- Comment on Honey 2 months ago:
Maybe you’re right. I get all confused when it’s not in Möbius order.
- Comment on Honey 2 months ago:
To expand on this… Part of what happens to the nectar inside the bee’s honey crop is the addition of various enzymes (IIRC invertase is one. I don’t recall any of the others) that modify the sugars and other compounds in the nectar.
So nectar goes in, nectar + enzymes comes out, then the result is dried until the moisture content is low enough (~18% is what I was told as a beekeeper. Who knows how the bees measure it…)
- Comment on Honey 2 months ago:
Not to be all “Well ackchyually” but most (maybe all?) of the moisture reduction happens after the nectar has been stored in the comb, but before it has been capped with wax for storage. So the bottom two panels should be switched
Also, if anyone cares, the term for the mouth-to-mouth passing of the nectar is trophallaxis.
- Comment on Learn how to count with Bill Gates 5 months ago:
3.11 was WfW, and ran on top of DOS just like 3.1 did.
NT 3.51 used the NT kernel, and (mostly) looked like 3.1/3.11 on the surface. NT 4 used the NT kernel, and (mostly) looked like Win95.
Win 95/98/Me also ran on DOS, though it was more tightly integrated than it was in the 3.1 days.
Win 2k and everything after was based on NT.