- Comment on Why there are 861 roguelike deckbuilders on Steam all of a sudden 10 months ago:
My most played Steam game is Dishonored, at 127 hours. I have replayed it a lot. A rarity for me, but I really liked that game. Dishonored came out in 2012. It’s taken me 12 years to accumulate that many hours.
Balatro came out two months ago.
I have 93 hours in it.
- Comment on The Talos Principle: The Most Underrated Video Game of the Last Decade 11 months ago:
Mechanically - both games are puzzle games in the same rough 3d-platform-puzzler vein as Portal. Instead of solving puzzles with teleportation however, you’ve got laser beams and force fields.
On a more metaphysical level, the first game is a philosophical investigation of what it means to be human - to be alive and an individual.
The sequel is a meditation on what makes societies succeed or die.
Both games are fun, the puzzles are just hard enough to be interesting with a sprinkling of well-hidden secrets. But the real reason to play The Talos Principle is if you’ve got an interest in philosophy - the storylines are deeply interested in asking some very big questions. … and they don’t provide answers either - the game poses questions and allows you to answer as you see fit.
- Comment on The Steam Spring Sale is now in full swing 11 months ago:
If you liked FO3 you’ll like 4.
It’s a lot stronger mechanically than 3 or NV - shooting is a lot less janky and the gun customization adds some great emergent quests.
The Boston of FO4 has its moments - a certain duck pond stands out to me in particular - but aside from Nick Valentine the questlines are largely forgettable.
Still, the core game loop is a lot of fun - go here, blow stuff up, scavenge bits to upgrade your stuff.
As a longtime Fallout fan (came for the isometric apocalypse, stayed for the 3D googie architecture) I still put 80 hours into FO4.
It’s a good fuckin’ game. It’s just competing with the legacy of a lot of other great games in the series.
- Comment on The Steam Spring Sale is now in full swing 11 months ago:
This is why I loved thee Demon’s Souls approach - single player game with crowd sourced miniboss AI.
- Comment on The Steam Spring Sale is now in full swing 11 months ago:
If you haven’t played it already - Inscryption - by the same author - is also really good.
… and I should lay off the emdash for the rest of the night.
- Comment on free: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided on epic 11 months ago:
And it’s currently $5.00 on steam. You know, if you’re price shopping.
- Comment on Veteran Videogame Analyst: Subscription growth has flattened [in video games] 1 year ago:
I mIss shareware games.
- Comment on This console generation seems skippable 1 year ago:
As someone with a PS5 since launch… Not really.
I’ve owned every PlayStation generation since the original. I don’t consider myself a Sony stan, but with the exception of the Xbox 360, I’ve felt each generation of the various PSX’s have had a better lineup for my tastes. (Halo is great, though)
This time around, not so much. After three years, I have purchased five titles for my PS5. And, by FAR, the game that gets the most play is my PS4-version of Minecraft, so my kids can play multiplayer.
If you’ve got money to burn, I’d recommend a Steam Deck + Dock and a Bluetooth controller of your choice instead. Most of the same games will run on either platform, with the advantages of PC gaming - mods, forward compatibility, access to the MASSIVE Steam store and library…
Alternately the Switch has had a great lineup of first party titles - as usual. Just pickup a pro controller too, the “joycons” develop drift so fast it’s not even funny. Every single joycon I’ve purchased (six pairs over five years) has developed drift in under a year. I know I can get them repaired, but at this point, I’m over it. Just buy a pro controller and have done with it.
(If anybody is curious, my five PS5 titles are
- Spider-Man: Miles Morales
- Spider-Man 2
- Sackboy’s Big Adventure
- Jedi Survivor
- Diablo IV
All but one are available on PC. I bought the Spiderman games before the PC ports arrived. Jedi survivor had a bad port at launch and I really wanted to play it. And Diablo IV I was able to pick up used for cheaper than the PC price. …let’s just say that after hundred plus hours in D3, I’m glad I didn’t pay full price for D4.
I do also pay for PlayStation Plus, where I’ve downloaded and played a few dozen indie titles, all of which are also on PC.)