- Comment on MAR10 Day 2024 - Nintendo 11 months ago:
Nintendo isn't against emulation. They're against piracy, which Yuzu was facilitating. None of the emulators that don't have specific support for unreleased games have been touched so far.
- Comment on What does Lemmy do better than Reddit? 11 months ago:
I feel like that trope doesn't really ring true these days, as most of the "general purpose" instances are pretty moderate. Back when Lemmy was still just a small handful of instances, that was definitely the case, but I think the wider adoption has balanced things out a bit closer toward center, overall.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 11 months ago:
A buddy of mine gifted me a copy of Helldivers 2 the other day, so I've been spending some time spreading Managed Democracy across the galaxy. Mostly going back and forth between Helldivers and The Finals lately.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Well, falling into the same traps would be awfully Sisyphean of him.
- Comment on Air Canada Has to Honor a Refund Policy Its Chatbot Made Up 11 months ago:
It's copyright infringement to do so. No need getting the Beehaw admins in trouble; Google paywall bypassing tools and read away.
- Comment on Which is less religious: Xmas or Christmas? 1 year ago:
If you wanna be rebellious around Christmas, all you gotta do is serve somebody a coffee in a red paper cup.
But that aside, both "Christmas" and "Xmas" are equally religious. The X in "Xmas" is actually meant to be the initial for Christ's name in Greek (Χριστός), so it's still ultimately the same thing as saying "Christmas".
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 Release Date May Have Just Accidentally Been Revealed by...Gameshark 1 year ago:
OP's avatar is very fitting for this headline.
- Comment on Clicks is a BlackBerry-style iPhone keyboard case designed for creators 1 year ago:
I mean sure, but how often is the virtual keyboard pulled up in any "creative" app? It always auto-hides if you're doing anything other than interacting with a text field.
- Comment on Clicks is a BlackBerry-style iPhone keyboard case designed for creators 1 year ago:
What does this have to do with "creators", though?
- Comment on Hot Cheetos don't taste the same 1 year ago:
Takis are for people who hate teeth.
- Comment on After ten years, it's time to stop making videos. 1 year ago:
Sad to see him go, but I'm glad that he's doing it on his own terms and not because he feels forced to. Gonna miss seeing new videos from him. Tom is legitimately one of the best creators YouTube has ever had on their platform.
- Comment on YouTube: 5 ads the norm now? 1 year ago:
True, but no one is going to pay for content with production values barely above tiktok videos - which is what most of YouTube's most famous content is.
I don't think of it as paying for the content, as much as just paying for an ad-free experience that doesn't require maintenance on my end and still helps pay creators. I watch YouTube a lot, and on several devices that aren't easy to adblock on, so I just pay for a family plan and none of my family has to see ads on any of their devices, either. I don't think YouTube is really doing exclusive content anymore, so that's not really a huge reason to subscribe.
YTP is one of the few "quality of life" subscriptions that I think is genuinely worth it, IMO.
- Comment on YouTube: 5 ads the norm now? 1 year ago:
Presumably they mean it allows the DNS provider to see your internet traffic, but I don't believe that's wholly accurate. I believe at most they'd be able to log timestamps of what domains you visited.
- Comment on 'Leave them stranded': Rideshare drivers shut off apps at Atlanta airport, boycott for hours 1 year ago:
Therein lies the problem. They're self-employed. Unless Atlanta is specifically different, rideshare drivers are almost always considered independent contractors, so they don't actually work for Uber/Lyft/whoever. It's hard to make demands for better pay when your boss is you.
I imagine this is an intentional design choice by gig employers, as well.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid? 1 year ago:
Well I know which half I'm in.
- Comment on Weekend Update: Christmas Joke Swap 2023 - SNL 1 year ago:
The joke swaps are the best part of the show, IMO. I really wish these two could get their own Daily Show-styled show or something, they're fantastic at this.
- Comment on Twitch's Sexual Content Policy Update 1 year ago:
About 7 million streamers and even millions more who use the platform.
So y'know, hardly anybody.
- Comment on IGN's Best PC Game of 2023 1 year ago:
Yeah, I'm not sure why Phantom Liberty is in the running at all. Maybe because the 2.0 update was such a significant upgrade to the base game that they're classifying it as a new entry? I'm not really sure what else they're thinking.
- Comment on why can't I manage my discord nitro subscription from the app when I can buy it from the app? 1 year ago:
I could've sworn this practice was recently outlawed? If not, it 100% should be. If you can buy a subscription from one location, you should be able to cancel it from the same location. I feel like I remember reading about a case recently regarding notoriously hard-to-cancel gym memberships resulting in a requirement that you could cancel subscriptions whenever and wherever you wanted, but maybe I'm misremembering.
- Comment on Honda's commercials saying they are going to be carbon neutral by 2050. What? 1 year ago:
Money tends to have that effect.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
That isn't how Teflon is applied to cookware.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
That doesn't say it's unsafe to cook with. PFAS, in industrial use, are hella dangerous. But not all PFAS are the same, and Teflon is specifically treated to be food-safe under normal cooking temperatures.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
There's a couple misconceptions in this thread.
Yes, Teflon can release some gasses if overheated, but it's not likely going to cause you any real harm. As long as you're turning on the range hood while you cook, it's basically a non-issue. Teflon really only releases fumes at very high temperatures (usually over 500F), and foods that are being cooked at that high heat aren't really going to be needing a non-stick coating to begin with, so you'd ideally want to use a different type of pan for foods cooked at very high heat in the first place.
If you really huff the fumes intentionally, you might give yourself a headache/fever (look up "Teflon flu" for more), but it's not likely gonna kill you. However, some pets may be more susceptible to Teflon fumes, particularly birds, who can very easily die from Teflon fumes, so be cautious if you have any animals in your home.
As for the aluminum underneath, that's also largely a non-issue. Aluminum is safe to cook with in most applications. It's even relatively safe to consume, and it's actually used in many common medicines (like aspirin and antacids) and also as a food additive in some cases. There's a reason why acidic foods like tomatoes are canned in aluminum; because it's safe to do so. If a little aluminum from the can/pan leeches out into the food, it's not a big deal as it'll pass through you unnoticed. It's only really a concern if you already have issues with high amounts of metal consumption in your diet. Some people believe that aluminum can cause or accelerate certain conditions like Alzheimer's, however I believe those studies have been mostly inconclusive, last time I looked into it.
The bigger issue is that you risk getting chunks of the Teflon coating breaking off of the pan and getting into your food. While it'll pass through you mostly harmlessly, it's still not ideal. And it's just gross.
I'd recommend tossing that pan and getting a new one and only using it for low/medium-high temps, as well as picking up a stainless steel pan (assuming you don't have any metal allergies), and use that for things that need more heat to cook.
Also, be gentler with your pans, in general. It looks like you've been sticking a fork or some other metal utensil in there, which is a bad idea. If you're hand-washing it, just use a sponge or a soft brush, but don't use anything abrasive like steel wool or those sponges with the "hard" side for grease and grime, as those can also rapidly degrade the Teflon coating.
- Comment on What's the deal with the popcorn button? 1 year ago:
I've got a feeling it would've be a raving review. He's recently posted about having a bad time on Mastodon due to poor interactions he's had with users.
He ends up bringing up an important topic, which is that the "mainstream" platforms all have some level of "celebrity protection" for popular accounts, which filter out negative/hateful replies to your posts. Fedi currently has no such feature, so whether you have 10 followers or 10,000, you will still be inundated with all the garbage replies to your posts since there's no algorithm in place that is grading posts before presenting them to them user.
- Comment on What's the deal with the popcorn button? 1 year ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
How do republicans not realize that they're the Empire?
- Comment on StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS 1 year ago:
StarCraft doesn't have to be at RTS, you know.
RTS is a dead genre, but that doesn't mean the SC universe has to die with it.
- Comment on Facepalm 1 year ago:
This is about the compromises and concessions I'm personally willing and financially able to make. Obviously it's not the perfect solution, but we don't live in a perfect world.
- Comment on Facepalm 1 year ago:
I'm not moving the goalposts. I'm explaining my opinions on the matter and the choices I made. I'm not sure why you, who are not in any way impacted by my video consumption habits, take issue with any of that.
- Comment on Facepalm 1 year ago:
Because realistically, that's more work than I'm willing to put into it. I wouldn't maintain that long-term. Especially because then I'd have to also sit through ads (99% of my YouTube use is from my TV via my PS5, so adblock isn't an option there), which would turn me off from using the platform, at all.
Premium is what works with the compromises I'm personally willing to make. And, this may come as a shock, but I don't want Google to get nothing, either. They need to be able to maintain their platform, which I get hours upon hours of use of every single day. I don't take issue with them making money in order to keep the lights on.