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- Submitted 1 week ago to | 23 comments
- Comment on What games have you put the most hours into? 3 weeks ago:
I’m a bit ashamed of it, but Overwatch, I really enjoyed the multiplayer and played with some cool people I met in game. Stopped playing when OW2 released.
My second most played game is Destiny 2.
Maybe something is wrong with me…
- Comment on Anon is Grug 3 weeks ago:
Gruged and rock pilled
- Comment on Anon needs cooking advice 4 weeks ago:
Do people actually eat pasta for breakfast?
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 5 weeks ago:
- a hello world doesn’t need libraries in Java
- installing JDK takes at most 5 steps, depending on the OS
- a nullpointerexception is more likely the developper’s fault (unassigned value, calling a function on a null object)
- IntelliJ is easy to install and modern (granted, other IDEs are very ancient)
- developping GUI apps is a PITA, no matter the ecosystem (generally)
The rest is more or less spot on (no idea about concurrency issues though)
- Comment on Anon is a nervous individual 1 month ago:
Anon turns his whole family vegan because he’s too nervous
- Comment on Anon takes their dog for a walk 1 month ago:
I heard grass tastes allright if you sprinkle some oil and salt on it. Never tried it myself, though.
- Comment on Anon plays Overwatch 2 months ago:
she’s actually from a meme:
___ mercy-meme