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- Comment on James Mangold's Star Wars Movie Will Not Be 'Handcuffed By Lore' 1 week ago:
Rise of Skywalker was the last Star Wars property I’ll ever watch. I haven’t even watched the originals ever since then.
Others are free to feel differently, but Disney killed Star Wars. I’m not even angry, I don’t feel anything about Star Wars anymore, aside from apathy.
- Comment on As if the tip actually goes to the dashers. 1 year ago:
You realize that gig economy is the neoliberal slang for a poverty class work, right?
So you’re criticizing people who are forced by the system in which we live, to be ordered around by a fucking algorithm, and then take abuse from people who have enough money to NOT work in the gig economy, but no where near enough to actually own the servant class they get off on abusing.