- Comment on Painkiller - Announcement Trailer 1 week ago:
I’ve played the original for years and never found all the secrets. Can’t wait to miss more in the new one
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
That’s right, my bad
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
Don’t worry, humans are space orcs
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
We used to have larger mouths, they’ve been shrinking as we evolved
- Comment on proof 3 weeks ago:
Weeding out those kind of people is an unexpected, but sweet, side effect
- Comment on proof 3 weeks ago:
No connection language-wise, they’re just saying both are true
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 3 weeks ago:
I am one too, but I do like cooking. And I also definitely have nights when I can’t be arsed to put anything together so I get your point
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 3 weeks ago:
It depends on your lifestyle obviously. I have a sedentary job so I need to be a bit mindful of what I put inside my body
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 3 weeks ago:
Not a fan of reheating pasta when it’s so easy to make a fresh batch tbh
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 3 weeks ago:
That being cumbersome sounds weird to me, but it’s probably due to me always having a scale with a bowl at the ready, so it might be different for others
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 3 weeks ago:
100 grams per person is the standard I grew up with, now I do 75.
- Comment on Heh 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Heh 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on GameStop selling 500+ stores because of "woke". 5 weeks ago:
You’ll never be a billionaire if you’re a nice person.
You’ll always lose money caring for stupid shit like paying fair wages to employees, respecting laws and paying taxes.
- Comment on What's wrong with this picture? 5 weeks ago:
Well, for starters it’s not sugma
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 1 month ago:
Opt in. Use random bathroom. Ruin the dataset.
- Comment on Sounds like a fun place to work 1 month ago:
That’s a strange way to say the company offers remote work
- Comment on Deepseek when asked about sensitive topics 1 month ago:
I saw it can answer if you make it use leetspeak, but I’m not savvy enough to know what that tells about guardtails
- Comment on I hate when this happens 2 months ago:
Yeah computer mana is a thing. If the machine doesn’t respect you, you’ll always have lots of weird issues.
- Comment on The Auto Sort Is Broken, a game where you play an RPG store owner that organizes NPC players' inventories while listening to their adventure stories, released on Steam 2 months ago:
Yeah it’s insanely replayable.
Honestly I tried the story mode they added and it doesn’t really add much for me. I’d much prefer if they kept on adding items and challenge runs that force you to make different choices.
- Comment on The Auto Sort Is Broken, a game where you play an RPG store owner that organizes NPC players' inventories while listening to their adventure stories, released on Steam 2 months ago:
One of my most played games is Backpack Hero, a dungeon crawler where inventory management is the core mechanic. The idea is that you don’t just make stuff fit in the available space, but also items position including, but not exclusively, in relation to other items provides various effects and bonuses. This game looks like something akin to that.
I’m sure it’s not for everyone, but it’s definitely satisfying to try coming up with new combos and strategies to get the most ridiculous and overpowered bonuses.
- Comment on Italian Legislators Rekindle Decade-Long Grudge Match Against Tripadvisor And Its Reviewers 2 months ago:
Yeah, but the current government is dangerously trending in that direction
- Comment on Some Older PC games I have, just wanted to share. 2 months ago:
I remember playing Project IGI, that one was hard. Die and you have to redo the entire mission, brutal.
- Comment on What game surprised you with their length? 3 months ago:
No matter how much I’ve played it, I don’t think I’ve ever got past half of the campaign of Sacred.
Now playing Elden Ring and even if I’m just starting out I’m constantly surprised by the amount of stuff in the world, most of which I only discovered the second or third time I visited the area it’s in.
- Comment on Goku 3 months ago:
Is Goku there to congratulate or fight them?
- Comment on what a moment to live 3 months ago:
No, that’s kinda what I meant
- Comment on what a moment to live 3 months ago:
That’s it, I officially get my news mostly from memes
- Comment on Anon plays spin the bottle 3 months ago:
At camp some guys and girls were playing in a tent, I was not included.
One got out and told me I could join. I tried to and they all laughed at me. Still hurts a bit.
- Comment on This map will hopefully clear up any further confusion. 3 months ago:
Aye lads, we be Scottish now
- Comment on Creamy 3 months ago:
So that’s why it has holes