- Comment on Anon plays spin the bottle 3 months ago:
Describes a lot of my childhood to be honest I was a social pariah for some reason. Completly changed when I went to college and made new friends, and now a lot of my happiest memories surround my college years. I even met my wife there!
- Comment on Anon misses his German Sheppy 4 months ago:
Awwww this hits hard I’ll always remember the German shepard from when I was a kid she had such a gentle temperament.
- Comment on "they say this house is haunted. I've been living here for the past 430 years and haven't seen a ghost yet" 7 months ago:
A very toxic industry to be in, I used to be an engineer for a company that looked after slot machines here in the UK. High Street betting shops would regularly get smashed up by people after they lost all their money, but they would just pay us to repair them and let them back a few weeks later because they knew they’d be back. Completely taking advantage of people with a very real problem.
- Comment on The struggle 8 months ago:
I’ll be honest those would be amazing in the winter
- Comment on I was handed this lovely flyer while grocery shopping 10 months ago:
I have a dead uncle because of these nonsense theories he refused to wear a mask, social distance etc. The inevitable happened and he passed from covid within a week. All because of anonymous people on Facebook who I will never meet, and will never suffer the consequences of their actions. Makes me so angry