- Comment on Jackbox Games coming to Smart TVs for free 4 days ago:
Still not enough a reason to connect my TV to the internet.
- Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News 1 week ago:
I like the idea of RetroDeck over EmuDeck, but a couple things hold me back.
- When an emulator goes under (a la Yuzu) does it get removed from the RetroDeck package on the next update, or does the already installed emulator stay put?
- Ryujinx has been declared legacy (no longer updated) as of RetroDeck 0.9b, but a fork of the project still continues to receive updates. EmuDeck’s Ryujinx pulls from this repo, where as RetroDeck’s source is dated. Is there a way to switch over within RetroDeck?
- Comment on What interesting can I do with a dedicated GPU? 2 weeks ago:
The small horse is just getting a good sniff, and no feet isn’t unsettling.
- Comment on What interesting can I do with a dedicated GPU? 2 weeks ago:
Those front hooves scare me
- Comment on Framework (2nd Gen) Event is live on February 25th - Framework holding new product launch in 2 weeks 3 weeks ago:
This has been the main thing holding me back from purchasing a framework laptop
- Comment on Demo: FreeSpace 2 Open with head tracking from Viture Pro XR glasses IMU data 5 weeks ago:
Amazing. I will always be excited by FSO news. The Hardlight forums still send me my annual birthday email.
- Comment on The $900 Ayaneo 3 is the most exciting PC handheld the company’s yet made 1 month ago:
Which is what I mean - any way you slice it, this has 2 inputs less than the Steam Deck (I haven’t looked for the number of grip buttons on this thing).
I don’t use all the input options on every single game, but there are plenty that I do (namely shooters like Deep Rock, Helldivers, etc and macro heavy RPGs like DA Inquisition)
- Comment on [Lunacid] All features of Vampire characters 1 month ago:
ERP = erotic role play?
- Comment on The $900 Ayaneo 3 is the most exciting PC handheld the company’s yet made 1 month ago:
Dunno. Despite the swappable inputs, there is still no way to get trackpad + joystick + buttons/dpad at the same time.
- Comment on I mean, that's literally the opposite of what I want 1 month ago:
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 1 month ago:
So much for Nintendo’s previous naming conventions. I was really hoping for the New Super Nintendo Switch U.
- Comment on Against Google Monopoly in the web: Building a truly independent browser using Servo as a web engine! - Servo, the embeddable, independent, memory-safe, modular, parallel web rendering engine 1 month ago:
I don’t think internet explorer uses the blink engine…
- Comment on Lenovo is removing the iconic Trackpoint with its new ThinkPad X9 2 months ago:
If a laptop has a touchscreen, then I’m fine without a Trackpoint.
Lacking the touchscreen, I will use the Trackpoint more than the track pad.
- Comment on This message will not go away unless I agree to their spyware. 2 months ago:
- Comment on GOG reportedly suffering from staff turnover and poor management: “Current business model is likely running out of steam” 2 months ago:
I switch over to desktop to install new games, but that isn’t strictly necessary - you could run Heroic in game mode and install from there.
Once a game is installed through Heroic it will automatically add a shortcut (I.e. Non-Steam game) to Steam. For the shortcut to be visible, however, the Steam client needs to be restarted. This is why I switch to desktop for all my installing needs then reboot in to game mode. When playing, I never need to leave game mode.
- Comment on GOG reportedly suffering from staff turnover and poor management: “Current business model is likely running out of steam” 2 months ago:
The easy way is with the Heroic Game Launcher. Log in to your GOG account and direct install.
- Comment on Outer Worlds 2 no longer exclusive to Xbox, is now coming to PS5 – WGB 2 months ago:
Not entirely. Sony has been releasing games to PC.
- Comment on Ultimate Sheep Raccoon - Reveal Trailer 2 months ago:
How old are they?
- Comment on TRIBES: The Most Influential FPS You (Probably) Never Played [video essay 52:59] 2 months ago:
I loved Tribes. The verticality, the freedom of movement, the timing of slow moving projectiles. It’s one of the few multiplayer FPS that I sunk time in to and got quite competent at.
The only other game to scratch the freedom of movement itch in the same way was AVP2, playing as the Alien (wall walking, pouncing across the map, etc) though obviously it didn’t have a lot of the same features.
Tribes is so far behind me that I don’t remember any of the people, servers, etc that I played on, but I do remember my nick: Guy In The Sky.
As others mentioned… Mods. I frequently played Renegades, but I believe HaVoC was my favourite.
Oh, and PlanetTribes/PlanetStarsiege? F.
- Comment on TRIBES: The Most Influential FPS You (Probably) Never Played [video essay 52:59] 2 months ago:
Oh my goodness. Thank you, checking this out.
- Comment on TRIBES: The Most Influential FPS You (Probably) Never Played [video essay 52:59] 2 months ago:
I think “Renegades”?
- Comment on 'I want to acknowledge that we messed up': NZXT addresses concerns about its controversial Flex gaming PC rental program and commits to taking action 2 months ago:
Biodegradable silicone would be kinda cool.
That said, the 2 months wait and uncertainty of products seems to be a thing of the past (based on the things I purchase, not like I’m ordering skinny jeans), as most stuff arrives in 2 weeks and hasn’t made it to the trash.
Though Canada Post being on strike is likely to bugger that up.
- Comment on 'I want to acknowledge that we messed up': NZXT addresses concerns about its controversial Flex gaming PC rental program and commits to taking action 2 months ago:
I looked at ordering a soldering mat to support them, but couldn’t justify $50 when aliexpress was selling them for $3.
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 3 months ago:
I have a peculiar set of skills.
- Comment on Found this while going through old stuff. I'm terrible at chess, but I would play expecting to lose just to watch the animations. 3 months ago:
Think of all the effort you spent when you could have just waited 36 years to watch a video compilation instead.
- Comment on Kamala Harris' 'Fortnite' map bans guns, has less than 400 people playing 4 months ago:
That is straight up horrifying.
- Comment on Remedy Has Recouped 'Most' of the Development and Marketing Expenses for Alan Wake 2 4 months ago:
Bit of awkward phrasing, but the commentator was not talking about Steam exclusivity - rather having it available on Steam (in addition to wherever else it was available).
If only != only on
- Comment on In the era of remakes and remasters, what niche game would you like to see receive the treatment? 4 months ago:
Starsiege: Tribes, or Alien vs Predator (2).
Both had degrees of movement that I absolutely loved (Alien wall climbing in AvP).
I understand that I should probably check out Titanfall 2 for similar reasons.
- Comment on We only learnt of our son’s secret online life after he died at 20 5 months ago:
I wish I was still connected with those I played NWN with. Bastions of War, an arena PvP server, let to same great squad play - and from there we expanded to other servers under the moniker “Cult of Discord” or CoD.
Why all the detail? Wishful thinking that when one of the other post members decides to search for Cult of Discord (as I occasionally do) that they turn up a result.
- Comment on Godot fork- Redot emerges after recent events within the Godot project. 5 months ago:
Two letters. 100% more effective than 1 letter.