- Comment on Literally Nineteen Eighty-Four 3 months ago:
yeah the first, we don’t need letters when we have numbers
- Comment on Anon checks out mobile gaming 6 months ago:
The only computer most huamns have ever used is a smart phone.
- Comment on Non-binary 8 months ago:
Crabs and will eventually evolve into crab.
- Comment on Non-binary 8 months ago:
Floating point is a consequence of physical computerr being finite not using binary.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
You cannot find a metric measuring tape in the US without a lot of effort.
- Comment on How to open a textbook 10 months ago:
Of course, but then the book isn’t for you.
- Comment on So sad 10 months ago:
Mayo demands no less
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
Blockchain is a synchronization and consensus mechanism that provides an authoritative record. None of your issues are unique to blockchains if multi possible authorities exist they way have conflicting rules and records. Blockchains just allow the addition of new entities and users without the traditional costs and scaling issues of existing organization is.
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
It can coordinate disjoint actors without a 3rd party.
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
Who are you? Go make bad arguments elsewhere.
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
The big improvement is the removal of the need to trust some 3rd party but also to add the precision and complexity of computer language to some domain. For example health care data, a block chain system would make one standard for how the records are stored, it would make it so the data in encrypted by the patient and they alone could grant access. When a new provider wants access there is one standard way that is automated and secure. None of which is dependent on a 3rd party who can be compromised or become corrupt and no longer act in good faith. Obviously there is a lot of details here dependent on making the block chain work flawlessly.
Imo block chains have 2 core issues to over come in order to really solve problems. First is being constructed so that they are bug free. Software is not a mature enough discipline for that as of yet. Second, is what happens when you loose you key or it gets stolen. If someone steals you Bitcoin private key, you can’t get them back after they transfer them out. Or if you just loose the key your up a creek. What is required is a way to prove you are you to the system that can’t be stolen and can’t be lost. That is a far harder question.
- Comment on Future of American Dream 🏡 1 year ago:
- Comment on Future of American Dream 🏡 1 year ago:
You don’t have to be a wizard to cast fireball
- Comment on "Morbidly Wealthy": The world’s five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes from $405b to $869b since 2020—at a rate of $14m/hr—while nearly five billion people have been made poorer 1 year ago:
The wealthy don’t provide; they take. They exploit others bc they have deep rooted addiction to wealth along with a host of comorbid conditions (narcissism, sociopathy, etc.).