- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 3 days ago:
Yo if you’re ever in the mood, I’d love to talk more about the subject with you. You might be the only person I’ve ever seen to actually talk about this topic the way I understand it.
- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 3 days ago:
No this guy actually understands what he’s talking about. He may not be articulating it the best, but his argument is not false. What he’s essentially saying is that based on what we understand now, the brain must be a machine in some sense that can do computations.
The only reason this is the case is because logically unless new physics arises this must be the case. So it’s not the brain is a computer like we have now, it’s that all things that process and handle information systematically must do computation. What that looks like and what each unit does it what we don’t get.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
What game were you referring to with this
- Comment on Hungry Lions 5 months ago:
This doesn’t answer the primary concern though. Do male lions have the same hunt participation rate after being in a pride? All this paper talks about is strategy. Everyone knows male lions hunt, they have to before they get a pride. But what about after? Do they hunt at the same rate? Or just stop altogether?
- Comment on Centipedes Don't Fuck 7 months ago:
The head tail goes hard
- Comment on Anon encounters a Switch owner 11 months ago:
I would replace it with nothing since the system did not support interesting problem nor encourage creative solutions, it just made me button mash more to get more weapons to replace my broken ones. Once I turned it off I felt free to experiment with interesting ways to kill enemies since I wasn’t worried about my weapons anymore.