- Comment on Anon makes a deal with a demon 6 months ago:
Plus, for some time we will be able to drink from the oceans.
- Comment on Sorcery 7 months ago:
How does that work? 🙀
- Comment on Why is there no sense of "camaderie" in the workplace? 7 months ago:
Spot on. This lack of secure employment (and yes, also probably lack of sense of purpose) also undermines the social relationships necessary to collectively bargain (with a union or not) for better working conditions. When workers don’t feel they have each other’s back, they are less likely to pressure an employer for better pay and conditions.
- Comment on if the total fertility rate drops and stays below global replacement rate, will humans disappear? 7 months ago:
That’s why I said:
Which would of course also require a collective form of prenatal sex selection
If the goal would be to have a stable population size but with fewer births per woman, I think a collective form of prenatal sex selection (of the kind I describe above) would work.
What this sex selection would look like would be another issue. Whether externally fertilized embryos are selected before they are placed in a womb, or whether it would involve forms of abortion (or even infanticide): it’s up to your imagination.
But there are no lies, nor any misapplied statistics?
- Comment on if the total fertility rate drops and stays below global replacement rate, will humans disappear? 7 months ago:
Thanks all for your replies. Interesting.
I’m a bit surprised that nobody comments on the matriarchal speculation at the end. You’re all fine with that?
- Comment on if the total fertility rate drops and stays below global replacement rate, will humans disappear? 7 months ago:
Expressed as “the average number of babies that an individual woman needs to have for a certain population to stay the same size”, the replacement rate should not depend on population size, right?
If you express it as an absolute number (e.g. number of babies per year) than obviously it will depend on population size.
From what I understand, the replacement rate (expressed as the average number of babies that an individual woman needs to have for a certain population to stay the same size), depends mostly on what percentage of people die before they (can) have babies.
- Submitted 7 months ago to [deleted] | 47 comments
- Comment on Get in the Hilux 8 months ago:
- Comment on Get in the Hilux 8 months ago:
- Comment on Get in the Hilux 8 months ago:
A lot of the work we do is effectively to satisfy the (constantly changing and growing) desires or the wealthy (or let’s say, the desires of the people who employ wage workers).
Simple example: labour productivity has grown with 70% since the 70s while real wages have stayed more or less the same. So half of that growth in output hasnt been going to workers.
- Comment on Ironing 8 months ago:
The good thing is that you don’t have all these toxic, wealth-dependent, brand-indoctrinating capitalist, environmentally destructive fast fashion pressures for kids.
- Comment on Conspiracies 9 months ago:
In that story, sometimes the moon would be so close, that if you would jump on the right moment you would be taken up by its field gravity.
- Comment on Conspiracies 9 months ago:
There is a great story about that by the great writer Italo Calvino called ‘the distance of the moon’: ……/calvino-italo-cosmicomics.pdf
- Comment on Incredible Bicycle Cars - Human Powered Vehicles 10 months ago:
Great watch, thank you
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Why is this dowvoted. This is great.
- Comment on new adaptor just dropped 1 year ago:
Is this from USB to gardenhose?! So I can finally connect my old thinkpad to the projector?!
- Comment on Equally as good 1 year ago:
Not sure if I would have wanted to “explore the known world”. Seems like there was a lot of dying and killing involved.
- Comment on Now that the Middle East conflict is back. Was wondering why they call them settlements instead of towns? 1 year ago:
Because the people settle there. The land was “empty”, like it was “empty” for the settlers in the Americas.
settler: noun a person who moves with a group of others to live in a new country or area. “the early European settlers in America were often fleeing from religious persecution”
synonyms: colonist, colonizer, frontiersman, frontierswoman, pioneer, immigrant, newcomer, incomer, homesteader, habitant, redemptioner, squatter
- Comment on Is there a title (Mr/Ms/Mrs) that is gender neutral? 1 year ago:
Dear reader