- Comment on Lightning bugs 9 months ago:
Not climate change, artificial illumination. As humanity spreads, it destroys more and more…
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
What he probably means is that due to supply and demand, meat is actually oversupplied and whether you buy it or not it will still be produced
Or some other economical shit like that idk
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
Because you’re annoying ass fucking puritans
- Comment on Comedy has peaked ladies and gentlemen 9 months ago:
Wake up babe new EU slander just dropped
- Comment on Anon can’t have a factual argument 9 months ago:
“white”? Define white. Most European countries consist of multiple different ethnicities
Even middle eastern countries are incredibly diverse (Iran for example is home to like 5+ different people)
- Comment on Anon can’t have a factual argument 9 months ago:
You also radiate Hitler Particles in mass numbers
Sorry man, but the hutlerite shit takes I see online in Poland is disproportionately bigger than any other country, even the 🅱️altiks
- Comment on eyecandyn't 9 months ago:
- Comment on Everything is Statistics 10 months ago:
Basically me
Statistics 1? Fine, not like I’m about to use this shit
Simulation of Discrete systems: “Hello, did you order one serving of ass fuck?”
- Comment on Edited in Signal 10 months ago:
A lot of Chinese phones use Snapdragon, so you can rest easy knowing Chinese companies don’t have access to your location or some other bullshit
Meanwhile NSA has their hands up your ass
This entire “technological sinophobia” is nothing but the evolution of yellow peril racism
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Shut the fuck up
- Comment on New best friend for life! 10 months ago:
Actually nostalgic
- Comment on Anon fails the Xbox check 10 months ago:
The world unironically went to shit after 2014
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Brother the shit they say over there is fucking vile
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
It’s one of those jokes that’s only a joke if it starts trouble, however in other circumstances they are stone cold sober Blood and Soil off brand knockoff Nazis
- Comment on and they were roommates 10 months ago:
پشمام اینجا جای کوچیکیه واقعا
- Comment on and they were roommates 10 months ago:
برادر من چرا اینجا راه افتادی کسشعر میگی؟ از هزار نسل قبل تا امروزه بچه بازی و شاهد بازی جزو کثافت ترین و رزل ترین چیزها محسوب شده توی تاریخ و فرهنگ ایران وحتی هیچگونه ربطی به گی بودن نداره و درواقع نوعی پدوفیلیا هستش ما لازم نیست بیایم رویزیونیسم فرهنگی راه بندازیم که جلوه بدیم آره مثلا فرهنگ گی توی ایران بوده آقا نبوده، اولین قدم برای پیشرفت قبول کاستی های نسل های قبله و شاهد بازی و بچه بازی هیچ گونه ربطی به گی بودن نداشته و نداره
- Comment on Windows 10 is the last version of Windows 10 months ago:
The telemetry of Windows 10 back in 2015 ain’t got jack shit on the adware craziness they got years later
- Comment on 'The Matrix' Is Getting a Fifth Movie—Without a Wachowski Directing | Wired 10 months ago:
Considering the last two shtiheaps I’ve seen with wachowski name on it, damn good
- Comment on Been wishing this community was more active, decided to be the change. Anyways I felt cute, running Arch KDE on a Thinkpad. 11 months ago:
Literally the “arch user” meme
- Comment on Pierogi were good though 11 months ago:
Bro, the USSR stopped influencing Poland 40 years ago, please don’t blame the failures of your shitty rightoid government on a country that’s been dead for fucking decades
- Comment on Plastic tea bags 11 months ago:
It’s not plastic
- Comment on octopus stinkhorn 11 months ago:
Maybe despite it’s shite smell it’s like super duper delicious and nobody has tried until now?
- Comment on How many Star Trek fans will see red because they don't see red? 1 year ago:
Or maybe this is TOS era uniforms