- Comment on Win win 6 days ago:
Just a reminder that insurance is a scam. You are compelled to pay for it under penalty of law in the case of car insurance, and the insurance companies do everything possible to maximize their profits, being for profit companies. What this means in general is that people pay more into insurance than they ever get out. If they didn’t the insurance companies wouldn’t make a profit. The money you pay isn’t going into some huge fund that supports everyone who pays for it. If it doesn’t go to paying out claims now it goes straight to the insurance executives, or investors, or to “lobbying” politicians to keep the racket going. The day you stop paying out you get fucking nothing. All that money is just gone, for the pleasure of maybe having your claim paid out if your insurance company can’t weasel their way out of paying. Insurance is a scam, a bunch of penny pinching middlemen draining the world of human productivity and effort for their own benefit and nothing else. Any benefit a particular individual happens to get is a loss to be minimized to them.
- Comment on Whose bright idea was it to give the morning people enough power to set the "business hours" anyways‽ 2 weeks ago:
Way to enforce the tyranny of the morning people on yourself. Fuck getting up early. Night owl till I die. The thing people who push getting up early fail to realize is that if everyone was the same as them and got up at the ass crack of dawn, modern society as we know it would not function. There will always be shit that needs to get done at night, or even just the afternoon, and if everyone got up in the morning those things simply wouldn’t get done. Who maintains the power grid at night if everyone falls asleep at 8 pm, for example? Reclaim your natural circadian rhythm for yourself and for society. Ask those self-righteous cunts what they were doing at 10 pm if they have such superior work ethic.