- Comment on modern psychiatry be like 1 week ago:
Marx’s Capital mentions at one point that the working class in Manchester were reliant on drugs like opium to cope with their insane working conditions and poor life/housing conditions.
It’s not a new thing at all.
- Comment on modern psychiatry be like 1 week ago:
The spectrum of autism isn’t mild to disabling.
It’s a spectrum of presenting symptoms. What “functional autism” is, is a constellation of symptoms that means you can just about navigate the world as expected by neurotypical people. “Non-functioning” autism or “profound” autism are where the constellation of symptoms makes you unable to function in the world. This is more often than not inclusive of non-verbal autisms and poor motor control autisms.
- Comment on Too many young people find doing a day's work 'stressful', says Liz Kendall 4 weeks ago:
The last time any of those things were won by the working class they had come home angry and fed up fighting a war, and were ready to demand at least some concessions from the ruling class. These concessions were granted because the capitalists were terrified that an even angrier working class that knew how to use weapons and fight in an army would lead to a 1917 Russian revolution situation.
Until the same style of conditions exist I don’t think the working class are in any kind of place to just demand better from the capitalist class. Hopefully the next time we don’t just accept a bribe and let the next generation(s) eat shit while lapping it up.