- Comment on Unsealed Court Docs Show Top Gender Medical Org Twisting Science For Politics, Colluding With Biden Admin Official 8 months ago:
Various health services throughout Europe are not provide tranny services for minors.
- Comment on Exclusive: Farage: Capitalism is Dead, We're Living in Corporatism 8 months ago:
There are good free market capitalists who are trying to expose corporatism to distinguish it from capitalism with healthy competition that makes locally owned services and businesses, some of those even get to know their customers. Coporations believe they are entitled to everybody else’s money while only doing the token minimal for very large amounts of money.
- Comment on GERMANY: Woman Convicted Of “Offending” Migrant Gang Rapists Receives Longer Prison Sentence Than The Rapists - The Publica 8 months ago:
The case sounds right, because it is a crime against humanity to hurt someone’s feelings. I would assume that using words deemed offensive would merrit the death penalty.
- Comment on Disney Executive Caught on Tape: ‘There’s No Way We’re Hiring a White Man' 8 months ago:
It’s not self hatred, it’s a psychological ploy to turn raise into a fetish to intentionally sabatoge the very people they claim to support.
Black Lives Matter burned down black own businesses and swindle money from black people through donations that went to the Democrat party. White power.
Antifa who beat conservatives and and any non-whites who like Republicans. White power.
The Spanish mass immigration is to have them as slaves to pick their crops. White power
Look at all race discussions as a physchological tacttic that signals only the white savior can fix everyone’s struggles.
- Comment on Disney Executive Caught on Tape: ‘There’s No Way We’re Hiring a White Man' 8 months ago:
Will Disney fire 100% of their white exployees, fire white CEO, fire white board member, and make Disney a 100% non-white corporation, and only hire 100% non-white actors in Hollywood so there are zero white actors and zero white artists in Disney movies and TV?
- Comment on Supreme Court upholds law barring domestic abusers from owning guns in major Second Amendment ruling | CNN Politics 8 months ago:
I will never report any person I know if they do something that is within the consitution but has a criminal conviction, there is no crime. If a convict has a gun, I ignore the law and treat them as being within their rights if the gun is currently being used in a criminal matter.
- Comment on Supreme Court upholds law barring domestic abusers from owning guns in major Second Amendment ruling | CNN Politics 8 months ago:
And after they have been released from incarceration, I treat them as still posessing every and all constituional rights.
- Comment on Supreme Court upholds law barring domestic abusers from owning guns in major Second Amendment ruling | CNN Politics 8 months ago:
And I reject all of that. I say a felon can still vote, hold office, and own guns. When I find out a convict has firearms or guns, I do not report them because I protect their eternal right to own guns, unrestricted, regardless of a record.
- Comment on Supreme Court upholds law barring domestic abusers from owning guns in major Second Amendment ruling | CNN Politics 8 months ago:
Every and all kinds of convictions will never negate or nulify consituional rights. A criminal still keeps 100% of consituional rights. No law restricts a constituional right.
- Comment on Supreme Court upholds law barring domestic abusers from owning guns in major Second Amendment ruling | CNN Politics 8 months ago:
I reject a felony affecting individual rights. I will never report anyone with a conviction for possessing guns.
- Comment on Supreme Court upholds law barring domestic abusers from owning guns in major Second Amendment ruling | CNN Politics 8 months ago:
I reject the idea that any criminal convition nulifies an absolute right.
Someone is convicted of assault and battery, armed robbery, homocide, etc., they may still possess firearms. Laws do not prevent mass murder, street gangs have unlimited fire power, blackmarket sellers don’t ask why someone is buying it, thereby people are butt studpid to believe a law will forever eliminate homicide.
It’s a cultural problem in society, not a gun problem. If I had a neighbour who was in prison and now has multiple firearms for sport shooting, I might try to be friends with that person to go shooting together and listen to how they changed their life from their prison days.
- Comment on Supreme Court upholds law barring domestic abusers from owning guns in major Second Amendment ruling | CNN Politics 8 months ago:
How will a supreme ruling prevent individuals selling illegal firearms? I support 100% of the population owning illegal firearms because it is aninanimate object, only the manner in how it is discharged that makes it a crime. If I find out someone bought a black market weapon, I treat it as a legal valid purchase. Society’s problem with guns is a cultural problem and a moral problem, not a gun problem.
- Comment on Deport every illegal migrant who preys on the innocent —immediately 8 months ago:
You could do that, there is no violate. They have no legal status in the country, thereby they have no legal protection.
I assume that you would never do that to someone who went to the border, got their passport stamped, and walked in, because they would have a record of their legal entry.
- Comment on Deport every illegal migrant who preys on the innocent —immediately 8 months ago:
No. Deport every illegal alien immediately.
- Comment on [Satire] Biden Announces Plan To Pretend To Care About The Border Until November 6 8 months ago:
There is no satire in that.
- Comment on Rep. Ilhan Makes Huge Error, Shows She Doesn't Know Meaning of Memorial Day 8 months ago:
Find an American that has any reverance for Memorial Day and how it started, compared to the number of Americans that only care about being a paid day off but not holiday it is.
- Comment on BREAKING: Hate crime charges DROPPED, no jail time for Christian vet who beheaded Satan statue at Iowa Capitol 9 months ago:
No, it’s the implications of individual terms that you have already posted. You say it is an individual right commit geneocide and mass murder. Look at your own terms that you said. It doesn’t matter the intent behind your words if that’s not what you meant. You used the terms, therefore you want the free exercise of genocide of humans and mass murder as fit.
- Comment on BREAKING: Hate crime charges DROPPED, no jail time for Christian vet who beheaded Satan statue at Iowa Capitol 9 months ago:
You’re not recognizing the implications of your own words and what the terms you use openly advocate for.
- Comment on BREAKING: Hate crime charges DROPPED, no jail time for Christian vet who beheaded Satan statue at Iowa Capitol 9 months ago:
I did address it, like you advocating for indiscriminate homocide but not discriminate homocide, only indiscriminate homocide you support.
- Comment on BREAKING: Hate crime charges DROPPED, no jail time for Christian vet who beheaded Satan statue at Iowa Capitol 9 months ago:
In country where anyone is caught with drugs has their head cut off in ooen public. Anyone caught in the act of homosexuality is publicly hung. A mother who attempts to have her child killed, she herself is killed. You can never fight authoritarian regimes until you decide that it’s better for you to die or be killed in the fight than to let the regime continue. Forget about North America, forget about Europe, pay attention to other places where national governments are holding weekly executions in 2024 for citizens not obeying government mandates.
- Comment on BREAKING: Hate crime charges DROPPED, no jail time for Christian vet who beheaded Satan statue at Iowa Capitol 9 months ago:
You are using the specific example of a homeless person for emotiobal manipulation purposes of normalcy bias.
- Comment on BREAKING: Hate crime charges DROPPED, no jail time for Christian vet who beheaded Satan statue at Iowa Capitol 9 months ago:
Hate crime? What kind of a crime can someone commit absent of all motivated by ill will or hate? There is no universal recognition of such a thing exists. The absence of violent does equate to a peaceful environment.
- Comment on AOC rips Fetterman for comparing House to 'Jerry Springer' show: 'I stand up to bullies' 9 months ago:
He is the best Democrat that America has seen in a very long time. I disagree with him but I don’t have any problems with him.
- Comment on Chinese Communist Party-linked network behind 'well-funded' anti-Israel campus protests, group says 9 months ago:
Do you want to abolish voting in the same way Hamas has never allowed a public election since 2006 when they got in power? I don’t listen to conservative media, only libertarian or anti-government people because as the constitution says, there does come a time when the people must abolish the government. What sources of information do you have in Arabic or translated from Arabic of people in Gaza talking about living under Hamas with Hamas members for police officer, Hamas members run the courts, Hamas members run civic services, Hamas members run the government. Do you have information of what happens to people in Gaza that speak out against Hamas? What happens to anyone who makes a legal accusation against a member of Hamas?
- Comment on Chinese Communist Party-linked network behind 'well-funded' anti-Israel campus protests, group says 9 months ago:
The aid to Gaza is stolen by Hamas and people in Gaza have to pay for aid, they buy it, or Hamas keeps it. The top leaders of Hamas have billions of a dollars, with a “b”, what they have extorted from Gaza people and what they have stolen from donated cash. Even pipes for water tunnels and sewage in Gaza are stolen and turn the water pipes into rocket launchers.
- Comment on Chinese Communist Party-linked network behind 'well-funded' anti-Israel campus protests, group says 9 months ago:
Where are the public chants of death to Hamas? Where are the demands to protect Israeli lives from Hamas genocide?
- Comment on Chinese Communist Party-linked network behind 'well-funded' anti-Israel campus protests, group says 9 months ago:
What are doing to demand protction of Israeli lives from PIJ, Hamas, and others?
- Comment on Chinese Communist Party-linked network behind 'well-funded' anti-Israel campus protests, group says 9 months ago:
Hamas kills people in Gaza at will, and anybody else that wants to leave Gaza has to give cash to Hamas before they are allowed out to cross the border.
- Comment on Chinese Communist Party-linked network behind 'well-funded' anti-Israel campus protests, group says 9 months ago:
Also look at the Tides Foundation involvement.
- Comment on Chinese Communist Party-linked network behind 'well-funded' anti-Israel campus protests, group says 9 months ago:
Are you for or against the people of Gaza committing rape against women ad killing Israeli babies and children on Oct 7?