- Comment on Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Early Reviews Are In And It's Looking Good 6 months ago:
I adored the first one. Exciting!
- Comment on This page in my kid’s book from school to learn how to read. 1 year ago:
See, I thought it was mildly infuriating because the images aren’t “many types of airplanes”, they’re only a few types of airplanes repeated at different sizes or different angles.
- Comment on New York restaurants fight back against reservations by bots 1 year ago:
I love that this article was posted by a bot.
- Comment on Where can I find recipes without the author's personal anecdotes? 1 year ago:
I use an app called “Recipe Keeper”. Once the recipe page with all of the garbage has loaded, I hit the “share to Recipe Keeper” button, and it strips out all of the garbage and just shows the recipe.
- Comment on **A HAUNTING IN VENICE Discussion Megapost** 2023-09-15 🕵🗡 1 year ago:
I loved the book “Halloween Party” but this sounds like it changed a LOT. Anyone out there who has read the book is it any good as an adaptation or am I just going to be annoyed the whole time?
- Comment on September 8 - 10, 2023 - Weekend Box Office (Estimates) 1 year ago:
Huh, and this weekend I saw “Talk To Me”, which didn’t even make the list. Good movie, though.
- Comment on what is RSS? 1 year ago:
It stands for “Really Simple Syndication”, but you don’t need to know or care about that part.
The part that matters is that you get news from places you trust without the algorithm BS. RSS lets you subscribe to any website you want, and you see all of their new posts, in reverse chronological order, no algorithm. You can (if you have a good reader) filter out subjects you’re not interested in, and just see the stuff you care about.
I recommend trying out Feedly ( with a few sites you already follow, and going from there.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 13 comments
- Comment on AITA for yelling at my daughter no and that her mom isn’t here? 1 year ago:
This is a repost, so OP isn’t here, but yes, OP is TA.
I get it, he’s suffering, but so is his kid and he seems unable to acknowledge how hard it is for her. He needs to go to her, say he was wrong for yelling, and find some way for them both to be sad together.
- Comment on **STRAYS Discussion Megapost** 2023-08-18 🐶🐶 1 year ago:
This looks like a great movie. FOR ME TO POOP ON!
Sorry, there aren’t many opportunities as good as this one to bust out Triumph the Insult Comic Dog jokes these days. Anyway, I’ve seen the trailer far too many times in front of other movies, and it looks a bit crap. I’m willing to be persuaded otherwise but that is what I’m assuming.
- Comment on Is Lemmy "just" Usenet plus voting? 1 year ago:
What I liked about Reddit was that it offered the kind of threaded conversations that Usenet used to.
What I still like about Mastodon is that federation lets you find the community that is right for you, the way Usenet used to.
If Lemmy can offer both then as far as I’m concerned it will be the best resurrection of Usenet that I could hope for.
- Comment on AITA For taking a step back from my bonus daughter 1 year ago:
Ok, I don’t understand any of this, starting with the phrase “bonus daughter”. Based on all of the weird fetish stuff, I’m guessing it was a weirdo who should have been moderated, and the lack of moderation tools recently meant it slipped through?