liquid and gas got in there is pretty high. That layer that actually holds the data on the platter is incredibly delicate of course, so I wouldn’t hold any hope that the platter could even be removed and read. Must be terrible to have to get up for work every day knowing what slipped through your fingers.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
After around 16,000 hours, I’ve found WoW to be a lot more fun playing with others than just restricting myself to open world and full-PUG content. The last expansion was decent (story was a bit meh, but gameplay was great) and the current expansion has been okay so far. I just hope they can get balancing right on events going forward, since it’s getting tiring seeing them create a massive artificial grind then walk back on it a week or two later.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
After playing for 2000 hours, this one is an easy recommendation from me, too. The game was quite light on endgame content at release, but due to the design of the game, now the vast majority of the game occurs at ‘endgame’ and can be very fun. I love how I can come back after a couple of years, buy access to any content I missed in the meantime and have a character that doesn’t need to grind levels or gear, just jump straight into story mode and get caught up on the story. Even better when you don’t have to worry about making your playtime feel like it needs to be ‘worth it’, since you don’t need to pay monthly to play.
- Comment on Why Britain is the world’s worst on homelessness 7 months ago:
Until we:
- Ban buy-to-let mortgages.
- Ban landlords from owning multiple houses.
- Invest into social housing and ban so-called “affordable housing” lettings. We’ll continue to be stuck in this downward spiral.
The problem is, everyone in power is a landlord or otherwise benefits from the current system, so nothing changes and we continue circling the drain as a society.
- Comment on Tales of the Shire - Official Announcement Trailer - PEGI 10 months ago:
Looks like Palia with hobbits. Personally I’m not too impressed, but maybe it’ll find its niche.
- Comment on World of Warcraft Subscription Numbers Are Higher Now Than at Expansion Launch in a Franchise First 11 months ago:
As someone who’s played a lot of GW2 over the past couple of years, I can confirm that it’s still fantastic. It doesn’t get anywhere near the amount of content that WoW gets, but it’s on a good cadance these days and outside of buying expansions, is absolutely playable without spending a penny.
- Comment on Keir Starmer set to reject EU overtures to join revamped bloc as 'non-starter' 1 year ago:
Politics is fucked up, glad you noticed. Lib Dems are also sellout liars and there will never be another referendum. Sorry to burst all your bubbles at once, but that’s the way it goes in this country.
- Comment on Keir Starmer set to reject EU overtures to join revamped bloc as 'non-starter' 1 year ago:
Voting for a party that will get into bed with the Tories at the first sign of power coming their way, a party that has repeatedly said they will not do a deal with Labour, is a vote for another Tory hegemony.
Lib Dems had one chance to show they wouldn’t sell out and they cheated their core demographic that got them power. They don’t deserve a second chance.
- Comment on Keir Starmer set to reject EU overtures to join revamped bloc as 'non-starter' 1 year ago:
I’m surprised he said anything considering his track record on not taking a stance on things.
- Comment on Brexit: Labour will seek re-write of deal, Starmer says 1 year ago:
Wow, Starmer actually managed to decide on a manifesto pledge? I was starting to think that indecisive git was incapable of actually standing behind a statement. At this rate, we might know where Labour stand on a whole three issues by the time the general election is called.
- Comment on Wizard's Vault Objectives Updates: Valdhertz Crypts and Daily Objective Choices 1 year ago:
I guess I have a higher expectation for working content than you do. My surprise isn’t that a low priority task isn’t getting done (ignoring the fact that nobody from ArenaNet has stated what its priority is), it’s that it would be given such a low priority in the first place, and that the best course of action is to remove it as a daily rather than fix it. It’s even more surprising when you consider that entry into the mini-dungeon is hidden behind an achievement that the player can’t possibly know about without looking it up (which is probably a good argument for it not being a daily in the first place). Therefore you can spend half an hour or more just getting to the final room just to find out it’s bugged and to give up. It’s not a good look for a game that is relatively bug-free.
- Comment on Wizard's Vault Objectives Updates: Valdhertz Crypts and Daily Objective Choices 1 year ago:
It blows my mind that Valdhertz is still bugged 18+ months after it was introduced. I think I’ve had it work correctly once in the half-dozen times I’ve tried it - enough to get the achievement but not enough to actually finish my dailies yesterday. Still, at least they’re acknowledging the issue and are doing something.
It would be nice to be able to select PvE and WvW and get a more varied selection of activities, and the extra daily change goes a little way to enabling that, at least.
- Comment on Early opinion 1 year ago:
My experience has been similar to what was already posted, to be honest. I reached chapter 7 before finishing last night and found the story so far to be quite engaging. I like the new characters, and introducing them while removing the pact members from the story really makes it feel like we’re in a new era. I feel the narrative team has done a good job moving the story forward, so far.
Skywatch Archipelago is a good map - decently sized with enough unique biomes to not get tired of it quickly. At first I felt it was a little bit of a cop-out to make a “Dragonfall” map with existing parts of the world, but when I really explored it, I realised the entire map is unique - and has some really interesting concepts at work in a ‘what-if’, fractal way. I haven’t explored too much of the hub yet, but it feels like a nice hub with everything we need in a tight area, which I like. From what I’ve seen, it also doesnt have any NPCs giving the same dialogue every single time you walk past them, which is a big bonus.
In regards to systems, I’m not blown away by the glyph system - most of the ones I’ve seen are useless to my spec, I’ve gained 4 so far and, at least for my main character, I don’t really feel like I want any more. The daily system is a big downgrade in my opinion, however. I like how we can select what we want now instead of constantly being given items we don’t want, but that’s massively offset by the new daily/weekly system. I don’t want to guess ahead of time what content I want to do, and I don’t want to be forced to complete activities I don’t enjoy just to finish the daily / weekly path. The old system of choosing four of the available twelve activities worked great for me, all they needed to do was maybe remove some of the trivial ones like Mystic Forger, Forager, Vista Viewer and add in ones from EoD and SotO. Personally, I don’t want to be forced to log in for 30 minutes every day just to do my dailies, as well as be forced to do exactly what the game wants me to do with no exceptions. For me, GW2 is a casual game I’ll play for a time when not subbed to WoW or engaged with another game, but then I’ll want to drop back to 10-15 minutes of login, dailies and crafting when I’ve got other things to play. GW2 doesn’t have enough engaging current content for me to make it my “only game”, so forcing me to spend more time doing mundane daily tasks is just going to make me want to quit entirely. Thats just my opinion, though.
- Comment on Alan Turing: Stolen items returned to UK school from US after 40 years 1 year ago:
So a random woman stole the items, changed her name to Turing a few years later, then 35 years later tries to loan the stolen items to a university pretending to be a relative? What an absolute nutcase!!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Yet another scummy energy company led by grifters and ripe for nationalisation.