- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 9 months ago:
Counterpoint: if you, personally, can save some dollars so you’re mainly spending on the things you can’t grow, that’s hardly a bad thing. Also, working with soil is known to be good for you. Exposes you to soil bacteria that are known to boost mood.
And it sounds corny as fuck and I didn’t really take it seriously until I did it, but homegrown produce can be so incredibly much better than what you get off an industrial farm.
Just let people feed themselves and be happy, fuck.
- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 9 months ago:
Considering how expensive fresh produce is getting, it doesn’t have to change the direction of inflation to be worth it.
- Comment on Sticks 9 months ago:
15% commenter here. My number came from the source I used, I’m not enough of a Greek history fanatic to know one way or the other, thanks for clarifying
- Comment on Sticks 9 months ago:
Sorta. The stade was based on the pous which varied. But not that much, and in ways that are often consistently documented. Around the time Eratosthenes was alive, give or take a couple hundred years, it was documented that 1 Roman mile = 8 stades, which gives us something to go of off. While there are other possible definitions, we do have one that we know is probably closest to whatever Eratosthenes used. Using that definition, he had a 15% error. Depending on how you define the stadia, the error can go as high as 30%. I’m still impressed he got within the right power of ten with nothing but a stick.
- Comment on You are in this solar system, but we do not grant you the rank of planet 9 months ago:
- Comment on You are in this solar system, but we do not grant you the rank of planet 9 months ago:
A dwarf planet is a type of planet, right?