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- Comment on what should one archive in a fascist regime? 4 months ago:
Why can’t humanity seem to learn that storing all of our knowledge and cultural artifacts in just one place with no backup is a BAD IDEA? Don’t let the library of Alexandria burn again!
- Comment on Microsoft made me sign in on their Xbox Accessories app to update the firmware on my controller 4 months ago:
At least you actually got Xbox Accessories to recognize your controller. I can’t even get it to show up even though it’s clearly connected and recognized as an xbox controller in device manager. Granted, passing the usb port through to a windows vm in order to do this probably isn’t ideal, but I can’t install it on my work computer and I’d really rather not have spyware os installed bare metal on any of my personal machines.
- Comment on At what point when learning a new language do someone become bilingual? 5 months ago:
At what point when accumulating grains of sand do they become a heap?
- Comment on What's the rule for which 'national identity adjective' suffix to use? 8 months ago:
There is no rule. It just is whatever it is.