- Comment on Don't worry if you don't get this. It doesn't even matter. 2 months ago:
No it was from the Mothers of Invention: Marie Curie & Lise Meitner
- Comment on bird flu 2 months ago:
Seems correct. Didn’t even get approval at all in the US and the company withdrew their application. So yeah. I don’t want to doubt the experiences of your relative especially when it was so close to the vaccination. Could’ve actually been a serious side effect. I just never heard of it in my circles. What I heard of were friends who got covid multiple times and contracting more illnesses like respiratory viruses or stomach bugs over time aka wrecking their immune system.
- Comment on bird flu 2 months ago:
MRNA or viral vector vaccine (like AstraZeneca)? I’m not even in the vicinity of being knowledgeable about medicine but AFAIK that vaccine was the one causing myocarditis not the MRNA based.
I got a sample size of about 15 family members and a few acquaitances (including a cancer patient in chemo, a 90 year old and some kids) who all got Biontech/Pfizer MRNA vaccines except one who got AstraZeneca. The MRNA ones caused no side effects as per my inquiry the one with AstraZeneca was the only one with short term side effects. And another one who got a flu shot in parallel to Biontech who was ill for a few days.
I got most of the boosters up to JN.1 and I haven’t even had the mild aches at the injection point.
- Comment on this town has been well known for a long time 2 months ago:
I’m sure if FBI or NYPD will deny her claims UHC will jump in and approve the full amount and a bit more. It’s a premium health insurance for Thompsons co-CEOs.
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 3 months ago:
Hey, Hey, Hey! It’s time to make some crazy money. Are y’all ready? Here we gooo!
- Comment on Carb Party! 4 months ago:
0.000006 if you’re microdosing
- Comment on That explains it. 5 months ago:
- Comment on Solve a puzzle for me 9 months ago:
Someone in comments to the original twitter-thread showed the Claude solution for above “riddle”. It was equally sane as in your example, correctly answered the man and the goat can just row together to the other side and correctly identified that there are no hidden restrictions like other items to take aboard. It nevertheless used an excessive amount of text (like myself).
Gemini: The man rows the goat across.
No work ethics there.