If I didn't make you laugh
Then you failed.
And should try again.
If I didn't make you think.
Then I failed
And should try again.
- Comment on House passes funding bill with just hours until government shutdown 2 months ago:
I don't like the disaster relief either. That's just money pissed away on beauracracy that doesn't actually help anyone.Actually. I'm not sure there is anything in this cr I do like.
- Comment on House passes funding bill with just hours until government shutdown 2 months ago:
First off, the government isn't being shut down for a few weeks.Second, it's a CR and not these assholes actually doing their job.
- Comment on House passes funding bill with just hours until government shutdown 2 months ago:
Booo. Fuck those gay retards.
- Comment on White House Biden health cover-up blown wide open in bombshell report: Joe was senile from day one of presidency 2 months ago:
Well then of course you don't understand and of course Biden being a senile invalid his entire term is breaking news for you.But don't think too hard about it, wouldn't want you to blow a gasket.
- Comment on Johnson signals 'plan C' reached to avert shutdown 2 months ago:
Most of your responses are vague and resemble an addict explaining their need for, whatever they are addicted to.
Like... legislate laws...
Come on dude, you are better than that.
- Comment on Johnson signals 'plan C' reached to avert shutdown 2 months ago:
My responses just got eaten by the internet.
I'm all for a fair tax federally.
Solely tariffs and a flat tax on new products.If a heroin addict is forced to be clean for 6 months because they are on an island with no heroin, that's ultimately good for them, even if they go back.
- Comment on Johnson signals 'plan C' reached to avert shutdown 2 months ago:
You could've at least made me sound like a monster by saying benefits for losers.
And then I could say let them learn to swim or drown.If I were mike Johnson, I'd be playing extreme hardball.
I'd start the negotiations at 6 months of government shutdown unless they agree to single bills.And then just shut it down until they cave.
- Comment on Johnson signals 'plan C' reached to avert shutdown 2 months ago:
National defense, tell me about those drones
Fight federal crimes, yes, fund the fbi.....
Collect taxes. Disband the irs and end the income tax please
Legislate. What, legislative what, this is a retard answer
Negotiate with foreign governments. Ohh yes, to pay for drinking club dates that end in bombing kids, great, love it
Set economic policies.
MORE INFLATION.These are such great reasons.
Try again.
- Comment on Johnson signals 'plan C' reached to avert shutdown 2 months ago:
@realcaseyrollins why do you want a bullshit pork roll?
What does the federal government do that you want to keep around?
- Comment on Johnson signals 'plan C' reached to avert shutdown 2 months ago:
So all the worthless parasites can shrivel up up and disappear forever. - Comment on Johnson signals 'plan C' reached to avert shutdown 2 months ago:
@realcaseyrollins shut it down, please lord shut it down for 4 years
- Comment on White House Biden health cover-up blown wide open in bombshell report: Joe was senile from day one of presidency 2 months ago:
@UniversalMonk not breaking news unless you took the covid shot without coercion
- Comment on CNN bans guest for telling Muslim journalist 'I hope your beeper doesn't go off' 4 months ago:
exactly. - Comment on CNN bans guest for telling Muslim journalist 'I hope your beeper doesn't go off' 4 months ago:
Reciprocation.I have a death wish for many people who wish others dead. It all fits easily within the non agreession principle. Especially since I'm only hoping some evil asshole is killed by some other evil asshole.
What's wrong with wanting evil assholes to kill each other?
- Comment on CNN bans guest for telling Muslim journalist 'I hope your beeper doesn't go off' 4 months ago:
@realcaseyrollins i hope his beeper does go off. Medhi hassan is a syphilis infected cunt rag
- Comment on Photos and videos show devastation of Israel's assault on northern Gaza 4 months ago:
So awesome, just like all the Muslim countries over there wanted. Make dajews kill all their gangs extremists and criminals.
- Comment on TheBlaze Terminates Contract of Lauren Chen After DOJ Reveals She Worked For Russian Propaganda Operation | Barrett Media 5 months ago:
@realcaseyrollins yes, like timcast.
Anchor personality that builds up other personalities.
- Comment on TheBlaze Terminates Contract of Lauren Chen After DOJ Reveals She Worked For Russian Propaganda Operation | Barrett Media 5 months ago:
Tenent media had no personalities.They bought rights to post shows other creators made.
It's be like some group trying to make an off grid youtube network and buying rights to ssm, wwog, growfully, etc.
- Comment on TheBlaze Terminates Contract of Lauren Chen After DOJ Reveals She Worked For Russian Propaganda Operation | Barrett Media 5 months ago:
Prager is based on Dennis prager and hires up and comers using his platform to launch them.Blaze uses that guy noone listens to from the 90s.
Barstool sports was a renegade sports commentary that rose because nobody wants to listen to Steven a Smith.
I have no idea what betr is, and vox sucks.
- Comment on TheBlaze Terminates Contract of Lauren Chen After DOJ Reveals She Worked For Russian Propaganda Operation | Barrett Media 5 months ago:
This was originally presented like they took down some intricate network of high profile youtubers.
Which is what garland thought he was accomplishing.
But garland is dumb.And nobody cares about tenent media.
- Comment on TheBlaze Terminates Contract of Lauren Chen After DOJ Reveals She Worked For Russian Propaganda Operation | Barrett Media 5 months ago:
Oh, tenent seems wierd.But what half assed podcast network doesn't seem wierd.
Like dieselnet, or whatever the fuck michael malice is on.
I actually thought it was an attempt to make a single membership service to multiple creators, but noone would give them that deal.
- Comment on TheBlaze Terminates Contract of Lauren Chen After DOJ Reveals She Worked For Russian Propaganda Operation | Barrett Media 5 months ago:
I'm curious why you would take Merrick seriously at this point?
He has zero credibility.
I'm really miffed at this.
Way too many people give these morons WAY more respect than they deserve.
From the jewspiracies to all the rest of the lizemard people crap.
These people are idiots with power, not 4d chess masters.
This IS why the moon is flat
- Comment on TheBlaze Terminates Contract of Lauren Chen After DOJ Reveals She Worked For Russian Propaganda Operation | Barrett Media 5 months ago:
I mean. Did you forget russiagate?
The idea this is completely made up is hardly outlandish.
More realistic than paying Benny Johnson and poolboi for clout so you can unleash a professional podcast that any of their audiences will ever watch or believe.
- Comment on TheBlaze Terminates Contract of Lauren Chen After DOJ Reveals She Worked For Russian Propaganda Operation | Barrett Media 5 months ago:
I think he loosely stitched nonsense together to shut down something he believed was a ROBUST podcast network of fascist content creators. When really he popped a nothing burger because he's a fucking dolt and cult member who doesn't understand much of anything.
Lauren Chen will just get a more interesting roller coaster ride.
She's only losing vc investors, might gain followers who think this is some jewish maneuver.Look at Alex Jones.
- Comment on TheBlaze Terminates Contract of Lauren Chen After DOJ Reveals She Worked For Russian Propaganda Operation | Barrett Media 5 months ago:
This is Merrick garland we are talking about.
Not someone with a history of credible or respectable behavior.
Why would anyone react decisively to his bullshit until everything actually shakes out.It's weak.
And giving Merrick any benefit is the behavior of weak people. - Comment on TheBlaze Terminates Contract of Lauren Chen After DOJ Reveals She Worked For Russian Propaganda Operation | Barrett Media 5 months ago:
@realcaseyrollins that's lame.
Why dump on Lauren Chen because of Merrick garland.What weak bitches at the blaze.