- Comment on If I sit in my basement and do nothing, I can't fuck things up 1 week ago:
Use a spoon/fork to direct the flow, the liquid will follow the surface of the spoon, not that of the container
- Comment on What is a metaphor you like in your language? 5 weeks ago:
Are there really esperato speakers in the wild (not just Duolingo?) It would be a fun language to learn, but if no one speaks i’d rather just get better at german :)
- Comment on Steam Deck sales drop hard following the Nintendo Switch 2 announcement 1 month ago:
Thank you for your wisdom <3
- Comment on Steam Deck sales drop hard following the Nintendo Switch 2 announcement 1 month ago:
Unemployement will be the true salvation :p
- Comment on Steam Deck sales drop hard following the Nintendo Switch 2 announcement 1 month ago:
I am waiting for the day I will have time to play :')
- Comment on I wanna ROCK 2 months ago:
Rocks are literally brighter than that person :p
- Comment on Looking for answers 2 months ago:
Allow me an argument by Doctor Who:
You can use violence, but when does it end, and what makes you think you are going to end up better off?
- Comment on Anon visits the Philippines 3 months ago:
The post on my screen was cut off at “skinny white man arrives”, and I think it was perfect.
- Comment on Even better than a cart of apples 3 months ago:
Those are things that regulate the tension in the overhead cables in train tracks. With the variation of temperature cables tend to contract/expand and this systems allows the cables to do so freely with a constant tension provided by the weights.
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
They just found rocks that are naturally hot and boiled water with it… Engineering is a scam.
- Comment on Hidden razor blades 3 months ago:
Honnestly those razor-blades are a scam and I spend a lot less money since I switched to safety razors. A bit more technical to use but totally worth it I think
- Comment on Tiger Predators 4 months ago:
Tigers with horns 😨😨 ?
- Comment on 2 Kinds 5 months ago:
I can’t unsee it now :(
- Comment on 2 Kinds 5 months ago:
1, a, 3 ?
(I just find it weird people write their 2s as ‘a’…)