- Comment on Tried to order a part before the tariffs 3 weeks ago:
I was trying to avoid the “well actually” response.
I’ve had a number of items get held by FedEx (or whoever) because of import duties over the years and I’ve had to pay the delivery company to get it released.
This is a well worn path, and kudos to this one to warn you that new tarrifs are in place, the customer would be subject to them, and giving them an option to decline it.
- Comment on Tried to order a part before the tariffs 3 weeks ago:
Import duties are not always part of the agreement.
They didn’t change the rules, there is now a charge by the government on it getting delivered, not by the company.
- Comment on Centuries-old leasehold system to be abolished in England and Wales 3 weeks ago:
That and it was the Brexit pre-cursor.
Would you like this dying child to get a ventilator, or an alternative voting system?
Turns out, you’ll have neither.
- Comment on Who will be the next James Bond? Amazon's tough 007 decision 4 weeks ago:
Not entirely unknown, but I would like it to be Rahul Kohli. Unfortunately I wouldn’t be surprised if he is too old now.
- Comment on Retail giant Monsoon's CEO calls on UK to scrap tax loopholes benefitting Shein 1 month ago:
I’m not saying I agree with this, but just to explain what is happening.
Companies pay tax on profits. The idea being that if I make metal widget that I sell for £1 then just flat taxing me at (for example) 20% would mean I owe 20p tax.
Now if I bought the metal from my widget from a Sunderland refinery, and they charged me 50p for the metal to make the widget then my £1 widget is actually only worth 50p, and that 20p tax starts looking fairly high. If I paid someone 30p to sell it for me then that 20p tax puts the widget down to worthless and I’ll not bother making it, depriving the taxman his 20p.
The plan therefore is to tax profits. After paying the refinery, my 50p profit is taxed at the 20% making it less likely that I’ll get in a position where I don’t make it, unless it really is unprofitable.
The issue with this is that if I owned the refinery as well then there’s nothing to stop me selling the metal at £1 so effective profits are £0, or negative with employee costs. Tax obligations £0. Now move the refinery to a tax haven, or sell it to my “warehouse supplier” based in the Caymans who sell it to the widget factory means I’ve exported all my profits. The product doesn’t ever have to go near the Caymans.
This is what I understand Starbucks does, with their Swiss division selling the beans at outrageous prices to make the coffee shops a loss.
What’s the solution? I assume taxing takings but that could destroy small businesses who have been doing this correctly or business that runs on fine margins.
- Comment on Too many young people find doing a day's work 'stressful', says Liz Kendall 1 month ago:
Millenials complained about it a lot, to the point where millennial is short hand for “lazy” for a lot of older generations.
Gen X made films mocking company culture and shitty work environments.
The youth today aren’t the first to complain, they aren’t the first to be called lazy, and they won’t be the last. Fuck the older folks who call any of them lazy.
- Comment on Too many young people find doing a day's work 'stressful', says Liz Kendall 1 month ago:
Gen Z are lazy and don’t want to work.
Millennials are lazy and don’t want to work.
Gen X are lazy and don’t want to work.
Boomers are lazy and don’t want to work.
Only one of these groups were hippies and were work shy, as a generation. 🤷
- Comment on Busses with LED advertising on the side. 1 month ago:
A bit of random pitch variance might make football interesting
It would require more than that…
- Comment on As Labour touts more brutal cuts to benefits, how is this different from life under the Tories? | Frances Ryan 1 month ago:
God, listening to folks bitching about LibDems because they were the scapegoat for the Tories decades ago is just saddening.
They have literally been the only party that have offered actual change to our voting system. Sometimes I dream of what a different state we would be in if that referendum had passed.
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 1 month ago:
And we have that too.
We are talking about standard sockets, they all have off switches on the socket.
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 1 month ago:
You have a switch for your electrical sockets by your door? What a weird place to put them all.
We have our light switches by the door. Much more useful.
- Comment on BDSM 2 months ago:
Windows ME.
- Comment on UK pay growth rises despite firms cutting jobs after budget 2 months ago:
Which average?
Medium, mean or mode?
If the “average” increases because the CEO fired people, cut wages, and gave themselves a bonus, then it is a stat that people shouldn’t care about.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Are you claiming that people condemning invasion of Ukraine are bad then?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Not sure what you are talking about.
No one condemns Jews for being Jews, people condemn trapping people in walled camps, denying them food and aid and then blanket bombing them. Regardless of the perpetrator.
The Nazis are the ones supporting it.
- Comment on Hospital admissions for lack of vitamins soaring in England, NHS figures show 2 months ago:
This is interesting, thanks!
Now I agree that eating 450 oranges is unlikely, however if iron is down 22% then eating another 30% more green leafy veg to cover it may not be something people are even aware of however unlikely it is that they could consume that much anyway. Hence the drastic numbers from the article.
It sounds like even “healthy eating” people could be deficient.
- Comment on Hospital admissions for lack of vitamins soaring in England, NHS figures show 2 months ago:
The issues with multivitamins are well documented.
Binding agents to make the pills easier to manufacture, make them harder to digest
Protective shells so they last longer, means you can’t digest them as well
Sugar mixtures to make them more appealing, such as gummies, can prevent you from digesting vitamins correctly
Over the counter pills only help somewhat, my grandmother had calcium pills to help with her weaking bones, but in the end had to have surgery as the pills she was on didn’t digest and just accumulated in her stomach. Especially as you get older your digestive tract weakens.
I don’t know what the solution is, perhaps having multivitamin drinks? But while we have “news stories” that are mostly scare stores, and no leadership with solutions, it’s going to be hard.
- Comment on Hospital admissions for lack of vitamins soaring in England, NHS figures show 2 months ago:
I do wonder whether there is more to it than just fast food.
Of course, bad diets are going to be a big portion of this, but I do hear repeatedly of reduced nutritional values in our food overall due to farming for colours over health. How much does this make an impact?
I also do wonder about the relationship with some of the alternative diets, I personally know one person who is “vegan” but doesn’t actually “like vegetables”, so their diet mostly consists of potato products and processed bean curds.
All this reporting is going to ignore the deeper societal questions because the obvious lead they are pushing is “too many people live off fast food” without actually saying that.
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 months ago:
Don’t get me wrong, banning words is stupid and gives us the Scunthorpe problem and I am very glad that we have an alternative to Reddit because its just a cesspit.
The subreddit “r/unpopularOpinions” was not full of unpopular opinions, and the words banned were obviously popular opinions because everyone talked about them until the API change and the regime cracked down.
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 months ago:
I don’t know about that. People post obviously popular opinions repeatedly if they aren’t banned.
Unpopular opinion, but I dislike the top ten Christmas songs
Yeah, no shit. Even though they are the “top ten”.
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 months ago:
Or maybe, its not actually an unpopular opinion!
- Comment on Duh 2 months ago:
- Comment on Study finds young people more likely to spend Christmas alone 2 months ago:
I don’t agree with this.
We have been moving away from family for many decades now. However I was able to travel by train in 2000 from Liverpool to Reading, I don’t think I would have done if it was £120, which is the current return price from Lime St. to Reading.
That’s insane.
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on End of an era as Radio City tower hosts final live broadcast on Christmas Eve | Liverpool 2 months ago:
I still listen to radio, however its almost all online radio.
Modern Pop, 2000’s Pop, 90’s Pop, 80’s Pop, just really don’t interest me or anyone else in my family, however its the vast majority of the radio.
Soma FM for me.
- Comment on Newbury: Firearms seized from suspected gun factory - BBC News 3 months ago:
Seizing firearms does not make it a factory
- Comment on 'Sonic the Hedgehog 3' To Best 'Mufasa' at U.S. Box Office, But Disney Pic Eyes $180M Global Opening 3 months ago:
TIL they made another Lion King knock off…
- Comment on Ed Miliband pledges ‘most ambitious reforms to UK energy system in generations’ 3 months ago:
The plans come as low wind and solar power generation forced Britain to rely heavily on burning gas and wood pellets. As of Thursday, about 65% of Britain’s electricity was being generated from gas and biomass, with only 5.3% coming from wind.
Is that because although we have built “a lot” its still not much, or has wind just generally been down and we should be over-provisioning to make up for these times?
I tried to follow the link but it was shit on mobile.
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on Advice ignored by ministers could have blocked Prince Andrew ‘spy’: Dominic Grieve, the former attorney general, says he advised Tories to criminalise foreign agents in 2019 3 months ago:
If only he hadn’t done this, he would have been universally loved!