- Comment on What would happen if every atom on earth was to simultaneously double in size? 10 months ago:
I was lead to believe we would get Ant Man.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Can't we just enjoy the joke? You've brought up a worthy of discussion, but for a shitpost thread?
- Comment on How often do you attempt to use preternatural abilities on the world around you? 1 year ago:
Pulling my dad's finger always made him fart. Definitely not normal to have your finger connected to a pressure relief valve in your ass.
- Comment on What makes fishing as a hobby so appealing that people will fish all hours of the day and in nasty weather? 1 year ago:
Would get away to fish for two weeks. No cell phones, no technology, just living (camping) in nature. Enjoy the beauty of the lake and the challenge of catching a fish. Isn't always easy and you probably throw back more than you keep. Sit on the boat with your buddies, drink beer, BS about anything, and every now and then reel in what feels like Mobey Dick at the end of your line but turns out to be a stick.
- Comment on Dripped out of his mind 1 year ago:
Looks like a character out of one of those Cockstar games.
- Comment on That's certainly one way to smooth things out... 1 year ago:
I see nothing but winners here.
- Comment on Roger Roger 1 year ago:
This is how R2-D2s are made!
- Comment on Really any holiday 1 year ago:
Well...spit it back out I guess.
- Comment on Doesn't matter, had sex 1 year ago:
Hey now! That one night stand might need to turn into a steady relationship!
- Comment on Big news guys 1 year ago:
Elon bought Box?
- Comment on Shirley you cant be serious! 1 year ago:
I've been to a dine-in movie theater that had QR codes for he menu. Problem is, I typically don't bring my phone to a movie AND since you can order during the movie, who wants people turning their phones on to read a menu?