- Comment on super squirrel 3 months ago:
I saw a deer scratch it’s armpit with its rear hoof the other day and it was kinda surreal looking, I really don’t think of hooves doing that much
- Comment on where the magic happens owo 3 months ago:
Some kinda lab work, maybe blood chem or urinalysis. I should clarify that since I’m a software person I don’t even know what they do, really, I just fix it when they stop transmitting lab test results to the database.
- Comment on where the magic happens owo 3 months ago:
I fix software on these things! No one ever quite gets what I do for work, it’s nice to run across in the wild.
I feel seen lol
- Comment on Man Resigns on First Day After Indian Boss Expects Overtime Without Pay: Work-life Balance is 'Western Behaviour' - News18 5 months ago:
I did not! Thank you for teaching me this
- Comment on Man Resigns on First Day After Indian Boss Expects Overtime Without Pay: Work-life Balance is 'Western Behaviour' - News18 5 months ago:
I’m using those and it still popped shit up, impressively cancerous site
- Comment on Effects of Different Types of Materials on Sexual Activity 6 months ago:
Damn right, im slutty with all the genders now
- Comment on Effects of Different Types of Materials on Sexual Activity 6 months ago:
Stupid compulsive heteronormativity, Gadget should have been my bi-awakening but noooooo i probably just like fixing things :/
- Comment on Effects of Different Types of Materials on Sexual Activity 6 months ago:
I saw this watching QI yesterday! Baader-Meinhoff got me seeing rat sex pants everywhere
- Comment on Ah sweet! 6 months ago:
Thats what im thinking- i rarely eat meat but how could i pass up ethical long pig? Im too curious
- Comment on Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you? 8 months ago:
Also feminism as depicted in movies does not equal actual feminism
- Comment on Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you? 8 months ago:
I think you’re right about the porn thing, but that isn’t masturbation
- Comment on Thanks, Grandma! 10 months ago:
Note to self, future thrift project!
- Comment on Doing nothing is a mandatory biological function. 10 months ago:
Yeah i had that realization when i lost my job and actually caught up on sleep- if i get at least nine hours of good sleep a night, all the time, and don’t live in constant burnout, i have almost no symptoms.
I’m sick from trying to live up to their standards. I’m just a sleepy critter, not a broken person ffs.
- Comment on Doing nothing is a mandatory biological function. 10 months ago:
When people around me complain about being worn out, i cheerfully remind them that we’re about the only critters that don’t just fucking REST when we’re TIRED.
Why the FUCK is it normal to down stimulants ‘like an adult’ instead of napping?
I’m narcoleptic, and I’ve been defending my need for sleep my whole life- but mostly, its me reminding people that I nap when my body feels fatigued, like every other mammal I’m aware of, and perhaps I’m not the unusual one.
- Comment on Anon misses a potential match 10 months ago:
Ive lost 60lbs doing yoga, no equipment but a mat.
I also quit drinking and cut way back on meat, but the yoga definitely improved my appearance. I’m far from super fit, and I smoke way too much weed, but being toned under the remaining chub is so much better.
- Comment on average reddit user 11 months ago:
I saw that shit, did you see how hard that guy had to work that thing to keep it upright? Probably not the couch potato weekend toy people hope it is.
Totally an ad.