- Comment on i will never understand scientific fraud 6 months ago:
The amount of grands they get is enough to understand how one might be inclined to continue/prolong the research project they are doing. On the other hand there is the sunk cost fallacy. They spend all this time and effort on a research subject basically staking their whole carriers on it being right or giving results and they can’t give up. I’m guessing most is doing it because of the sunk cost fallacy.
- Comment on People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam 6 months ago:
I see your Vietnam toilet paper and raise it with with my paradoxical environmental savings whatever this is (lights were on when this picture taken): Image
- Comment on Ma? 7 months ago:
This escalated quickly…
- Comment on PSI 9 months ago:
I had 2 red parrots over 30 years ago. I can’t remember the species name. They used to flex the metal bars of the cage when they were bored. I had to bought heavy-duty gloves to handle them even than one of them bite me on my left pinky with the gloves and pierced the glove and my finger. Of I haven’t got the gloves on I’m pretty sure it would have ripped my finger off or caused severe injury.
- Comment on Thoughts on Space Games, Part 1: Top-5 AAA Games 9 months ago:
I’m glad you liked it. Enjoy.
- Comment on Thoughts on Space Games, Part 1: Top-5 AAA Games 9 months ago:
I’m a Freelancer fan as well. I was looking for a game like that since then. And now it seems there is kind of a successor to the Freelancer. store.steampowered.com/app/1111930/Underspace/
- Comment on math checks out 9 months ago:
Have you ever played Magic the Gathering Arena? Because they use the same algorithm I swear on everything I hold dear and valuable to me.
- Comment on Anon thinks about CPUs 9 months ago:
Give me a break… I’m still trying to wrap my head around how transistors work. For a layman this is like magic.
- Comment on Anon thinks about CPUs 9 months ago:
When I learned about how they are making the new CPUs it blew my mind. Dropping a microscopic droplet of metal and blasting it with lasers to a stencil like thingy to create the nanometer circuitry. I was like how the fuck did you even thought about doing that?.. Technologies like these are really marvelous.
- Comment on Know the difference!!! 9 months ago:
And me still not giving a Fuck…
- Comment on Don't let your dreams be memes ✨️ 10 months ago:
I might have anger issues because any time someone tells me to touch grass I want to just violently make them eat the said touching grass.
- Comment on ENDLESS Legend is Currently Free to Claim on Steam 10 months ago:
Thanks for sharing.
- Comment on Gotta love moms 10 months ago:
To be honest I’m surprised that looking at this picture the first thing that came to my mind was mitochondria and not amoeba. I don’t even remember the last time I had any lessons about biology.
- Comment on Dashcam footage clears man of felony charge after showing constable injuring himself 10 months ago:
The good old but he did that so he must be held responsible for this argument. I hope that one day you’ll be caught in a similar situation but without the cam footage to save you.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I’m a gamer and I love it. Without it I wouldn’t be able to play my favorite such as Open Transport Tycoon or OpenRA. We need more to make old games better.
- Comment on PowerWash Simulator x Warhammer 40,000 - Official Release Date Trailer 1 year ago:
Just couple days back my friend was asking if there are any good new Warhammer 40k games. I’ll see what he will have to say about this one lol.
- Comment on NIDUS released on Steam 1 year ago:
Tripping game of the year award goes to…
- Comment on Not there 1 year ago:
So this is why it wasn’t working. People were doing it wrong. You supposed to piss on the jelly.