- Comment on What games other than Smite have a lot of pantheons (beyond Greek and Norse)? 2 days ago:
They obviously meant the Chinese add-on, which recently was released for the Remaster. The original Chinese add-on was only released 2016, so not even 10 years ago.
- Comment on Suddenly I'm not allowed to do something I've been doing professionally for 18 months now. Is this something that benefits me? 3 weeks ago:
No idea about your specific legal posthorn, as it heavily depends on where on earth you are.
But what sprang immediately to my mind is that it sounds highly illegal if the manager is indeed right. So regarding the “benefiting you”: have a talk with your old manager about somebody telling the control instances of your profession or maybe they could help making the transition easier for you…
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 3 weeks ago:
I’m playing Team Fortress 2 since 2010. So it’s not hard to reach high numbers if the game is old enough, which some are.
- Comment on This community in a nutshell 3 weeks ago:
You won’t fit through the bars after eating that fat fish though!
- Comment on ‘Mass theft’: Thousands of artists call for AI art auction to be cancelled 5 weeks ago:
I would respect that as a kind of performance art.
- Comment on Age of Mythology Retold News: Immortal Pillars [Chinese expansion] and PlayStation 5 Releases are Coming 1 month ago:
Wait what? This news did not reach me till now. Why does everything connected to big companies have to be so shitty.
- Comment on Forgotton Anne follow-up Forgotlings is a gorgeous jaunt into a mountain full of adorable weirdos - and it has a demo 1 month ago:
Oh nice, didn’t know they were developing a new game.
- Comment on To my late wife, Carmen, my spicy little habanara pepper (pls read and lmk if you think it's okay to send) 1 month ago:
OK, I thought it was just female form of the chili habanero and didn’t question it further, thinking you meant she is fiery.
Nice one then, even if it was far over my head =D now I appreciate your joke even more after reading the lyrics. Heads off to the dedication!
- Comment on To my late wife, Carmen, my spicy little habanara pepper (pls read and lmk if you think it's okay to send) 1 month ago:
I don’t see a second joke, please explain it for stupid me?
- Comment on Notch says he will work on a spiritual successor to Minecraft 2 months ago:
Okay, for me the racist and general far right stuff is the bigger problem with Notch.
- Comment on Everyone look! I got a picture of the Rosetta Stone 2 months ago:
I think it is the stone from the back. You can see more people on the other side of the stone and also with phones out to photograph it.
- Comment on What is a community you like and would recommend to others and why? 2 months ago:
I like video games, but not the newest, shiniest AAA title, but rather the smaller and older gems. Therefore !patientgamers@sh.itjust.works is a nice community since I also like to read what other gamers think about their favorites.
Another recommendation is !historymemes@lemmy.world where PugJesus often gives an explanation to their meme. Thereby you learn and laugh.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
The loading times did get better! I think a lot of people who complain either forgot or never player old games on original hardware. I remember minutes long loading screens. What we have now is so much better than the past. Imaging playing a Dark Souls game and waiting 1 minute each time you got defeated. That was my experience with one segment in Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
But… That is a disguised loading screen. The ones everyone complained about as well. The game has to load the data at some point. So either it’s completely being removed from the game via a screen or something like “boost me up” or crawling through the caves like in the new God of War.
- Comment on If you have diarrhea and you hold it in will your body retain some of the water? 2 months ago:
Sadly it’s a real medical condition that leads to a really bad death if untreated.
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 2 months ago:
To play gods advocate, good isn’t an emotion. Good is a state of being, that could be defined and then other things can be judged by that definition to be good or not.
Subjective? Sure. But no emotion needed for subjectivity.
- Comment on You are all WAY too happy about an extremely powerful and very wealthy CEO who controls a monopoly and uses slave labor. Not to mention he has this two-tiered system based on arbitrary data. 2 months ago:
Precisely thisPrecisely this
- Comment on Noble gases 2 months ago:
Interesting but not surprising that it differs. In my case it was mostly due to one seminar tutor, not a professor.
- Comment on Noble gases 2 months ago:
In high school I agree that learning it by heart is unnecessary. Studying chemistry in university though, I agree that the students there should know, at least roughly, where each element is. After all, a lot of reactivity and behavior depends on their period and which group they are in.
- Comment on Final TF2 comic released after 7 years! 2 months ago:
Yeah, somehow the openendedness gave me a little bit of “it’s not over yet” feeling. But now it feels like the coffin nail being put in.
- Comment on Just because you're a slob at home do you have to be an inconsiderate slob in public 2 months ago:
Why not? Mostly smell for me. Because feet being imprisoned on shoes most of the time gives them an aroma most people don’t like.
- Comment on Relevant advertising 🤪 3 months ago:
Then we would need to know how many CEOs you need to “not see” before somebody connects some dots…
- Comment on Thief has a new spiritual sequel, built by the Deus Ex and System Shock devs 3 months ago:
Coop Immersive Sim sounds awesome to be honest.
- Comment on What are your favourite trailers? 3 months ago:
The Mechanicus trailer is maybe the greatest ever.
I also fondly remember the Skyrim reveal trailer, because the music was so epic when I saw it for the first time, in ancient times.
- Comment on Vertigo 2: Into the Aether - Reveal Trailer 3 months ago:
Oh nice. Vertigo 2 was a great step forwards from Vertigo 1. I’m interested in this new addition to the series.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Might not be for you.
Maybe as an alternative for you: create new accounts after one year or so to not leave a years-long data trail? This way your posts are preserved but can’t be connected easily to each other to doxx you.
- Comment on What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? 3 months ago:
Most multiplayer games gain by already knowing mechanics, maps, characters, items, etc.
- Comment on 7/7 of Required Countries Have Met the Petition's Threshold. 3 months ago:
Don’t forget that reaching the country threshold alone is not enough. We also need to hit 1 million petitioners!
So if you like the petition and you are a EU citizen, sign it!
- Comment on Optimisation is a Slow Process 4 months ago:
Garbage comes on different states of matter…
- Comment on Intelligence Tests 4 months ago:
Yeah and the other part is proud of that fact, which fits to be honest…