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- Comment on I have an entire cabinet currently storing empty jars... 3 days ago:
Commonly called a “refillery” in the US if that helps people search for their local options
- Comment on favourite gameboy family games? 2 months ago:
- on the original D.K. game. It was fun as a kid and it’s fun to see the origins of the characters
- Comment on Sega considering Netflix-like game subscription service 2 months ago:
I’d rather they not, but:
If game companies are going to do this, then they should just sell their content to Netflix or Microsoft and cash in on that licensing revenue while not having to do any of the work.
I do not understand why companies are choosing to make their own streaming services when they are just money pits that provide minimal benefit.
- Comment on Disc market share for week ending in 2024-11-02: Deadpool & Wolverine go trick 'r treating. 3 months ago:
How is Borderlands selling so well? I got the impression it was a flop
- Comment on Sony Pictures Home Entertainment will be releasing "SEINFELD: THE COMPLETE SERIES" on 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray on December 17. 3 months ago:
Oh awesome! I’m looking forward to this one
- Comment on Which Drywall Anchor is Best? Let's find out! - Project Farm (17:10) 5 months ago:
Love this channel, I’ve watched his videos for a couple years now. His scientific method can leave a lot to be desired at times, but it’s still great information and I always keep them in mind.
This is one of the more iconic ones, in my mind, but he’s still going strong today
- Comment on New Technology Connections: Door closers: ubiquitous, yet unloved and often maladjusted 6 months ago:
I have one in my garage and you’d better believe I’m going to inspect it now
- Comment on 15 years ago today: Keeping your refrigerator stocked 6 months ago:
The streamer Atrioc recently made a comment about old videos like this that really makes me think every time I see an old one recently.
He pointed out how our media consumption has completely changed, and that for many of the most viral videos 10 years ago, people wouldn’t even make it halfway through them if they were posted today.
“Charlie bit my finger” was so popular but if it had been released today would be absolutely ignored. The actual bite doesn’t happen for 20 seconds which is longer than most short form content
- Comment on high energy expenditure 6 months ago:
I just wish people were less aggressive when arguing on the internet. It just gets so vitriolic and about winning rather than finding the truth
I also hate when people think “downvote = disagree” when that’s really not what we should be using it for. I never down vote in a debate (unless they get rude or offensive) and I always feel bad when someone comes along and down votes the person I’m arguing with! Now they’re going to think it’s me doing it and get angry!
- Comment on is there a trustworthy SMS MMS app for Android that's not Google? 6 months ago:
- Comment on is there a trustworthy SMS MMS app for Android that's not Google? 6 months ago:
- Comment on Any recommendations for digitizing DV tapes? 7 months ago:
Update: Found the cable, but connecting to the computer results in an unrecognized device. Sony stopped hosting the drivers in 2019, so I fear I may be out of luck in terms of a USB connection - unless I risk downloading a driver off the internet which I’m not inclined to do…
- Comment on Any recommendations for digitizing DV tapes? 7 months ago:
I’ll check and see if I have a Mini-USB lying around somewhere and plug it in and see what happens. Ideally I’d prefer not to have to install software to record but I suppose if it results in the best video quality that may be the best option
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 12 comments
- Comment on Are cars with AWD worth it compared to FWD. 7 months ago:
I think AWD is widely unnecessary for most people in most climates. It is just an unnecessary feature to sell you a more expensive car.
I have lived in snowier climates my whole life and have also driven 2WD vehicles the entire time. I have only gotten stuck once, and I know that for a fact because I remember it being surprising that it had never happened before. You really don’t need it if you just drive carefully when conditions are suboptimal.
AWD gives you a false sense of invincibility as well. It’s important to keep in mind that “all wheel drive” does not mean better stopping. If you’re going to stop, more wheels with power doesn’t help. And in terms of dangerous situations, it’s usually the lack of stopping that’s the problem, not the lack of going.
There are also issues with fuel efficiency to consider. AWD vehicles generally get lower fuel efficiency compared to 2WD versions of the same car.
Overall, no, you really shouldn’t get AWD unless you really need the feature.
- Comment on Firefox search box jumps focus to address bar 7 months ago:
To be fair, moving to the top allows for much more space for the list of predictions, so there’s at least some benefit to ir
- Comment on Why is the US not considered a third world country? 7 months ago:
I’m sorry but that’s still the meaning of the term. I know it is colloquially understood to mean a “poor” country, but we shouldn’t ignore the original intent.
Also, please don’t tell me how my country is. I quite literally live here. I can read every article online that you can, plus I can go outside and see it for myself. We know we have problems, we aren’t ignorant to them - at least not all of us - and they’re nowhere near as bad as some commentors on this post believe they are.
- Comment on Why is the US not considered a third world country? 7 months ago:
It’s a cold war term - basically, first world is the US and capitalist countries, second world is the Soviet and communist countries, and third world are the unaffiliated.
It’s slightly more nuanced than that, but that’s the basic summary.
- Comment on Dr Disrespect finally shares why he was banned from Twitch 8 months ago:
Didn’t he cheat on his wife and get caught as well?
- Comment on While garage sale-ing recently, I found some old VHS tapes - I've now decided I want to start a personal archive and digitize these types of obscure tapes 8 months ago:
This is excellent advice, thank you! I especially appreciate the video, and I hadn’t even thought about framerates varying - very good to remember.
I’ll look into cleaning the VCR soon. I got if off of Ebay so the odds the person selling cleaned it is 20/60, so definitely worth a shot.
Got any advice for audio that’s particularly noisy, or would that be resolved by cleaning the heads
- While garage sale-ing recently, I found some old VHS tapes - I've now decided I want to start a personal archive and digitize these types of obscure ↗Submitted 8 months ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on PSA DINOS ARE BACK BABY 🦕 8 months ago:
Oh fuck I’m old now
- Comment on What have we done? 8 months ago:
This is one of my all-time favorite memes ever. It never fails to make me smile and then I’m thinking about it for the next twenty minutes
- Comment on lies I believed as a kid 8 months ago:
I’ve always found his videos so charming but I really wish they were longer and told a more engaging story. Like his Subway tales
- Comment on How am I supposed to decide who to vote for in local elections? 8 months ago:
I would look up your local paper specifically, if you haven’t already. They aren’t always going to show up in search results.
My local paper often does a brief “meet the candidates” piece for the city council, so you may find the same. Although they won’t have everything all the time
- Comment on How am I supposed to decide who to vote for in local elections? 8 months ago:
Just checked this site out and it looks pretty superb on the surface. Each candidate has links to the sites and social media, their experiences and stances are aggregated there and there’s an option to contribute more information.
The true test will be to see how it handles extremely local candidates like the school board, which I struggled to find information on in the last election.
- Comment on Why Didn't Democrats Do More When They Controlled Both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court During Obama's First Term? 9 months ago:
I would imagine its a case of mutually assured destruction. Neither wants to repeal it because they know once they do, they open up Pandora’s box and Congress will be even more of a disaster than it currently is
- Comment on Why Didn't Democrats Do More When They Controlled Both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court During Obama's First Term? 9 months ago:
Less nice, more realizing that would remove their ability to stop the Republicans when the political winds inevitability shift the other way
- Comment on Nature Valley: 10 bars in 5 packs 9 months ago:
The US has a lot of bullshit in their labeling requirements. My wife studied food science in university and some of her biggest complaints are:
- Serving sizes aren’t always the entire package*
- "Natural" has almost no meaning on a package, it is just a hand-waving word
- They can hide a lot of things in the ingredients under umbrella terms like “spices” and “flavorings”
- “Made with real juice” does not mean it was made with the juice on the label. For example, a pineapple fruit juice may be more apple juice than actually pineapple juice
- They can round down to 0 calories if the actual amount is below 5
The most egregious example I’ve seen lately was a jar of pickles I bought where the serving size is 1/3 of a pickle (now the website says 1/2). That’s just so that the sodium doesn’t get out of control and, in all likelihood, because an entire pickle may be more than the 5 Calories allowed to say it’s “0 Calories”.
*This is changing, slowly. Manufacturers now have to put servings for the entire container if it’s small enough
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago: