- Comment on Will online only "Device Activation" become the norm for every device in the future? / Will everything require an app in the future? 3 weeks ago:
Reminder that Cable and Broadcast TV are the same quality now, so if you (or your parents) watch TV, you can set up a box that just connects to the HDMI port and captures everything. It even gets metadata so you can see what channel the best stuff is on, like PBS kids. Total cost is around 100-200$ and after that it’s free.
- Comment on Will online only "Device Activation" become the norm for every device in the future? / Will everything require an app in the future? 3 weeks ago:
I gave a friend a raspberry pi a while ago and just this last week they asked me to come and set it up with Pihole for them. They’re very happy to not have ads on their TV anymore. The only hiccup has been that their network connected cat litterbox (lol) doesn’t tell them when the cat has pooped anymore.
- Comment on Tough question 3 weeks ago:
Astrology daughter;
+less money lost to scams
+less likely to engage with bro culture
-more likely to engage with crystals, vibrations, homeopathy, etc…
+less cringe
- Comment on Is there an equivalent of solar panels for radio waves? 1 month ago:
Yes, these devices exist. But, IR is significantly, even several orders of magnitude, less powerful from the sun than visible and UV light. The only applications derive from receiving power from human sources that are bright enough, some examples are here in the other comments.
Even then, I have doubts that human IR emitters produce enough power for anything but the most highly efficiently engineered device, outside of a microwave.
- Comment on 2025 trailer be wild 1 month ago:
It’s important in the sense that if it’s “just gang shit” then people think it’s less random, and so they have some agency to avoid it, which makes it less scary. They’re also not in social groups even close to gangs, so it’s not something that would ever happen to them.
- Comment on But of course we don't want to poison our child. 2 months ago:
IIRC it doesn’t do anything prevent tooth decay, it just doesn’t cause it, unlike sugar and many other sugar substitutes.
- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 2 months ago:
7-8% is the standard value used after taking inflation into account. It’s really 10%, but inflation eats 3% yearly, on average. Using the metric this way also conveniently means that the value you calculate for the end of compounding (in 35 years) is interpretable in todays dollars.
So 7% interest on 50$ monthly for 35 years means total principal of 21k$ and total of 83k$ (todays value).
- Comment on They used to be all metal too. Its time for a revolution 3 months ago:
Amazing to see Hot Wheels change from gas to hybrid to EV over the years.
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 3 months ago:
.world and .ml are servers. I’d recommend choosing a server related to your topic ( if it’s comp sci related, for example), and try to avoid piling into the largest ones (.world and .ml, etc.).
- Comment on The EchoChamberinator 9000! 3 months ago:
A more powerful local transmission may be considered jamming. I’m not sure, so look up relevant law beforehand.
- Comment on Is there a subsect of the minimalist community that's focused on portable living? 4 months ago:
Second this. Vanlife stuff is focused on size, mass, durability, efficiency, replaceability, repairability, modularity, price. There is nothing better than vanlife videos for learning how to live minimally within an apartment.
Some additional tips,
- folding furniture.
- Human baseline happiness returns to set points. Remove something non-essential and you may be sad at first, but will eventually stop caring.
- No couch or TV: if it cant fit on/in my car or is fragile, I’m not buying it.
- if you don’t mind appearing “poor”, you may realize that the products that best fit all the above criteria are just basic things from walmart, target, etc. Those folding plastic tables and metal bed frames, plastic tubs and drawers, actually solve their problems 90% as well as traditional products at 10% the price, while being readily available everywhere. You don’t worry about damaging them either.
- take or leave advice. Maybe you want a nice desk. I have a nice office chair. It will be hard to move, but it’s worth it. The point is you can be minimal in unimportant areas.
- Comment on Billboard 5 months ago:
Blue spray paint…
- Comment on How exactly does one eat 1500 calories a day? 6 months ago:
Yes! It’s not so much the work itself, but the mental effort tied to it. After a couple weeks of repetition something becomes habit, that mental effort is diminished.
- Comment on How exactly does one eat 1500 calories a day? 6 months ago:
For most people, big breaks in habits fall apart fast, while more gradual changes stick.
For example, many make resolutions to get fit, and start a bunch of related things. But since none of it is habitual, it requires mental effort to do consistently. Soon, something else important requires that mental attention, and the plan falls apart.
The successful ones aren’t special, but they created one, little, achievable metric to hit:
- “Subscribe to 2 science-based fitness influencers and watch their content regularly”.
Because it was easy, it became habit. Then, they chose another simple thing to build on:
- “Change evening commute to pass by gym”
- “On Tuesdays, go into gym”
- “Learn proper form for one excercise”
- “Bring a protein shake”
- etc.
Each of these is so small they don’t really feel significant at all. And they’re not. The important thing to understand is we’re all lazy. The real challenge isn’t getting yourself onto a diet or into the gym, it’s designing your habits so that the diet isn’t “a diet”, it’s just what you eat. It’s designing your life so that going to the gym requires less mental effort than not going.
I could write a lot more about this but it’s already getting long. Atomic Habits is a good book on how to design your habits and habit chains, if you have the time.
- Comment on How exactly does one eat 1500 calories a day? 6 months ago:
There are a lot of good suggestions in this thread, one thing to note is that too much change too fast is a recipe for failure. Whatever you do, make sure it’s manageable. For each change, ask yourself whether it can become a permanent habit for you. This is the only way to sustain it enough to achieve your goals. It could help to write down good ideas, and try them one week or month at a time.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
What was the book?
- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 6 months ago:
It is not propaganda if it is true.
Something can be true and propaganda. If reporting is misrepresenting a situation using purely true information and events, then it’s propaganda. It’s misrepresentation that makes something propaganda, not truthfulness.
Note: This is not a comment on whether I think Lemmy/Al Jazeera is doing propaganda.
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
The world if metric began in base 12:
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
I have a friend who argues that “it’s just as good, there’s no difference really”. Then we go camping and have to do a unit conversion on how much water to boil and it takes 2 minutes and a phone calculator.
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
I had to check the math because 1 m^2^ being 2300 kg while 1 cu ft at 143 lbs seemed crazy, but with the volume difference it’s all correct.
Thank you for putting in the effort 🙃
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
Good and interesting question. I bet you could test it by using static (high entropy) as a background vs the control plain color.