- Comment on Anon cheats through college 2 weeks ago:
I don’t think that’s quite accurate.
The “understand it well enough to explain it to a professor” clause is carrying a lot of weight here - if that part is fulfilled, then yeah, you’re actually learning something.
Unless of course, all of the professors are awful at their jobs too. Most of mine were pretty good at asking very pointed questions to figure out what you actually know, and could easily unmask a bullshit artist with a short conversation.
- Comment on they keep ruining it but I persist 6 months ago:
A single strand would be a delight. I seem to always get a full face full of web.
- Comment on Anon works in a restaurant 6 months ago:
As someone who works in taste
Is this an exotic way of saying that your a chef?
- Comment on Anon makes up a word 7 months ago:
I cannot make sense of this comment. Perhaps someone can sprinkle in some punctuation?
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 11 comments
- Comment on Anon meets his brother 7 months ago:
Sometimes there are very good reasons for a family member being “long lost.”
- Comment on Anon is your financial advisor 7 months ago:
That’s true, they can be a bright spot in a dark sea of overpriced used crap.
Unfortunately that seems to be fading too though. It seems like in-person ones are usually the only time that happens though, and many of them are moving online. That means you’re competing with everyone else who knows how to use auction sites besides ebay.
Maybe I’m just looking for the wrong things though. Collectibles outside of my interests may be experiencing different trends.
- Comment on Anon is your financial advisor 7 months ago:
Flipping second-hand goods hasn’t been viable at any large in over a decade. Too many people know how to use the Internet now, and usually google their shit before it goes on the garage sale or flea market table. The days of finding that rare vase or vintage toy that the owner doesn’t know the value of are gone.
- Comment on Anon is a real 4channer and definitely not a fed 8 months ago:
That’s probably for the best.
I spent 4 years in the USMC and have a very complicated relationship with my time enlisted. There is a lot I’m proud of, but there’s also a lot that would be nice to forget.
- Comment on Anon is a real 4channer and definitely not a fed 8 months ago:
Some portions of the ASVAB have questions very similar to those you might find on an IQ test, but it is much more broad than just IQ.
- Comment on Anon is a real 4channer and definitely not a fed 8 months ago:
The ASVAB tests for aptitude, hence the name, not the ability to step into a job without training. Looks up practice questions for the Mechanical Comprehension portion to see the kinds of questions that might suggest someone could be a good mechanic.
The U.S. army absolutely does provide training to its mechanics, and does not assume people know jack shit coming in. I scored high enough on the MM portion of the ASVAB to be one and don’t don’t know a damn thing about fixing vehicles.
- Comment on Calculus made easy 9 months ago:
It’s all triangles.
Sure. The relate different properties of triangles or periodic phenomena.
But can you explain what a “sine” operation is actually doing? Algebra and calculus can pretty much all be explained in terms of basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. But. I’m in the same boat as - trig operations feel like a black box where one number goes in and a different number comes out. I am comfortable using them and understand their patterns, but don’t really get them.
- Comment on Anon revisits early youtube 9 months ago:
Titty pics just hit different when they’re rendered in 16 colors on Windows 3.1.
Not 16-bit color, just 16 colors.
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
For the physical part? A couple cents per phone sold.
But it’s also one less part for for the circuit board designers to accomodate in their ever-shrinking layouts, one less part to inventory, track, and warehouse, one less behavior to verify by Q&A, one less SW and/or HDL code module to maintain, etc etc etc. When you look at the entire design, verification, and manufacturing process, multiplied by millions of units, every part and behavior carries a cost.
There are plenty of valid reasons to crap on the major phone manufacturers, especially when they take away features and capabilities we like. But “it’s just one small part” usually isn’t one of them.