- Comment on I don't understand why underbaked borderline raw cookies are such a popular trend. 5 months ago:
Terrible except when peanut butter.
- Comment on Hoggies 5 months ago:
- Comment on Why do social workers get upset when you don't want their help? 6 months ago:
People who work in helping professions can sometimes have a lot of their identity and self worth tied up into it. A person who has not processed their emotions and baggage about their job/themselves/their place in the world/etc will unfortunately take that baggage out on clients. It is nonsense and I’m sorry you had to deal with it.
- Comment on How do I Graphene OS? 6 months ago:
Gotcha. This is a valuable clarification. Thanks!!
- Comment on How do I Graphene OS? 6 months ago:
I have a moto g 5g 2023 which is apparently different than the moto 5g, and an A9+ tablet. I found a thread talking about the difference and some regional reasons why my phone and others like it don’t always have support. It looks like versions of these OSes often just don’t exist for a lot of devices, because fewer people use them. The lineage website did have a lot of samsung devices listed though and might have yours, so there definitely are some options. But it’s not every phone, which sucks, but i think the warnings about bricking are real and not just discouragement.
Honestly opening up software on consumer devices should be the law and mayyybe one day it will be in the us (eu allowed some semblance of alternative app stores recently and that’s something? ) but I think those of us with the less common and budget mobile devices might just have to wait for now. Or continue living inside the matrix, as someone else here said.
- Comment on How do I Graphene OS? 6 months ago:
Alas, it looks like none of the devices I own right now are actually compatible with Calyx, graphene or lineage right now. :( I own less popular models of devices, but I erroneously thought any android device would be interchangeable here when I first made this post.
- Comment on How do I Graphene OS? 6 months ago:
I think a lot of people deep in linux and computer science communities might not realize that tons people outside that subculture feel exactly the same way they do and want the same things, we just didn’t go to school for it. No one is trying to water down the niche spaces that are important to people or deny the hard work that was done by people in decades past. We just want to understand and do what’s been recommended to us, and information should be everyone because the goal is increased adoption and digital freedom in society, right? Anyway this kinda means a lot coming from a person with your background so thank you.
- Comment on How do I Graphene OS? 6 months ago:
Thanks for all this detail, I appreciate it!
- Comment on How do I Graphene OS? 6 months ago:
Thank you!
- Comment on How do I Graphene OS? 6 months ago:
We need an ecosystem of nontechnical tech forums for the rest of us. Real ‘define every term’ hours. I would start this if I knew enough.
- Comment on How do I Graphene OS? 6 months ago:
Good to know. Thanks.
- Comment on How do I Graphene OS? 6 months ago:
There is a lot of mixed information out there about whether or not non-proprietary things have ‘caught up’ in usability for the average person. Thanks for the feedback.
- Comment on How do I Graphene OS? 6 months ago:
I’ve installed a lot of things that say they work fine that don’t, and I’ve followed a lot of ‘simple’ instructions that were not simple to me. I made this post to ask people about their actual experiences and get feedback from people about things I might not have thought of myself.
This forum is called no stupid questions.
- Submitted 6 months ago to [deleted] | 33 comments
- Comment on Bread 6 months ago:
Mine is not, it has two shelves which would each fit a 9*5 loaf pan with a little room on each end. Or like four cereal bowls of cookies. They do make bigger ones, but I imagine a microwave probably works just as well for something that gets eaten quickly.
- Comment on Bread 6 months ago:
I have one! I love it, it’s got a magnetic door my cat can’t open is one of my best purchases ever. I use it for baked goods, though, not bread. It’s too humid where I am to keep bread fresh at room temperature.
- Comment on Stephen King adaptation The Long Walk adds nine to cast including Mark Hamill and Judy Greer 7 months ago:
This was a book I never knew anything about until I heard Just King Things cover it. I feel like there is potential for this to be really, really good depending on the choices they make.
- Comment on This Kevin Smith Sleeper Is an Underrated Horror Gem 7 months ago:
I have not seen this movie because I think parts of it would be a bit much for me. But every time i hear about it I am like, damn, what a concept. I’m surprised people weren’t as hyped about it when it came out.
- Comment on ‘Bioshock’ Film Adaptation Still in the Works With Scaled Down Budget; It’s a ‘More Personal’ Movie, Says Producer Roy Lee 8 months ago:
Yeah, I’d rather watch something with less spectacle but a lot of heart. Maybe they will lean into the horror elements a bit more.
- Comment on Real Facebook ad that doubles as a god-tier shitpost 8 months ago:
This is the funniest thing I have ever seen.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
He’s not the man I knew. He doesn’t have the wisdom I thought he did.
The grief is really, really real. I’m so sorry. I feel this way about several people I grew up around, It sucks to realize people you respected aren’t interested in doing the right thing or even acknowledging reality.
- Comment on Disney has a problem: Kids are watching YouTube instead of Disney+ 8 months ago:
100%. The educational channels didn’t really pick up until I was an adult, but I think I would have been a better adjusted and probably a more functional student if I had those things at a younger age. (Though the comedy of early YouTube was pretty rad).
- Comment on Disney has a problem: Kids are watching YouTube instead of Disney+ 8 months ago:
Youtube is imperfect but it’s a sprawling place filled with a vast array of cool stuff made by all kinds of people. I struggle to see this as a bad thing. One company cannot and should not own any market forever. Disney isn’t entitled to being kids’ go-to forever.
- Comment on Hey what’s the little eye icon doodad at the top of the feed? 8 months ago:
Agreed. Lemmy won’t let me upload one yet though.
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 8 months ago:
So there is a fascinating historical rabbit hole here that I went down a few years ago. I think it is Nicole Rudolph who did a deep dive video into the history of bras and other shapewear. If you smoked a lot and like history I recommend it.
Bras and similar garments give the proper ‘shape’ for the clothes and cultural norms of the moment, and give people comfort and support if they need it. Lots of people need something sturdy to keep everything in place, but it’s also still a very grey area of social acceptance to choose not wear one.