Jumping on the bed against medical advice
- Comment on Do linux users have wives? 2 months ago:
I committed
- Comment on Iraq War was preceded by the largest worldwide non-violent protests in history and the war happened anyway. 2 months ago:
politics is not about morality. it’s about power & control.
- Comment on Good evening I choose food panties. 2 months ago:
peanut butter if no dogs around
- Comment on Good evening I choose food panties. 2 months ago:
I still don’t believe you
- Comment on Good evening I choose food panties. 2 months ago:
already in my nightly routine ✊
- Comment on okay.. 2 months ago:
I forgot to switch accounts
- Comment on Is it possible to fix one's eyesight? What are working methods? What is to be cautious about? 2 months ago:
That sounds great! Congrats
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 2 months ago:
You’re welcome
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 2 months ago:
Yeah, 3 levels. They vaguely communicate how much support the person needs with one being the least support and 3 being needing relatively the most.
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 2 months ago:
It’s the autism that may be maskable to an extent and the person is more independent than levels 2 & 3. It used to be called Asperger’s.
- Comment on New HD footage leaked! 2 months ago:
There is a Walk of Fame (Stars) in New York City?
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 2 months ago:
As a level 1 autistic man, I’m a magnet for toxic women. It’s like they hunt for guys like me. It takes me a really long time around a woman before I drop my guard.
- Comment on NYPD confirms suspect had a British accent 2 months ago:
for tha
- Comment on Did Google just have a little hiccup? 2 months ago:
According to, it wasnt just google. It was the majority of major websites, including Cloudflare, Xfinity, Verizon, Starlink, & AWS too. I wonder if it has anything to do with Chinese or Russian cyber warfare or maybe someone seriously messed up at Google’s DNS server trying to delete their puppy pictures folder while hungover:
hungover@google-dns-42069:~$ sudo ls -a password for hungover: . .bashrc .ssh .. Puppies .zshrc hungover@google-dns-42069:~$ sudo rm -rf / [/^X][/^X][/^X][/^X][/^Z][/^V] hungover@google-dns-42069:~$ rm -rf ~/Puppies
- Comment on Get the door! BREACH BREACH BREACH 2 months ago:
Kind of sad that we see a person so skinny and desperate that they’ve lost all fear of death and empathy for others, and we make fun of it. Imagine if you were him, knowing that a bunch of strangers with magic pocket computers and obesity are cracking jokes at the inconceivable struggle your life has been in a moment of near absolute carelessness for life.
Don’t get me wrong. I thought the meme was hilarious, so I’m included in the judgement. I am more making an observation of the state of things.
I feel weird.
- Comment on Im flyinf to the USA from england 3 months ago:
I recommend travel health insurance. It’s affordable and a good piece of mind considering their healthcare can be extremely expensive.
- Comment on Funny but it's even less funny 3 months ago:
You can get some affordable healthcare once you’re here. I’ve heard my neighbors that came up from the States talk about the piece of mind they got when they realized their healthcare will not bankrupt them. It sounds like it’s quite the relief, eh?
- Comment on Know thy enemy 3 months ago:
This sounds like a good idea. I wonder why it hasn’t happened. Maybe lobbyists have prevented politicians from doing so so that the USA is dependent on countries with appropriate refineries, which protects the income and security of the other country using the USA’s GDP and military.
- Comment on Know thy enemy 3 months ago:
Additionally, the push to stop depending on fossil fuels makes the investment an even riskier endeavor because the refinery might be outdated by the time it starts making a profitable return. It would be like if the entire world was highly dependent on lemons, and a farmer planting a lot of lemon trees that take 2 - 5 years to grow when half the world is insisting on switching over to limes. If the lemons were being produced right now and all that has to be paid for is the regular maintenance of the lemon trees, it would be profitable. However, the farmer has to purchase the land and seeds, prepared the land, install and acquire appropriate farming equipment, hire an entire staff that are experts in lemons, and grow the trees before even receiving a single penny in revenue, all while a good portion of the population is anti-lemon because lemons are harmful to the environment (hypothetically speaking) and wants to switch over to limes. which are less damaging. Business-wise, this would be a terrible investment. It’s not that it couldn’t possibly turn a profit, but when you’re an investor with considerable capital, you’re going to invest that in ventures that are more likely to produce a profit. It would make no sense to risk your capital on such a risky venture when there are hundreds of others that are less risky.