I'm curious why you would take Merrick seriously at this point?
He has zero credibility.
I'm really miffed at this.
Way too many people give these morons WAY more respect than they deserve.
From the jewspiracies to all the rest of the lizemard people crap.
These people are idiots with power, not 4d chess masters.
This IS why the moon is flat
realcaseyrollins@thelemmy.club 5 months ago
Well it doesn’t help that I always found Tenet Media strange and shady.
Companies usually have big announcements about their launches, and high profile members usually promote the network. While the only person on the network I watch is Tim Pool, he did neither, mostly acting almost like the company always existed, if he bothered to mention it at all.
Sirpantangelini@noauthority.social 5 months ago
Oh, tenent seems wierd.
But what half assed podcast network doesn't seem wierd.
Like dieselnet, or whatever the fuck michael malice is on.
I actually thought it was an attempt to make a single membership service to multiple creators, but noone would give them that deal.
Sirpantangelini@noauthority.social 5 months ago
This was originally presented like they took down some intricate network of high profile youtubers.
Which is what garland thought he was accomplishing.
But garland is dumb.
And nobody cares about tenent media.
realcaseyrollins@thelemmy.club 5 months ago
Nah man, most networks don’t move like this. Look at Betr, Barstool Sports, Blaze Media Network, Vox Media, TPUSA, PragerU, etc. They usually say who is in their leadership and had an announcement at some point as part of their debut. New members to their networks also usually announce that they’re joining before switching to the new network. I don’t think any of the Tenet Media personalities did that.
Sirpantangelini@noauthority.social 5 months ago
Prager is based on Dennis prager and hires up and comers using his platform to launch them.
Blaze uses that guy noone listens to from the 90s.
Barstool sports was a renegade sports commentary that rose because nobody wants to listen to Steven a Smith.
I have no idea what betr is, and vox sucks.