- Comment on EA's Skate Gets Microtransactions Before Its Release Date 2 weeks ago:
I recently saw a documentary that talked about conditions at EA even back in the 90’s turns out I never cared for an EA game ever. I cared about the studios making them despite the fact that EA made ridiculously stupid choices.
- Comment on A scientific discovery 3 months ago:
But do they understand the gravity of that discovery?
- Comment on If media corporations worked together to convince you that a half decent politician is evil incarnate but the politician that helps corporations extort the people is good, what would it look like? 4 months ago:
I mean… Just look at the news. We don’t have to imagine it because that is what is going on.
- Comment on What is stopping a scammer from HTTPS certificating a "nonsense.ReputableBank.com" 4 months ago:
There were some rather in detail answers already to which I could add. But instead I am going with a more simple answer that is hopefully also good.
Basically, bad actors want to stay undetected if possible. Like staying in dark places with dark clothing and not making noise. trying to get your own subdomain is more like wearing a high Vis jacket, having Christmas lights on you and broadcasting your presence with a loudspeaker with something like “catch me if you can!” on repeat.
Or even simpler: getting detected is bad for bad actors, doing that is one great way to get detected, they know that so they don’t do that.
Or metaphorically: a drop of water in the ocean won’t get noticed, rain in the desert will.
At the end of the day it’s not about what you can do but if you should do that.
- Comment on Classic shooters Unreal and Unreal Tournament are now free and preserved on the Internet Archive 4 months ago:
I distinctly remember buying both unreal and unreal tournament from GoG on sale when it was still listed there. So yeah, people did buy those.
- Comment on 'It even breaks my heart a bit': Denuvo pushes back on its haters, says Steam forums are a 'very toxic, very hostile environment' 5 months ago:
To be fair. The Steam forums are actually pretty bad in general and could do with better moderation.
Having said that, there is a reason why some corporations have the reputation that they have. Might want to fix the thing that is causing that reputation instead of blaming everyone else for your bad reputation. But that would be the harder thing to do that takes time and effort and no one likes to put effort in.
- Comment on You're going outside for decoration! 5 months ago:
He’s so boned… Done goofed up now!
- Comment on Tough Shit 5 months ago:
Now that’s one shit experiment to figure something specific out.
- Comment on Hmmmm 5 months ago:
Why not both?
- Comment on Sid Meier's Civilization VII gets Windows system requirements with Linux and macOS details later 5 months ago:
- Comment on PS5 Homescreen Now Replaces Unique Video Game Art With Annoying Ads You Can’t Turn Off 5 months ago:
I would argue that it’s a handheld PC since it’s not locked down to heck and back. It would also be the one thing I would buy but I have no use case for it so I don’t.
- Comment on PS5 Homescreen Now Replaces Unique Video Game Art With Annoying Ads You Can’t Turn Off 5 months ago:
Crazy stuff… Ads everywhere. Makes my choice to not buy any console this generation seem a lot better. It saved me money and I don’t get ads forced on me. I call that a win win.
- Comment on Games like Splitgate? (Halo?) 6 months ago:
Right… Splitgate and splitgate 2 are lies. What you experienced are probably mostly if not all bit matches instead of playing with and against other players. But that is besides the question.
Realistically there have been no actual good games in that niche in recent years (less than 10 years old) and the old ones are either dead unless you like botmatches or have a tiny community that is really REALLY good and will wipe the floor with you.
Anyhow Quake 3 (good luck) Tribes 2 (good luck) Unreal tournament 2004 (good luck obtaining legally, also good luck) Halo (LoL last decent one was reach on 360) There’s more but those are even more niche than the big ones already listed.
- Comment on Ubisoft are adding offline modes to The Crew 2 and The Crew Motorfest after getting savaged over junking The Crew 6 months ago:
Now would you look at that… Still a good idea to keep going with stop killing games.
- Comment on TIL I can restore games on Steam, which I removed years ago 6 months ago:
Yet… Ubisoft did go and “remove” the keys for the crew when they shut that one down. No one but them can really say if they actually deleted them or not. though I have my doubts with how that company has acted in recent years.
- Comment on TIL I can restore games on Steam, which I removed years ago 6 months ago:
There are reasons for why that is possible, for better or worse.
To reverse malicious actions that may have been taken by other people that got access to the account for any reason for example.
There may even be legal reasons for why that is the case. Licensing law can be quite complicated.
And then there is the fact that if it’s hidden it’s effectively gone anyways and that may actually be what people actually care about. Not whether or not they technically still have that game or not. People wanting a clean library is a thing and it ties into the concept that is the right to be forgotten.
- Comment on I'll have a Number 9, a Number 9 large, a Number 6 with extra dip, two Number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda. 6 months ago:
That’s not impressive. 120 in a 30 or there about is. Yes someone did that around here. As for the how? High powered car and a lead foot mixed with a need for speed or a death wish.
- Comment on Vacation Bible School 7 months ago:
What a scrub… Doesn’t even know all the phone numbers without a book telling him
I know all the phone numbers, I just don’t know which one belongs to who.