- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 7 months ago:
They just make a lot of money or lived outside their means. When people mention big AC bills, they’re cooling 2000sqft homes to under 70F 24/7.
I get by just fine with 78F during the day and a little lower at night, it even gets a bit cold when the compressor runs. Low low bills.
- Comment on Who was in the wrong here? 7 months ago:
Damn that’s crazy, I have the complete opposite conclusion.
Yes, camera guy appears to be an antisocial shithead based on only this video. However, he was standing on presumably a public sidewalk and did NOT use physical force first.
The business owner or manager was clearly the first to use physical force when no threat to their safety was present.
Again, camera guy appears to be in the moral wrong but it’s pretty clear who starts the violence.
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 7 months ago:
We’re going to remember people like you when this is all over.
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 7 months ago:
Unironically defending genocide by using “antisemitism” as an excuse, implying by your own admission that all Jews are genocidal
Who do you think you’re fooling, bud? Fucking Nazi.
- Comment on If Sean Evans from Hot Ones wound up with an ulcer could he claim a workplace injury? 8 months ago:
They are caused by bacterial infection and not stress or capsaicin, so I sure hope he could claim an injury if their cooks are contaminating food lol
- Comment on FINAL FANTASY XIV: DAWNTRAIL Launch Trailer 8 months ago:
It depends what you’re looking for. If you don’t care about story and community, you can purchase a boost right to the endgame (or I guess, start-game of this expansion) and start playing the latest content almost immediately. It’s really not a hard game even at the 2nd hardest content tier. I could regularly out-DPS the DPS players as a healer in pugs.
However, FF14 also famously has some of the best storytelling and communities in the genre. Even catching up to Stormblood would take hundreds of hours and there are like 3 new expansions since then.
Personally the appeal to me was the immersion, working through the story from the start, making bonds and connections with other players and your guild. This takes time and if you have it, the game will show you plenty to do.