- Comment on Why do i see so many americans obsessed with the concept of "this is a thing that [Ethnicity] does" 6 days ago:
Yes, text book case of how transparent projection is to us when we do it.
- Comment on What Happens to Capitalism When None Of Us Have Any Capital Left? 1 week ago:
Or, we as humans can collectively decide on a new inverse value to money in which the richest today become the poorest 1% and most everyone else will be much better off than they are today!
- Comment on Algorithms are breaking how we think | Technology Connections 1 week ago:
For sure! Actually, i’ve been spending more and more time just watching old videos at Old government videos, old reel to reel educational films, and on and on…
- Comment on Algorithms are breaking how we think | Technology Connections 1 week ago:
I ran into a problem when they stopped recommending videos if you don’t allow them to save your search/viewing history. When I realized the extreme amount of data that this provides them, to the extent that their algorithms can likely identify what mental health issues people may not even be aware of themselves, I tried to give them as little detail as I could.
- Comment on Algorithms are breaking how we think | Technology Connections 1 week ago:
Exactly! This book from an ad exec in the 70s opened my eyes to all of this in the early 90s when I first came across it in my late teens:…/Four_Arguments_for_the_Elimina…
- Comment on Algorithms are breaking how we think | Technology Connections 1 week ago:
I think that has been the case for a longer time than we think. These are the same people that sat around watching all the same garbage TV shows for decades, the same vanilla movies, and ate at the same chain restaurants. Those of us that have always looked for our own music, our own shows, our own movies, tend to continue to curate our own experiences on the internet rather than accept society’s spoon fed nonsense.
- Comment on is telling an employee how he has to speak micromanaging? Is it toxic? 1 week ago:
Yes, and realizing what a large percentage of such people I grew up with in the tail end of gen-X, I shouldn’t have been surprised by the outcome of the election.
- Comment on Why is alcohol legal if it's much more harmful than marijuana? 11 months ago:
Yep! Glad my state at least finally voted to make me legal lol. I’ll take these homegrown, homemade Aldi fruit loop bars over the domestic violence sauce
- Comment on Why is alcohol legal if it's much more harmful than marijuana? 11 months ago:
One has also had studies that shows it causes the user to have more empathy while under its influence. The other is more common in domestic violence.
- Comment on Waffle House Is Taking Heat For An 'Especially Alarming' Paycheck Policy 11 months ago:
I agree on Stouffer’s, but I knew about that one as I live in the same region as the original US factory for them. However, I stick with whatever knock-off brand looks best these days. Yes, being intimately familiar with the finickiness of cats, that is the only option.
- Comment on Waffle House Is Taking Heat For An 'Especially Alarming' Paycheck Policy 11 months ago:
Yes, it is virtually impossible in the U.S. anyways. I’m mostly joking, but I do have a very long list. lol
Good reminder for me too, thanks! I haven’t memorized the full list yeté_brands
- Comment on Waffle House Is Taking Heat For An 'Especially Alarming' Paycheck Policy 11 months ago:
I’ve found most people are more talk than action. I am almost to the point of having to create my own supply chain as my boycott list continues to grow over the years lol
- Comment on Waffle House Is Taking Heat For An 'Especially Alarming' Paycheck Policy 11 months ago:
Exactly. So, the fact that they are even in the position to be still making waffles and blatantly stealing from their employees is beyond me. lol
- Comment on Waffle House Is Taking Heat For An 'Especially Alarming' Paycheck Policy 11 months ago:
oh, just shitty food and dirty facilities from past experience many years ago. lol.
- Comment on Waffle House Is Taking Heat For An 'Especially Alarming' Paycheck Policy 11 months ago:
Every person that votes against companies with their wallets makes a dent. I think the economy is helping by making more people HAVE to start making some tough spending decisions. Companies are pretty stupid to not be considering that as they continue to try to fuck people over more each day.
- Comment on Waffle House Is Taking Heat For An 'Especially Alarming' Paycheck Policy 11 months ago:
That’s pretty fucked up. I would add them to the list of companies that I will no longer patronize, but they there were already there for being gross in other ways.
- Comment on What do you see that you wish others saw? 11 months ago:
Yes, good point. I try not to get too hung up on words. But, when speaking to others, you point out a more productive way to word it. Thanks!
- Comment on What do you see that you wish others saw? 11 months ago:
That the solutions that benefit all beings are always the best. Even if they require more effort. Also, that there are never just two solutions to any problem, the human experience is not binary, there are infinitely many solutions to all problems.