- Comment on horse 17 hours ago:
Okay so I was horse blind too but thnakfullyy MrBreast (<3) gave me horse blundness curing glasses in his latest video (he only killed two of his assistants this time!), so I can actually seewhat is in this picture.
Okay so imagine this picture
Image but a couple hundred kilos fatter and with more hair (sexier)
- Comment on Ribbit 2 days ago:
The little bunny starts digging. She needs more space to play with her bunny friends. She digs all night, carving out dirt from the end of the tunnel. After a while, her claws screech on something hard. A large rock. Removing this will take hours, but the little bunny gets to work. She digs and digs around the stone. Finally, all of the rock is exposed, so she starts turning it over to roll it out of the tunnel. As the rock moves, an object is revealed beneath: a glassy, metallic rectangle, like nothing she has seen before. As she leans in to inspect it closer, suddenly a cold blue glow explodes from it, lighting up the entire tunnel. While her eyes try to recover and adjust to the glare, beyond the terrified screams of her friends in the nest, she hears only one thing: “You’ve got mail.”
- Comment on It's not just for me. It's a community service. 3 days ago:
in brd. wheres the lue?
- Comment on 🪨 Rock on 🪨 4 days ago:
you can retire three months before your expected lifespan, so it’s all worth it, really
- Comment on New poster for "A Minecraft Movie" 4 days ago:
Somehow worse than I expected!
- Comment on Was big bird called little bird when he was young? 4 days ago:
All of them are the last of their kind, and the whole show is just an intricate way of preserving them in their natural habitat. This is why the show can not end. Even after we have colonized the galaxy and most of us are off to find a better life, some will stay behind, filming the new season, unchanged, unending.
- Comment on No one can know my shame 4 days ago:
Well, ackhually, that’s three orders of magnitude.
- Comment on Why does most religion talk about their GOD being male? Especially Christains and Muslims. Is there a prominent female god that as big as the other two that I am missing? 6 days ago:
TL;DR: daddy issues
- Comment on MFW I have no choice but to do a bunch of fucking bullshit that I don't wanna do. 1 week ago:
There have been variations of this image, but one in front of a forest fire would be excellent.
^and highly dangerous^
- Comment on Refreshing 1 week ago:
the elusive spherical cow
- Comment on Good morning. 2 weeks ago:
This is exactly what men want, and we shouldn’t be allowed to have it, because it’s horrible and it makes you feel sick!
- Comment on please punish me 2 weeks ago:
wife bad xdd
- Comment on A pirate's life 2 weeks ago:
absolute game changer. literally just three clicks and you have all the … uhh… linux distro ISOs at your fingertips.
- Comment on the definitive proof that you weren't your parent's favorite 2 weeks ago:
… who would bother to change that? Especially since the original is funnier.
- Comment on ENHANCE 2 weeks ago:
On my VPN it sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t. I have heard that rawdoggers have mixed experiences, too.
- Comment on [Discussion] Did Kingsman II failed as a sequel? 2 weeks ago:
It’s cute that you guys are role playing. I really wish they made more Kingsman movies, but we only have the one.
- Comment on Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games 3 weeks ago:
You kinda missed the part where you get the skins by gambling in the first place. A ton of the gambling sites just emulate that and be done with it.
And then Valve uses the same underhanded tactics to get around gambling regulations. In France, players had (have?) to buy a certain skin before they can
gambleopen cases, and they can see the result of the case before “actually” opening it (but they can’t open anything else before they do), because all this makes it not gambling, I guess. - Comment on If scientists could make you immortal but could only do it by transferring your consciousness into a single video game for ever, which game would you choose? 3 weeks ago:
And after a couple of days you get a message that your PCU just ran out…
- Comment on We played a game of "got your ears." Long story short, it got out of hand. How do I get them back on before my wife comes home? 3 weeks ago:
I’d be more worried about the fact that he hasn’t moved this entire time
- Comment on Chatgpt refusing to believe Trump won lol. 3 weeks ago:
I mean his presidency is a month old, and his election win is still just three months old, whereas his loss is four years old. That is a pretty significant difference. In the current AI craze 4+ year old stuff is ancient, while a ~3 month old model is not terribly out of date yet (other than current world events, obviously).
- Comment on All you can eat 3 weeks ago:
bred sticks, it seems
- Comment on This post is in honor of [username]2 3 weeks ago:
[username]2: my nick was taken :(
[username]_, X[username]X, [username]99, [username][username]: first time?
- Comment on Wow, ok. 3 weeks ago:
thank you for your service @therecoveringproblemchild
- Comment on Old-fashioned love 3 weeks ago:
Is that a wheel of camembert? Maybe I will…
- Comment on Anon cheats through college 3 weeks ago:
If it’s the first course where they use Java, then one could easily learn it in 21 hours, with time for a full night’s sleep. Unless there’s no code completion and you have to write imports by hand. Then, you’re fucked.
- Comment on Feels like I've been getting waterboarded my whole life 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on what is the actual name of this type of „logic”? 4 weeks ago:
False equivalence, I’d say.
If A is the set containing c and d, and B is the set containing d and e, then since they both contain d, A and B are equal.
- Comment on The ridiculous Steam Brick just makes me want a proper Steam Machine 4 weeks ago:
but if everyone does that, how is gabe to afford his seventh yacht? dont be greedy.
- Comment on Smart methodology 5 weeks ago:
It wasn’t sexual. She had a gun, two sodas, and Mortal Kombat installed.
- Comment on Smart methodology 5 weeks ago:
why tf would you put your shoes on the table