- Comment on Fallout Show, so bad that no one will remember it in 3 months 11 months ago:
It’s a video game show that uses the rules of the video game world.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Checkout infosec.exchange instead of blocking Threads, the admin made a second instance for people who wanted Threads blocked. Like 40 people migrated, lol
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
- “Run around” = Respond to a thread that appeared in my subscriptions.
- “Must lick Meta’s boots” = Let users decide for themselves to block Meta.
Your hyperbole makes it obvious you have no place in a reasonable debate about this topic.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I love when people conflate rights and ethics. I agree with you that no one has a right to be listed on Fedi Garden. And I still think it’s not nice to take choice away from users.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
“I don’t think it’s nice to federate with a company that has been cited in multiple independent reports of massacres/genocides,”
And I don’t think it’s nice to take the choice away from users. I can block threads all on my own – I don’t need a nanny who doesn’t even cite their sources.
- Comment on Quest 1 becomes near-E-waste Apr 30 11 months ago:
Your entire comment reads as a refute of OPs criticism and an excuse for Meta’s actions. If you were agreeing with OPs criticism, you would typically use phrases like “only five years”.
- Comment on Quest 1 becomes near-E-waste Apr 30 11 months ago:
And? Why take active steps to stop it from working instead of just stopping technical support? Oh yeah, to get more money.
- Comment on Kevin Hart Says He Won’t Host the Oscars Again: Awards Shows ‘Aren’t Comedy-Friendly Environments Anymore’ 1 year ago:
What you’re seeing is that people no longer feel the need to keep their mouth shut when they don’t like the joke. In previous generations, they had no platform and, in some cases, their physical safety was at risk. Social media has given them a voice and community where they can share their opinion.
At the same time, corporations only give a shit about profits, not art. They’ll chase whatever makes them more money. If they don’t think that people will watch something, they won’t fund it.
Combine those and you have folks willing and able to tell corporations they won’t buy something they don’t like. But, of course, that can be outweighed by actual purchases. Netflix keeps shoveling money at Chappelle; people must be keeping their subscriptions to watch him. Substack recently announced they’ll host and monetize Nazi newsletters. J.K. Rowling continues to be Andrew Tate for women and pulls huge residual checks.
So if you want more offensive things in the world, seek it out and pay for it. Corporations will churn it out if there is demand. Just don’t expect people to only judge you quietly; they have tools to be loud now.
- Comment on Kevin Hart Says He Won’t Host the Oscars Again: Awards Shows ‘Aren’t Comedy-Friendly Environments Anymore’ 1 year ago:
Yeah, I don’t understand why every award show needs to be a roast now.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
You made choices and got the results of those choices. The alternative results are different.
! There are multiple endings where Karlach survives in different ways. Shadowheart’s story has at least three possible outcomes, maybe more that I haven’t seen. This goes on and on for each origin character. Even NPCs you encounter in Act 3 are shaped by your choices earlier in the game. !<