- Comment on THE EARTH IS SPHERICAL, DIPSHITS 2 weeks ago:
Love this video and have forced it on many of my friends. It’s a straight up documentary and it’s so interesting to me.
- Comment on How do you voice chat without bothering roommates? 2 months ago:
So, there’s a difference between sound absorption and soundproofing. Curtains and foam panels can do wonders for making your room sound better acoustically but won’t do much to lower the amount of sound getting out. The only way to actually soundproof is either by adding a bunch of mass (bricks/concrete blocks/mass loaded vinyl) or by creating air gaps (or some combination of the two). Conflating soundproofing and sound absorption is very common but they are different. . Paper egg cartons will do little to nothing for either sound absorption or soundproofing; this myth comes from old style sound absorption foam tiles that kinda looked like egg cartons and where therefore referred to as such.
You’re absolutely right about sealing door gaps helping though.
- Comment on New report claims gamers spend more time watching videos about gaming than playing games 2 months ago:
Looks like they’re out of stock on the on sale ones to me
- Comment on A Real Bomb Tech Talks About The Dangers of Magnet Fishing 4 months ago:
Great watch, hopefully they make more of this type of content!
- Comment on Hmmmm 4 months ago:
I’m not sure but I think that comment might be clever satire
- Comment on Alan Wake, Control developer agrees €15m convertible loan from Tencent 5 months ago:
K. Nor do industry traditions invalidate my opinion.
- Comment on Alan Wake, Control developer agrees €15m convertible loan from Tencent 5 months ago:
News headlines aren’t limited by space on physical paper anymore. If your headline is confusing because of traditions based on outdated limitations it’s not a good headline imo.
- Comment on Aluminum 6 months ago:
couldn’t pronounce “graphics”
That’s not how acronym pronunciation works though. We don’t pronounce them based on the words they stand for, otherwise we would pronounce NASA, SCUBA, LASER, etc. differently. Both pronunciations have valid arguments so why can’t we just accept both and stop being weird about it.
- Comment on Caligula: The Ultimate Cut and the 45-year mission to mine a better movie 6 months ago:
Does Easy A count?
- Comment on Battle Grouse 11 months ago:
This is great, did you write it or was it pulled from an actual Rimworld piece?
- Comment on American bully XL dogs to be banned by end of year - Sunak 1 year ago:
Because when they do attack they are capable of doing serious damage; enough to be reported. No one is gonna report a dachshund attack for example so statistically it looks like dachshunds never attack people.
- Comment on Netflix is going to let DVD.com subscribers keep any unreturned discs 1 year ago:
Except vinyl records and for some weirdos cassette tapes
- Comment on Writers Guild East Leader Says This 100-Day Strike Is Different: Studios More “Obstinate” Now 1 year ago:
I watched that movie ‘65’ with Adam Driver and the whole time I was thinking this has to be a movie written by AI