- Comment on Mitochondria 1 week ago:
I never get this argument about taxes and car tires. Did your school not have a civics class or an auto shop class? And if not, did you never learn to read the manual? That’s all stuff you can learn in 15 minutes, not need a semester of highschool to learn. Like, you can argue againt cell bio being in the curriculum, but if you want to argue there needs to be a class to read instructions that are included then maybe it’s basic literacy you’re arguing for basic literacy instead.
- Comment on Mitochondria 2 months ago:
I see what you’re getting at, and you’re not wrong to think about how the lessons we teach kids from the minds and skills we want them to have. There’s positives and negatives to the liberal arts education, and it could be said that it is just as much of what is left out then what is kept in. The choice to teach about mitochondria and not the Krebs Cycle is odd from a scientific perspective, but if you know about endosymbiosis then it’s a lot harder to accept that all organisms appeared independently a few millennia ago. But once you view a liberal arts education from this perspective then you see these biases everywhere. For example, how many world history classes talk about the Tamil Kings, or the Warring States period of China? It’s a lot easier to other a region you don’t know the history of.
So we have to ask, what purpose should education serve? What knowledge and skills should we expect people to have by the time they reach adulthood? Add what is the best way to disseminate those?
- Comment on August 30th 2024. America adopts the metric system. Never forget. 5 months ago:
Holy shit looked up the temps in San Francisco and yes it’s 15C
- Comment on TikTok must face U.S. lawsuit over the platform's viral “blackout challenge” that several parents blame for their children’s deaths, an appeals court ruled 5 months ago:
"Bridge jumping challenge"
- TikTok shitposter
- Comment on Ever wanted to see a human hand under a microscope? 5 months ago:
This is because the microscope blocks photons. OP should use a gamma camera or x-ray to see through the microscope body.
- Comment on Peer review can be fun 9 months ago:
The dang old ESL filter makes it impossible to recognize bad English out in public. My wife got a shit that reads “force of the nature” and neither of our brains perceived the “the”
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
In Android, holding power and selecting “lockdown” locks out access until your pin is entered. However, if you’re at a protest or something where illegal arrests are likely, turn your phone 100% off.
- Comment on First working graphene semiconductor could lead to faster computers 1 year ago:
As the saying goes, “graphene can do anything except leave the lab”
- Comment on Tom Morello - A Metalhead's Guide to 'Star Trek' 1 year ago:
I think this is a really interesting take. Communism doesn’t mean taking a vow of poverty or being a good person, but I can see how it would seem hypocritical to not spend that money funding support for labor rather than hoarding it.
It’s probably worth exploring why people over 14 listen to his music and his politics. One interesting reason is people who resonate with the emotional core of the music, but disagree or don’t understand his politics. Another is people who genuinely feel that violence may be necessary to bring about communism. Additionally, some people feel catharsis listening to violent music/media without supporting violence.
I think it’s worthwhile to empathize with people you disagree with. It can help better understand their viewpoint and solidify yours by contrast.
I’m curious, do you have any recommendations for music made by leftists who aren’t rich and don’t support violence? It’s ok if not, I’m just interested in expanding my listening.