- Comment on Activision Blizzard’s ex-CEO Bobby Kotick reportedly wants to buy TikTok 11 months ago:
I tried TikTok some time ago and got bored with it.
I'm the type that prefers long form content. I watch 20-240 minute videos on YouTube,
I never got into Vines or the Vines/TikTok clone thing YouTube is doing either.
So most of the crap I see from TikTok is here, on Reddit and Mastodon.
And normally only the most entertaining crap from a platform gets to other platforms and I'm not impressed by what I've seen, at all.
- Comment on Activision Blizzard’s ex-CEO Bobby Kotick reportedly wants to buy TikTok 11 months ago:
Well, TikTok can't get any worse, right?
- Comment on The movie came out 21 years ago, and I still think of it frequently when I drive. 1 year ago:
- Comment on The movie came out 21 years ago, and I still think of it frequently when I drive. 1 year ago:
That's how, to this day, I have anxiety performing CPR, even for certification (which is done on a dummy) and pull out the industrial grade draino whenever a drain is even suspected of being clogged.
Watching The Thing and The Blob before you're 10, not the best for your mental health.
- Comment on Price of electricity in Finland peaks at 2.35€/kWh today. Keeping my tiny granny cottage warm costs me over 50 euros for a single day. It's negative 25C (77F) outside. 1 year ago:
Scheduling power plant maintenance during winter in a country where it gets that cold seems a tad, uhm, insane?
- Comment on Are MRNA vaccines any riskier than other vaccines? 1 year ago:
Besides that, mrna tech started to be developed in the 1970's with the first labrat trials in the late 80's or early 90's.
Clinical trials on humans, to test their safety and effectiveness in combating various diseases and viruses have been ongoing for the past decade.
And as you said, the first several widely used vaccines based on mrna tech have been deployed to literally billions of people.
This is an incredibly gigantic sample size for data and there have been very few issues for the past 3 years.
And what bernieecclestoned brings up about herd immunity simply means the people they are talking to are, like most antivaxxers, blithering idiots that know some catch phrases and not a single meaning behind them.
You obtain herd immunity through hardening the herd with vaccines and then hope the immune systems of the herd adjust to further combat the disease. If data doesn't show that new variants are easily countered by the immune systems of the herd, you know you need to develop more vaccines.
- Comment on Watch a 13-year-old become the first person to ever beat Classic Tetris 1 year ago:
That's what makes it extra messed up.
In the text of the article, they actually link to the kids video.
Yet the include of the page, they use that CTWC video.
So this isn't lazy or by accident, this is completely deliberate.
- Comment on Watch a 13-year-old become the first person to ever beat Classic Tetris 1 year ago:
Yeah, and if the OG video was just a minute or so long, I get including it while "reporting" on it.
This kid did a 45 minute run, which CTWC included in their video in its entirety, their own contribution, being the intro and interview, are only a few minutes tacked on at each end.
It's infuriating.
- Comment on Watch a 13-year-old become the first person to ever beat Classic Tetris 1 year ago:
Why did Polygon include the CTWC video at the top of their page instead of BlueScuti's?
They are already stealing his views reposting his entire video with some bullshit commenting from them over the top of it and now Polygon is supporting that kind of behavior.
The kid did the work, give him the damn views.
- Comment on I got this popup ad on my TV **while watching a DVD** 1 year ago:
There's microphones and even cameras in many of these TVs.
- Comment on I got this popup ad on my TV **while watching a DVD** 1 year ago:
Yeah, that's why I've come to just pay the premium for professional displays instead of consumer TVs.
- Comment on Good Omens Renewed for a 3rd and Final Season on Prime Video 1 year ago:
Yeah, it got dropped with very little fanfare. Was freaking strange.
I only caught on to it because I saw a meme on Reddit that featured Crowley and Aziraphale and I had no clue what it was from, while I've watched the first season a dozen times already and practically know it line by line.
- Comment on Unreal body standards 1 year ago:
I have varicose veins on my legs and I'd love to have arms like that because they itch a lot.
- Comment on Marketing email's subject made me think my card got hacked 1 year ago:
This is like how in recent months I've been receiving "your account will be shut down" messages from services I've been using for literal decades, simply because I only use them 2-3 times a year, when they are actually useful to me, rather than regard them as some sort of social media platform.
It's super pathetic attention whoring by companies that lost any sense of what value they bring to their customers.
- Comment on If so-called AI is basically just Large Language Models, how come predictive text on my phone is bollock-useless? 1 year ago:
- Comment on You may want to sit down 1 year ago:
We care that history has made it so that they for themselves can't be open about who they are while it's overly obvious our whole family doesn't care and is accepting.
The damage the severe repression of LGBTQ+ in society has done, that still lingers in people strong enough that they can't be who they are while nobody around them would see anything wrong with them being out.
How sad that is is what we care about.
- Comment on You may want to sit down 1 year ago:
I have an aunt who to this day lives together with her best friend.
50 years and counting.
We have regular family gatherings with me 300+ head extended family (1 weekend per year and 2 gathering afternoons per year) and we have over 20 gay couples in the mix.
LGBTQ+ acceptance is universal in my family.
They still are in the closet and saying they are just friends.
Friends that sleep in a single bed hotel room and smooch when people aren't watching.
- Comment on Tax time 1 year ago:
Meanwhile here, come tax time I get a letter and only people that have special things going on like stuff they would get subsidies for (like installing solar panels or insulating), will have to alter what the letter says. Most everyone else can ignore the letter as all their taxes have been paid in full or they get something back.
- Comment on Senior Citizen Sex 1 year ago:
There's also that people that age don't give a fuck anymore, they just fuck.
- Comment on Senior Citizen Sex 1 year ago:
Not really.
Look up some STD transmission stats for retirement communities. It's a real issue.
- Comment on lol 1 year ago:
Yeah, I remember the last time there was no chance in hell he'd be elected.
I won't hold my breath.
- Comment on lol 1 year ago:
Was and might actually be again.
- Comment on Why do people say that "return to office" is about raising commercial real estate prices? 1 year ago:
WFH makes it so there isn't a buyer or very few interested.
So if you want to shift the property, you're going to have a bad time.
- Comment on Elon Musk Allegedly Sent ‘Scorched-Earth Letter’ to Warner Bros. Demanding to Keep Amber Heard in ‘Aquaman 2’ 1 year ago:
Lol, oh my, the surprise, Narcissists stick together.
- Comment on I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal 1 year ago:
Starfield is currently a 4-5/10 game and by the time Modders will be done with it, probably a 9/10 game (10/10 if someone mods the whole main story out of the game).
But that's not what modders should be wasting their time on. They shouldn't be fixing the game.
Besides, the changes and oversimplifications Bethesda has made to the engine and the extraordinary announcement that the modkit will take a year to be released, will vastly delay the amount and quality of mods that will be released for the game.
Baldur's Gate was a 7/10 game on release, mostly due to the issues with Act 3. But they took all of a few weeks to fix the vast majority of major issues and bring the game upto 9/10. Every patch and hotfix they released fixed thousands of small and large issues.
Meanwhile Bethesda announced updates right after the game released, fixed like 4 progression breaking bugs and nothing else.
10 days after announcing they were working on bugfixes and patches, not a goddamn peep, not a single thing fixed beyond those 4 small fixes.
It's straight up disgusting how these corporations operate.
- Comment on Can anyone help a goblin out? 1 year ago:
You can get that award if you survive a run-in with Goblin Slayer.
Aka, you can't.
- Comment on It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it. 1 year ago:
I thought you were going to link to the Goddamn Podcast XD.
- Comment on I walked out today 1 year ago:
That's exactly it.
Company I worked for back in the 90's had several large call centers and these tactics were literally in the HR handbook.
They created absolutely hostile and demeaning waiting and interview environments, often deliberately scheduling 100 people to come in at the same hour, to then interview them throughout the day.
But if they were told to come in at 8, the earliest anyone who was a legit candidate would be interviewed was near noon, to then rush the interview because it was lunch time, making the rest wait another hour.
The 4 hours before noon, they'd call in people like once every 30-45 minutes, but these people were plants and would arive 30 minutes before they would be called in.
Out of 100, there were usually only 30 or so left around noon and 20 when they actually started in the afternoon.
And out of those, they'd still only interview half, reschedule the ones they thought looked most desperate, to see if they would come back for another interview.
And the people they did interview that day, if they actually recruited 1 or 2 out of them, it was a special day.
Thing is, they pulled that shit for 1 year and then their reputation preceded them and no one would apply anymore.
The company was American and trying to pull that shit in Belgium.
It didn't work out for them.
Heck, they ended up shutting down most of their European operations not that many years later.
- Comment on CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,460% since 1978 1 year ago:
Meanwhile, you have CEO's doing shit like that talk that spread around this week where he shat on workers for lord knows how long.
And the ex-EA Unity CEO who decides to tank his company overnight.
- Comment on Unity rushes to clarify price increase plan, as game developers fume 1 year ago:
Who woulda thunk things would go this way when they hired an ex EA exec ...