🇮🇹 🇪🇪 🖥
- Comment on Italy: thousands strike against low salaries and weakened public services. "We are forced to do double shifts to give the minimal levels of essential care." 1 month ago:
I wish this could be blamed on current or recent (or right wing) governments. The progressive demolition and/or privatization of welfare (from healthcare to social security nets) is a process that goes on for at least 20 years now, carried out by all the main parties.
- Comment on Heads up, don't link to the Guardian on 5/6 December 1 month ago:
But bringing it down is 1)illegal, 2) costly (DDoS cost money), 3) not guaranteed (CDNs can be very resilient) and 4) doesn’t show the collective support that not visiting the site does.
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 3 months ago:
I read the post, hence my points. I am not really looking for answers, because I don’t have questions, I had observations. You on the other hand seem to have your whole opinion formed on this inaccurate post, and I would expect someone in your position to look for more perspectives, when you clearly are not. You seem instead on a crusade against the company (good for you), and even if all the post was true, because they spent too much on t-shirts, invested too much in AI products (that I repeat, are opt-in)? Because they don’t comply with a technicality of GDPR? Lol Ok, more power to you.
Also, what I mean by a subscription is that I cancel it and I am done. I didn’t invest in it in any shape or form, what I paid I consumed already, there is no feeling of wasting previous investment in a running subscription.
Judging from your attitude, your lack of content, your very annoying “homie”, your inability to address any point against the content of the article, I am guessing either you are the author and you are butthurt that is not taken as gospel, or you just have ulterior motives and you are here just to stir shit (instead of “spreading awareness”). Either way, I have already invested too much time writing responses to your silly comments. I will show you how good I am in avoiding the sunk cost fallacy and block you, despite the time invested in the conversation.
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 3 months ago:
I answered with more stuff in other comments, but you didn’t address any of that anyway.
I personally have no brand faith, I am a happy customer and the moment the company doesn’t adhere to my principles I will dump it. There is no sunk cost as it’s a running subscription (you keep mentioning this, so I though I will say it).
That said, if I see someone claiming they have a “blase” approach to privacy or they don’t care about it, I will point out that this is complete bullshit. Using the missing “download my data” feature to support this claim is outright pathetic.
To be even more precise, as a socialist I don’t like many of Vlad’s ideas that tend towards libertarianism. That said, the company has a good amount of worker ownership, it operates on principles I currently respect and that are miles higher than the standard tech company. I am absolutely in favour of supporting positive business in a field where companies are disgusting on average, and in cases evil.
Now, if you have anything else than childish arguments I am happy to discuss them. I have pointed to a number of inaccuracies in the article, there are outdated data (like the number of employees) and subjective views from the author. You are posting this article everywhere like it’s some kind of holy grail of gotchas, when it’s not. There are some good points (financial reporting exists, is not 100% transparent - which is not due, the amount spent for the t-shirts was IMHO not a great idea, etc.), but the fundamental points against the company are shacky at best. As I said elsewhere, all the shpiel about AI etc. is fully addressed in kagi own site where they clearly explain what they mean, for example. The features are actually pretty nice, even for someone like me who is not a fan of LLMs, and the results are quite accurate (the post author claims they are almost always wrong) from my experience.
BTW my searches are unlimited :)
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 3 months ago:
They don’t own the T-shirt factory. It is a simple sentence, they used a small Serbian (I think) company. The business entity is to import goods.
It’s a formal difference but shows how sloppy that post is.
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 3 months ago:
So, again, sorry for trying to point out that the CEO of Kagi does NOT care about privacy, GDPR, or transparency!
Privacy != anonymity. They satisfy the most important aspects of the GDRP, like data and scope minimization, clear explanation of what data they collect and why, a fantastic privacy policy. They don’t let you download a file with your email address in it, woah.
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 3 months ago:
That article is quite dense with inaccurate information (e.g. they own a T-shirt factory), and a lot of guesses. There is no need to listen to a random guy idea about kagi’s AI approach when they have that documented on their site.
Also, the “blase attitude to privacy” is because of a technicality of GDPR? (Not having the ability to download a file with your email address) I am a big fan of GDPR, and their privacy policy is the best I have seen (I read the pp of every product I use and I often choose products also based on it), so really I don’t care about the technical compliance to GDPR (I am not an auditor), but the substantial compliance.
All-in-all, the article raises some good points, but it is a very random opinion from a random person without any particular competencies in the matter. I would take it for what it is tbh
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 3 months ago:
An article full of inaccuracies, but the most interesting bit is, all these conversations are possible because they clearly explain their views, which are publicly available on their website (for example, the philosophy behind the use of AI - which BTW is opt-in).
How is that an example of being opaque is beyond me.
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 4 months ago:
FWIW, the default “programming” lens works quite well in Kagi, you can also create your own lens if you have a set of websites from which you routinely search info, and there are tons of bangs already (which can also be mapped to lenses BTW). In addition, you can downrank AI/SEO stuff when you find it (it is downranked by default in kagi), so that over time your results are quite clean.
- Comment on American tourists visiting the EU, what do you think of it? 4 months ago:
As someone from Rome, I feel you. Pickpocketing is somewhat an issue. In more than 20 years living in the city (before I moved) I never suffered from it, but it’s very common among tourists (especially in the underground and certain bus lines). It sucks and often police does nothing because by the time they catch the people (if they do), everything is gone anyway.
That said, beside pickpocketing Rome is very safe (or at least most of the places where a tourist would go, except maybe the surroundings of Termini station).
- Comment on How to treat a man 4 months ago:
For too long it told men they can treat women however they want
This is demonstrably false, as we have certain narratives that are literally millennia old (latin literature) about courtship, romantic gestures, protection and all the other stuff usually associated with how men should treat women. Usually this is some form of protection/care for a lower/weaker being, but it is absolutely a way society has been telling men how to tell women for centuries.
- Comment on How to treat a man 4 months ago:
I would say that what you said applies not to feminism in general (who historically had strong links to class struggle and anticapitalism), but to a part of the modern status quo feminism which is focused purely on individuals and has been absorbed by the ruling class (e.g., once the CEO is a woman, the goal is reached). This is not a representation of feminism in general though, and I would say the same can apply to many other movements as well (e.g., ambientalism, antiracism, etc.) that (in part) lost their revolutionary nature and are left fighting for small changes within the status quo.
- Comment on How to treat a man 4 months ago:
I think that in fact in at least some cases the lack of respect (or general ability to live a relationship with a man in a mutually loving way) is exactly due to that education. At the end of the day the flipside of the “subservient” attitude is that the man in the relationship is represented as a provider, with all the gender stereotypes that come with it: lack of emotions, self-reliance and of course the expectation for him to be a provider. I would say that most of the examples of bad relationships in this thread boil down to exactly these dynamics.
Also we are not anymore in the 1950, so that education today mostly happens implicitly, but it also gets mixed up with a lot of other messages from the wider society.
I personally also disagree about the fact that men are not taught how to fit in their gender role. I think they are, since very little, symmetrically to how women are too and possibly even more explicitly: you need to protect women (incl. sacrificing because that’s what heroes do), the whole courtship thing, the fact that as a man you are responsible to provide for others, that there are certain activities that are manly, etc… Essentially is the exact same problem: gender stereotypes and sexism go both ways and impact both genders, although in different ways.
- Comment on Disney creates best argument for piracy in a century. 5 months ago:
It depends on location. Getting a disc shipped from the other side of the world, paying 20 bucks + shipping for each movie in not sustainable.
- Comment on Disney creates best argument for piracy in a century. 5 months ago:
I wish there were. I have a huge DVD collection (2000+), and yet now it’s borderline impossible for me to find a DVD/Blueray for the stuff I want. Shops have shelves with maybe 100 blockbusters at most. It’s also impossible to buy the single product online, you can “rent” it, but you can’t buy it in a way that you can watch it with whatever device I want, with whatever tool I choose and without an internet connection.
This is my main beef with streaming services, you are permanently renting and therefore depending on the whim of the distributor (which in 90% of the cases now is also the maker).
- Comment on Anon tries to be ethical 5 months ago:
I guess the answer would be “but I have a job already”…
- Comment on I remember a time where you would get multiple results from a search with no scrolling 5 months ago:
No, 670k from 42 investors means less than 20k of investment per investor. 670k is already a number ridiculously small for VC funding, but 20k is basically nothing.
Also, after just a few years, 37 employees and 30k users the company became profitable, which is an insanely low period/scale for usual VC funded tech companies.
- Comment on I remember a time where you would get multiple results from a search with no scrolling 5 months ago:
I am not a fan of some of his ideas either, especially the ones tending towards libertarianism. Some other ideas instead are quite decent, like how he thinks companies should give back to the community. He also built a tech company without VC funding and with a good share of ownership for workers (which I think is nice), without any marketing (which I despise as industry) and generally without the predatory nature that 98% of tech companies have nowadays.
I am sure you are referring to the Brave debacle of months back, and FWIW, I agree with his position on that particular issue. Anyway, considering that I have no ideas about the positions for the CEOs/founders of the alternatives, I think it’s still a very worthy compromise to have a good product (incl. nonfunctional qualities like privacy, ecological impact etc.).
- Comment on I remember a time where you would get multiple results from a search with no scrolling 5 months ago:
Completely agree, I started seeing business hours popping up lately, I know that they know it’s an area of improvement.
It’s a premium service but it has very nice features and is a good product overall.
- Comment on I remember a time where you would get multiple results from a search with no scrolling 5 months ago:
I continue to be one of the happiest customers for Kagi, a service that I am so happy to pay (for my family as well).
To be clear, there are some widgets that might be useful in some cases, but it should not be all you see (and it should definitely not include similar stuff as if the focus for any search is just to find more stuff to consume and please advertisers…).
- Comment on This Italian "newspaper" wanted to depict the "indian heritage" of an US candidate. Chennai, Cherokee, the same. 5 months ago:
Or Albanians, Romanians and other people with a history of migration (at least in Italy).
That said, the racist dynamics in Italy are still different from those of a country with a much different history, linked to slavery and colonialism (thankfully Italian empire was a ridiculously failed attempt), with a different racial distribution in population. African migrants are for example a relatively new phenomenon. We are now at the 2nd generation give or take, and I have the feeling things will normalize ad they did for balcan people, as long as right-wing governments will not sabotage immigration on purpose to maintain it as a problem and gather votes…
- Comment on This Italian "newspaper" wanted to depict the "indian heritage" of an US candidate. Chennai, Cherokee, the same. 5 months ago:
The “hunt” for the white man refers to her search for a white guy as a vice-president that can appeal to the “wasp” population. It’s a reference to western movies. The article is fully on her search for a vice-president and the “real” motivations for her choice.
- Comment on The world if Africa didn't exist 5 months ago:
I think the point was that humans come from Africa (as in, as a species).
- Comment on This Italian "newspaper" wanted to depict the "indian heritage" of an US candidate. Chennai, Cherokee, the same. 5 months ago:
This has almost nothing to do with race (or at least with hers), it’s just a dumb analogy to play with the title in a western movie fashion. “Hunting the white man” refers to the search for a white vice-president that would play well with “wasp” population.
- Comment on This Italian "newspaper" wanted to depict the "indian heritage" of an US candidate. Chennai, Cherokee, the same. 5 months ago:
Westerns are generally quite liked by the older generation. Leone’s masterpieces are definitely cult movies that most people have watched.
- Comment on This Italian "newspaper" wanted to depict the "indian heritage" of an US candidate. Chennai, Cherokee, the same. 5 months ago:
No it’s not that. Another comment explains it above, and it has to do with Western movies. Il tempo is usually just recommended to clean windows, but it’s not what you (or OP) suggests.
- Comment on Sign of the times? 5 months ago:
Fair enough, the bar is indeed even lower.
- Comment on Sign of the times? 5 months ago:
I wouldn’t call it cultured. I have been in meetings with people sticking fingers in the mouth to put/remove snys, or put the used ones back in the box, it was quite disgusting…
- Comment on Mamma mia 5 months ago:
You miss the point, and the point is that Italians are stereotyped as ignorant who only think about food. This has nothing to do with Italian food itself.
- Comment on Mamma mia 5 months ago:
I think it simply comes from the bad english of italian people who immigrated to the US. Plenty of them were from South, but the stereotypical speech is simply a consequence of Italians pronouncing words as they are written (given Italian works like that). Neapolitan dialect is actually very contracted, so the opposite of elongated vocals as the stereotype goes.