- Comment on history rhymes, or something 1 week ago:
- Veganism?
Hold up, you think the vegans are in the wrong? You can say that they’re annoying, but in terms of ethics and morals it’s not even an argument. It’s fine to not like tofu or whatever, but there is no amount of verbal gymnastics anyone can do to even begin to justify the modern meat and dairy industries. That shit is basically Animal Auschwitz times a billion.
- Comment on history rhymes, or something 1 week ago:
Yes, I understand that. Perhaps I was not empathetic enough, I am sorry to hear that about your family being deceived, along with the rest of mainland China.
The fact that the oppressive CCP won does not mean they were right. The world is not a Disney movie, the good guys don’t always win.
“Vindicated” just means that the good guys were good. Whether or not they won.
- Comment on history rhymes, or something 1 week ago:
It’s possible English isn’t your first language? No worries.
The word “vindicated” doesn’t mean “won in the end,” it means “they were right.” As in, justified in their demands, on the right side of history. Even of the protests I listed in my first comment, half of them didn’t actually win in the end (Vietnam, Occupy, Gaza, and arguably more).
From Wikipedia:
…(the Seven Demands) for the government:
- Affirm Hu Yaobang’s views on democracy and freedom as correct.
- Admit that the campaigns against spiritual pollution and bourgeois liberalisation had been wrong.
- Publish information on the income of state leaders and their family members.
- Allow privately run newspapers and stop press censorship.
- Increase funding for education and raise intellectuals’ pay.
- End restrictions on demonstrations in Beijing.
- Provide objective coverage of students in official media.[84][83]
I hope that you’d agree that the students were in the right, and that the oppressive CCP was in the wrong?
- Comment on history rhymes, or something 1 week ago:
Thank you for bringing those up. However, unless I’m misunderstanding them, the only one of those where the protesters were in the wrong were the pro-segregation protests, correct? But weren’t those protests by-and-large made up of parents? (Perhaps along with some of their children doing what they were told?) Not exactly the “rebellious youth sticking it to the man” we generally mean by the words student protest.
- Comment on history rhymes, or something 1 week ago:
Let’s see…
- Nazism
- McCarthyism
- Vietnam War
- Racial Injustice
- South African Apartheid
- Occupy Wall Street
- Gaza Genocide
- etc.
I am curious. Has there ever been a wide-scale student protest movement that WASN’T unequivocally vindicated by history?
- Comment on Katamari creator's new game about a teenager stuck in a T-pose gets a release date (May 28th) 4 weeks ago:
From the looks of it you can create your own character? So you might not even need to mod it to do that.
- Comment on Valve is fixin' to start some arguments over the holidays because 'All adult members in a Steam Family' can see your Steam Replay page 3 months ago:
Valve has always been pretty awful at granular privacy. For the longest time, no settings between “hide literally everything” and “broadcast to everyone I know every time I purchase or play anything.”
Still no setting between those two options, but at least it’s on a game-by-game basis now.
- Comment on 2024 Steam Awards Nominees Announced 3 months ago:
“They” is you. These nominations were voted on by steam users over Thanksgiving.
Besides, Palworld specifically campaigned for the “better with friends” award.
- Comment on 2024 Steam Awards Nominees Announced 3 months ago:
It’s unfortunate. Games don’t get nominated by being apt for the category, they get nominated by being popular. Heck, last year RDR2 won in this category, and it’s never had any community support beyond a bug fix patch or two.
This whole thing is a popularity contest, for the most part. No way anyone nominating or voting in these awards has played more than a few of the eligible games.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
I think that one thing you and other centrists are missing is that any kind of regulation isn’t just a regulation on trans women, it’s a regulation on ALL women. It won’t be just trans women that will be put in a position of constantly having their genitals checked.
Be it for bathrooms, sports, whatever, you’re opening us up to a world where anyone that fancies themselves an authority will feel empowered to sexually assault any women they want. That’s what’s at stake here. This is a women’s issue, not just a trans issue. Hell, even men will end up getting harassed in bathrooms.
Meanwhile, actual trans people are going to by and large steer clear of segregated contact sports like they’ve always done, feeling the pain of exclusion and marginalization while deserving none of it.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
Your little scenario explicitly presumes that the man would be the one in charge, making this decision.
- Comment on Exclusive: Sony is in talks to buy Kadokawa, the media powerhouse behind 'Elden Ring' 4 months ago:
This would be massive, Kadokawa is a hell of a lot more than just Elden Ring. They’re one of the biggest media publishers in Japan. Books, manga, anime, games, you name it.