- Comment on Anon is 33 1 month ago:
Separated from me because I have severe anger issues, which led to Social Services forcibly removing me - not to help me - but to make putting me under what amounted to house arrest at 11 years old to save taxpayer money instead of actually caring about an autistic child by placing me in a group home where I was the only child capable of speech.
When my parents got me back, I was three years behind my peers in tech knowledge that I prioritized re-learning over assoviating with my idiot wigger classfoes. Then I realized I was incapable of handling the stress of university and simply couldn’t go.
I tried a writing career but my only option for a psychiatrist (literally the only psychiatrist within a 1.5 hour drive of my hometown) destroyed my life and online social networking with psychiatric malpractice.
The internet never forgives, I hate you all and hope you’ll die painfully because you already hate me. If you don’t, it’s because our hobbies didn’t overlap in 2017-2024, and thus I have no reason to bother discussing anything with anyone ever again.
- Comment on Anon is 33 1 month ago:
This is me at 34. Fuck reality, everything ever has been destroyed and I just need an excuse to stand by the railroad tracks until I hear the horn.
- Comment on Improve your Wi-Fi with this one trick 2 months ago:
RoRo stations. Roll on, roll off/out. The internet isn’t a highway, it’s a series of bullet trains in tube tunnels.
I wonder if anyone thinks OpenTTD would be more fun with a cyberspace theme? I know there’s a neon grid grf (mod)…
Anyway, if this was a suitable solution for WiFi, we wouldn’t need wired connections. That said, you can cut open a drink can to turn a WiFi router’s signal into a focused beam using the aluminum, iirc.
- Comment on Anon goes to dinner with coworkers 5 months ago:
Initially, yes. And then when it went wrong? They doubled down on it because they WANTED people to be desperate.
- Comment on Anon goes to dinner with coworkers 5 months ago:
Okay, that’s cherrypicking. I am not saying it was crossfire like any Jews deserved to die, they didn’t. I’m saying that anyone calling children “just collateral damage” is evil, because THAT’S what I meant by crossfire, “they are not just collateral damage, you CHOSE not to care that your actions might hurt innocents”.
- Comment on Anon goes to dinner with coworkers 5 months ago:
- Comment on Anon goes to dinner with coworkers 5 months ago:
Yeah, I’m angry and even violently so, but not out of a hatred of a group. I think OP’s boss is an asshole, and I think Israel are not the good guys right now, but I also think antisemitism is no better and I don’t want anyone innocent, like children, getting caught in the crossfire like they were during the Holocaust and like they are being today in Gaza.
- Comment on Anon goes to dinner with coworkers 5 months ago:
A famine in 1845 that was caused by…
“As someone who lived 5 years in ireland and saw the history its absolutely fucking horrible. If you think about it its kinda ironic. Uk occupies a country, controls everything there and commits a genocide. Israel is occupying a country, controls everything there and commits a genocide. By the way as a neurotypical who has autistic family members and friends, in this case what happened is that the irish potato famine got normalized over time but the genocide in gaza is a current event. Also the israel one is political. Third thing is most neurotypicals are pussies, if you spend time with neurodivergent people you realize that a lot of things they say are funny as fuck, even if its a bit raw sometimes.”
I’m not Irish, nor do have an issue with Israelis. This whole issue just reeks of “casual dismissiveness” and I’m autistic myself so this hurts deep.
- Comment on Anon goes to dinner with coworkers 5 months ago:
Oh, jeez, not like that, no. I am autistic, and I didn’t mean other autistic people. Let’s just say I’m angry at humans in general and leave it at that, I think I’d better get off Lemmy for a while.
- Comment on Anon goes to dinner with coworkers 5 months ago:
That’s how you are supposed to deal with that level of awfulness. If you idiots can’t fucking throw away your worthless fucking lives en-masse to fix this mess, how do you expect change to ever happen?
- Comment on Anon goes to dinner with coworkers 6 months ago:
Resume? I’d have a lawyer on the phone. No money for a lawyer? Kill your boss and then yourself, fuck reality.
- Comment on Anon goes to dinner with coworkers 6 months ago:
That’s not “a nightmare for autistic people”. He had every right to be angry about a famine and this was all just “submit to my authority” bullshit. I don’t care who you are descended from, that is not logical nor fair nor reasonable in any social setting. I literally would have just decked him in the face and stormed out because that’s the only scenario where OP is making it clear that authority does not equal privilege. Respect your employees.
- Comment on Anon has a dream 11 months ago:
Or Hypnospace. Or Wonderland, the Dreaming, the Oneiros, the Glade of Dreams, the Outback, Nightopia, Oneiroi West, Phantomile, Limbo, the Dreamlands…
And that’s just non-Anime/Manga examples.
I’m partly convinced that, even if not supernatural, there’s something seriously “contrary to the theme of reality” about dreams. By Trope standards, it should be far more niche than it is… unless there’s some truth to it.
- Comment on Anon has a dream 11 months ago:
“The Collective is at it again. Better send in a mobile task force before they break the masquerade.” - O5
- Comment on Anon caused 9/11 11 months ago:
You think this is bad? I was 10. I was taken from my parents by social services because they allowed me to play video games. The NEXT. DAMN. DAY. After crying myself to sleep, 9/11 happens.
Now tell me I shouldn’t be this fucked up.
To me, 9/11 was personal. I hated everyone involved for years, including people in the Bush administration and the man himself because I believed they had been in on it, as if they had done this just to ruin my life because I cannot stand being collateral damage for an attack against a country I don’t even live in.
Now I don’t even try to justify it. I just know that I want you all to hurt for making the 00s about McBling bullshit, making the 10s the decade you LET THAT FUCKER TRUMP LITERALLY GET AWAY WITH VOTER FRAUD, and worst of all you have learned NOTHING from CoViD and still act like you shouldn’t be forming an angry mob to demand Trump be stripped of citizenship or fuck any and all laws as you burn everything to the ground until it happens because he WASN’T EVEN ELECTED. HE. CHEATED. HE ADMITTED HE CHEATED AND DOESN’T FUCKING CARE. HE SHOULD BE THE ONE THAT WAS THREATENED ON JANUARY 6TH BECAUSE HE SHOULDN’T AND NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN ELIGIBLE TO RUN FROM HIS SHEER FUCKING ARROGANCE.
I hate all of you because I am a minority of one and democracy is no longer real in the first place. Suffer.
- Comment on Anon awakens 11 months ago:
What does it mean when you are already barely functional, and then when you’re 27 your mind literally goes to hell and when you get back to sanity you’re never the same and you hate everything?
- Comment on Anon manages the impossible 11 months ago:
Tbh, this is me, and I totally get it; I have undersized sinuses so my sense of smell is sometimes less than it should be, and I prefer to not shower because I always feel like I’m freezing when I get out until I dry off. That said, I’m not trying to be disgusting, and actually appreciate if someone politely reminds me to shower because I’m too absentminded to remember to at least shower once a week and before going somewhere with a lot of people. I absolutely will get myself cleaned up if you ask nicely, I don’t appreciate cigarette smoke myself partly because it stinks (I don’t smoke and neither do any of my family, but unfortunately it’s pretty common here for complete strangers to do so in front of doorways to stores) so I can understand if something about me smells gross and you need me to wash.
Interestingly, there’s evidence that showering every day is actually too much and it should be twice/thrice a week (essentially every two days) instead. If I could meet that standard on my own, I would, and I’m thankful to be able to explain myself here even if no relevant person will ever see it.
Thanks to OP for this green text. Sometimes people do need it bluntly, I became a better person overall in 2015 because someone who did care about me pointed out some things I’d done that were hurting the people around me in subtle ways.