- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
not mildly infuriating. it’s very infuriating
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 1 month ago:
the US is run by billionaires and corporations.
you can live in peace as long as you don’t inconvenience them too much, and keep paying them
- Comment on Why the U.S. Patent System is literally SCAM! | The Patent Scam | FD Finance [Video] (I just wanted to post this because of how Infuriating it is , and to raise attention) 2 months ago:
it’s not a scam. it’s just designed to help those with money sue those without.
- Comment on We need a new Amazon 2 months ago:
its the obscure parts and items that get me going back to Amazon…
- Comment on Heads up, don't link to the Guardian on 5/6 December 2 months ago:
wouldn’t it be more effective if they put a strike notice on their page and shared things prolifically
- Comment on Serious statement: I don't understand the argument that not voting for Harris was the morally correct thing to do, because of Gaza. Why does anyone believe this? 3 months ago:
I know one of those people. they are now angry the left lost… 🙄
- Comment on We live in a meritocracy. 9 months ago:
there are plenty of low cost open access journals run by nonprofits and professional societies. however junior researchers when building their reputation try and publish in journals that are as prestigious as possible, without worrying about cost, apc, open access etc.
- Comment on We live in a meritocracy. 9 months ago:
iwriting reviews is time consuming, unpaid, and doesn’t help the reviewers career. so it takes a while because reviewers are already busy and don’t prioritize writing reviews too much.
quality of the reviews is questionable. 10% of the reviews are through and provide valuable feedback. the remaining 90% are cursory “yeah this is interesting, publish it” or “not interesting/outside scope”.
very very few reviews find and report scientific errors
- Comment on We live in a meritocracy. 9 months ago:
academic journals now only provide a service to authors. they used to distribute… but the articles are available free on the arxiv, pubmed, authors websites, etc. the peer review and typesetting journals do is a joke and no author will pay for that.
the value journals have now is mainly to the author, because the prestige of getting accepted by the journal helps with the authors career. publishers figured out that authors will pay for this, so here we are … 🙄
- Comment on Publishers are a cancer. Knowledge is meant to be shared, freely. 9 months ago:
so back in the day we needed publishers for distribution. now with the Internet, distribution is easy. but prices only went up
associate editors and referees are unpaid volunteers. typesetting is also mainly done by the authors. but prices are high because the publisher wants to profit.
there are quite a few high quality journals that are fairly priced and published by non profit publishers. these are the only journals authors should publish in …