- Comment on It definitely *was* a good idea though 9 months ago:
DE is abrasive, and that does help, but the main reason it works is because it is a desiccant, so like a silica packet it dehydrates the insect.
- Comment on It definitely *was* a good idea though 9 months ago:
A tab of NTG is only 0.5mg, a drop of pure NTG (so around the size of the tab) would be in the ballpark of 125 mg, so the tablet contains very little NTG. Id wager a tiny pop if any.
- Comment on It's getting hot in here 9 months ago:
Theres a reason you experience the chills when you spike a fever is the brain sets the desired temperature higher and as a result you perceive cold at your current body temperature. And also why you feel like you are in a sauna when your fever breaks, because the inverse is true.
To be clear this set point does mean induction of peripheral actions to actually elevate the temperature, but the central component of this symphony is the hypothalamus.
There is a lot of uncertainty around fever signaling, here is a great summary of what we know.
- Comment on Checks out to me. 10 months ago:
Green leaves usually absorb between 80-90% of green light
- Comment on Checks out to me. 10 months ago:
Plants absolutely use green light for photosynthesis and do it quite well.
Green light is in fact absorbed at a rate of 80-90%, and it penetrates much deeper than red or blue. Comparison
- Comment on fossil fuels 10 months ago:
People need variety in their diet, but they almost certainly do not need things like bananas, you can, in most places around the world, get nutritionally complete diets from locally grown sources, which will often be of higher quality, tastier and usually cheaper. I certainly can’t think of anything that I need, that couldn’t be bought at a farmers market. Now I can imagine some dietary restrictions and choices will have those needs, but restrictions can’t be helped and choices are probably more environmentally conscious anyway (vegetarians, vegans).
Local does not have to be in your rural community. Something that is trucked to your local store a hundred(s) miles is certainly better than something that was trucked to a port, shipped halfway across the globe, and trucked again.
“Doing something that Joe isn’t doing is not worth it” is a bad mindset, especially since Joe might not be doing it for the same reason. You can’t expect everyone to start doing it the same day. The more people buy local, the cheaper it becomes to buy locally and less profitable to import.
Regulations would be great, but Id prefer living in a society that can self regulate.
Locally grown produce
- Comment on Turn up the heat 10 months ago:
Celsius isnt too bad imo, you know the reference points by the time you are in elem school.
36-37 normal, 37-38 elevated, 38-39 fever, 39-40 high fever, 40-41 very high fever, 41-42 okay, stop, really, 42+ shouldve listened
- Comment on snek id 10 months ago:
I mostly do as well, although I have stumbled on some shorts worth while, so ill click those from time to time. Vsauce only posts shorts these days 😢
- Comment on tag yourself (I'm basic) 10 months ago:
Theres some slight variance, but generally, because they usually use the same indicators, the resulting colours will be the same across most tests.
- Comment on tag yourself (I'm basic) 10 months ago:
Yes, because most universal pH testers will use the same indicators.
- Comment on snek id 10 months ago:
I legitimately want to understand how this information is propagating and why. Your explanation seems correct, but given the above link, there may be more to this problem. Honestly, I am just confused now.
Its the previous thing of it, potentially, being true somewhere and then also just it sounds like it could be true. TikTok is full of stuff like this, that sounds true enough and is presented from somewhat of an authority angle, with confidence. Too often I get someone to send me a tiktok of some medical fact like: “is this true?”. And 9/10 it is not.
- Comment on Anon learns about nuts 10 months ago:
Legume deez nuts.
- Comment on brilliant as silver 11 months ago:
I mean… we’re talking about mercury here, not lead.
- Comment on brilliant as silver 11 months ago:
Its also harmless, generally, when ingested as the gastrointestinal absorption of elemental mercury is negligible. It is inhalation that is most concerning with elemental mercury.
- Comment on Public trust 11 months ago:
Getting a higher education is one thing, call me when he has published multiple peer-reviewed studies in any field and I just might take his opinions in said field to heart.
- Comment on Amazon pricing makes no sense. 1 year ago:
Just stop buying bagged teas, that was always the real scam anyway. Look into local tea shops / cafes and buy loose leaf teas. They will be fresher, and a lot more flavourful.
- Comment on Anon likes bikes 1 year ago:
Thats the thing though, for me the flow to vibe with is some banger tunes and pedalling as hard as I can. 😅
- Comment on Anon likes bikes 1 year ago:
Sure, but I assume the conversation was about mechanical bikes. Personally, for a PEV I would choose something lighter and cheaper and forego the pedalling altogether, but my commute is only about 7.5 km one way.
- Comment on Anon likes bikes 1 year ago:
Obviously I can shower at work but then I need to get in 15 minutes early and then I have to blow-dry my hair and it is just a whole thing now.
You might not see the above as a problem but for me, the problem is I can for the life of me not get up earlier than I have to, I am just not a morning person. If I can manage to brew a pot of coffee and have a quick breakfast before I have to get out the door, that is a successfull morning.
- Comment on Anon likes bikes 1 year ago:
Teach me the non-sweaty ways. I love my bike, but theres no way I can arrive not sweaty. Before you say go slow, I’m not letting no bus take my god-damn glory.