- Comment on A wonderful day begins 10 months ago:
School Resource Officers can’t charge kids with felonies only a prosecutor can do that. A cop can arrest someone. Now you might think I’m being pedantic but I think it is an important distinction. Many times we blame cops and completely over look the fact that some of the blame lies with the prosecutor.
- Comment on Waiting in a queue to see a Web site 10 months ago:
That actually makes the most sense. It makes you queue because there are only so many tests they can administer at a time. So if the website is offline for maintenance it allows those that tried to access the website first to have their spot saved. Rather then forcing everyone to try and get on the website at once when the matinenece window ends. Now I kinda wish more websites that have limited sign ups did this.
- Comment on Malaria 11 months ago:
I always thought it was more to do with the fact that their youngest son had just turned 18. So he was probably moving out of the house to college. There is a big culture here in the US to “stick it out for the kids until they move out” mentality. So I just thought that is what they were doing.
- Comment on That gourmet luxury blend... 11 months ago:
Not according the FDA. You can put something down as Honey as long as there is at least some honey in there. Source: fda.gov/…/PDF---Guidance-for-Industry--Proper-Lab…
- Comment on That gourmet luxury blend... 11 months ago:
Not if the business is making under a certain amount each year. Then they can request for an exemption of the nutritional labeling.
- Comment on That gourmet luxury blend... 11 months ago:
But they call it honey blend
That is illegal as the must label it with what the Honey is blended with. So in this case you’d need to have it labeled “Blended Honey with Corn Syrup” or some variation of that.
- Comment on That gourmet luxury blend... 11 months ago:
You have to label the honey with the ingredients it is blended with as well in the US. So for this it would need to be “Blend of Honey and High Fructose Corn Syrup”.
- Comment on That gourmet luxury blend... 11 months ago:
It is also required in America. The FDA requires it except for small business. Also the EU wouldn’t even let this have the word “Honey” in the name at all. I’d assume that the retail business above doesn’t reach the threshold of 500,000 so can request for an exemption of nutritional labeling.