- Comment on What really separates a PC from a server? Mainly the hardware, but I guess software too. 5 days ago:
ECC is a ‘good to have’, but isn’t critical unless your systems are.
Most of the higher costs that come with stuff advertised as “server hardware” come from the need to get 99.99% uptime instead of 99.9%, because that 0.09% represents millions of dollars, or even people’s safety. If you just want to store personal data and run some basic services like a media server or a personal email, then pretty much any hardware will work, just make sure to backup your data regularly in case something goes wrong with your disks.
- Comment on Driver caught doing 122mph on 30mph road as UK’s shocking speed records revealed 2 weeks ago:
The data here is simply the maximum recorded speed, which includes a bunch of edge-cases and one-time events, and is not a mean speed value. Even a stock corolla can hit 200km/h given 1km of straight road to wind up on.
- Comment on Anon gets a good look at Steve-O 5 months ago:
Few things are as affirmative to a mans body image as the communal shower after a rugby game. Not only do you see a true representation of average penises, but literally everyone is suffering “rugby dick” and on the verge of inversion due to blood flow regulation that occurs with intensive excercise.
- Comment on Why do I need to update my graphics drivers? 6 months ago:
Is your game completely offline, or does it have automatic updates pushed via steam or similar? If a background game update changed an api call or two in the way it handles graphics, its possible that your current graphics drivers dont support the new implementation.
An ideal system would do a version check for what is installed on your system and recommend a gfx driver update before pulling down such a game update, but our world is far from ideal.
- Comment on the final boss after you clear Donald Knuth 7 months ago:
Built off it, rather than copied it. That’s par for the course in most science.
- Comment on what if the shop is empty? 7 months ago:
Are we all just gonna ignore the semi-transparent power pole in front of the sign?
- Comment on Meatly Receives UK Approval for Cultivated Meat in Pet Food 7 months ago:
The flip side to this, is that the vast majority of meat in pet foods is effectively waste from human-grade meats, for the same reason. That means the price point for competition in pet foods is significantly lower.
It also means that there won’t be as direct of an impact on livestock numbers should pet food be sourced via synthetic meats, as it just means the byproducts which would enter the food chain for dogs instead become waste products with a cost of disposal.
- Comment on [NightHawkInLight] DIY Supermaterial Could Save You From Heatstroke: Salt based PCMs 8 months ago:
1.2l water 240ml sodium sulfate 60ml sodium chloride 20ml xantham gum(optional for increased efficacy)
Boil water, stir until fully dissolved, a small amount of solute should remain, if not, increase sodium sulfate slowly until it does, indicating no free water molecules available for dissolution.
Solution should now be cooled to below 18c( freezing point) for an end product that will regulate temperature to 18c.
- Comment on I fucking hate the job search 8 months ago:
I often stumble across jobs in Antarctica listed in my region. It’s right there in the headline, so its easy to skip over them, but i have to wonder, how else would you advertise for jobs in remote locations where most people wouldn’t even think to look?
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
Why should people committing unjust acts be allowed to commit them in peace? Where is the peace for their victims if we do not speak up? The MLK quote seems entirely fitting.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
Nobody likes the practice, the difference is that vegans take a moral stand and choose not to contribute to it, while meat eaters shrug it off and continue to pay the people committing those acts, because they’d rather cows get anally fisted and forcibly impregnated than drink a milk with a different flavour.
- Comment on Trying to buy right size bicycle wheel online 8 months ago:
90% of listings on aliexpress or amazon are made by dropshippers who don’t actually have any knowledge of the products they’re selling. They scrape the datasets for all of the manufacturers they source from, autopopulate any required fields and blast out a thousand listings. I’d wager the majority aren’t even human reviewed, let alone human written.
- Comment on Car 8 months ago:
I’ve done it before. Granted it was one of the first times I’d driven an auto, but the reflex to engage the clutch for rolling to a stop, combined with the extra wide brake pedal can be a real gotcha.
- Comment on Stare at it. 8 months ago:
I like to inch my diagrams closer and closer to penises until someone notices.
- Comment on Are shrunken heads a rights violation? 8 months ago:
I agree with you somewhat, but I think in the case of body parts, which require the death of a person to procure, the risk of encouraging such bad actors is significant enough that we ought not to enable any market at all except where lives may be saved by their procurement.
- Comment on Are shrunken heads a rights violation? 8 months ago:
I would consider trophies derived from human bodies to be immoral in the same way that child pornography is. The act of transmitting a digital file does not directly cause harm to anyone, but by creating a demand for it, you are in turn driving an industry that violates the rights of people in order to keep supplying it.
For many years after western contact with Aotearoa, people were deliberately killed for the sake of producing preserved heads which would be purchased by collectors in Europe.
If there were to be a resurgence in demand for such objects, there is no shortage of people either desperate enough or cruel enough to revive the practice of killing people to produce them.
Sure, there could be systems put in place to verify that a head was procured humanely after natural death, but it would never be foolproof, and there would always be some degree of black market causing harm on the fringes in order to meet demand.
We already know that people are killed in order to feed the black market for transplantable organs, so why would we allow an industry with all of the same risks to exist purely for the sake of art?
- Comment on What is the equivalent stereotype of 'women should all be homemakers,' for men? 8 months ago:
My daughter is a very different skin colour than me. Somehow the worst I’ve encountered to date is an uppity mother who thought I was telling off a random child.
- Comment on What is the equivalent stereotype of 'women should all be homemakers,' for men? 8 months ago:
This is something I’ve never understood. Surely it is a compliment rather than an insult to effectively say “your partner is very attractive”
- Comment on What is the equivalent stereotype of 'women should all be homemakers,' for men? 8 months ago:
I’m sure if you hit the gym for a few months you’ll have the strength to win her back.
- Comment on Why bag the hydrant? 10 months ago:
Related question. Why are north American hydrants all of the “stick up out of the ground as a permanent fixture” type, rather than the more discreet and less likely to be damaged “pipe fitting concealed beneath a removable plate” type?