- Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 8 months ago:
Because you use broth, fresh beef broth (or a hearty vegetable one) and vinegar just as a spice. The South is looking very critical at the rest of Germany with their weird abominations they call potato salad ರ_ರ
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th 8 months ago:
Ooooh, this must be new. Them I’ll give it another try. Thanks a lot for this info <3
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th 8 months ago:
Finally bought Death’s Door on Steam. At least for now it is challenging in a good way. But killing a boss and dying right after because one of their minions managed to hit me and then having to repeat the whole fight annoyed me more than once.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th 8 months ago:
I loved the vibes and exploring the area to find more riddles and become more confused :D
Sadly the game triggers my motion sickness :(
- Comment on Ironing 8 months ago:
Millennial here, graduated highschool nearly 20 years ago. Still not ironing or owning an iron. If you hang your clothes up to dry and do it properly, you don’t need to iron them.
- Comment on Anon shares a high school memory 9 months ago:
They are not slut. There’s no reason to think of someone like that. Having more sexual partners than you are being comfortable with doesn’t make someone a slut.
- Comment on Anon shares a high school memory 9 months ago:
It’s okay to not find it appealing but it’s still not okay to call someone a slut because you feel like they had too many sexual partners. It’s easy as that ¯_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on Experiments 10 months ago:
My first thought was “a brain with blades in it” and now I wonder how different our answers in a Rorschach Test would be…
- Comment on Lemmy Recently 11 months ago:
Fast stretch but this could be about people wearing band shirts without knowing the band and others getting offended about it?
- Comment on My inner child 11 months ago:
Saw this right before therapy today mfw when therapist asks me to give comfort to my younger / inner self 💀
- Comment on Now, that's just showing off 11 months ago:
Can you give me an estimate of how many similarly disturbing facts I’d have to expect there. I’m not sure if I can do this •́ ‿ ,•̀
- Comment on "I wish you well in your future endeavors" 11 months ago:
Thanks for sharing your story. One of my guy friends is the Hagrid Type. Big, hairy, loud. But he also tries to break through his appearance. And I think that’s the whole point:
Instead of telling “not all men” it’s better (but also more difficult) to show us. Be nice. Hold other men accountable. Things can be changed but first we have to have reality.
It also saddens me to hear about the manly loneliness that’s caused by the same internalized sexism. I’m glad to hear you found a way out of this, that still lets you be you!
- Comment on "I wish you well in your future endeavors" 11 months ago:
Some countries in Europe started to look more into this topic since the number of femicides is growing and becoming more newsworthy it seems.
A lot of people are biased since sexism is deeply rooted in our society and many don’t realize what’s happening around them if they are not directly affected.
Just this week I had to discuss with a rather aggressive delivery person who berated me (unprovoked and for a made up reason) until my partner came from another room. As soon as he had to discuss his issue with another man he started to believe the facts and stopped. Actually kinda glad this happened since my partner is also very biased regarding “everyday sexism” since it doesn’t affect him and this was the first time he was able to see it first hand.
- Comment on Just doing my part 🤡 1 year ago:
Are you living on a dumpster or really that naive, that you think your waste is staying where you leave it?